Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2956: ready

Qin Shuang scanned the goods for three days, and then flew towards the void with the heavenly venerables. At this time, in the town demon tower, the town elder had already begun to refine the formation flag.


The star road flickered, and various celestial phenomena appeared in front of the monks, some of them were comprehensible, and some were extremely dangerous. Zhong Tianzun wants to choose a place where he can do his best. This requires eliminating some celestial interference and looking for a relatively safe galaxy.

Everyone has been flying towards the depths of the starry sky, and finally chose a larger galaxy, which is made up of more than a hundred stars. Both sides are optimistic about this galaxy. The Holy Land side and the Hundred Clan have selected ten planets on the edge of this galaxy. The two sides face each other, and there are dozens of planets in the middle. There is no doubt that at the beginning of the confrontation, the planets of their respective choices will not be directly used as battlefields, but dozens of planets in the middle will be used as battlefields.

After confirming the battlefield of both sides, the three Heavenly Sovereigns of the Hundred Clan returned immediately, but Xu Qinyang did not return immediately, but allocated ten planets. Xu Qinyang’s Taixu Zong is responsible for four planets, and Xu Qinyang will be the leader, so he chose the four planets in the middle, and everyone agrees that Qin Shuang’s planet is next to the Tai Xu Zong’s planet, and the other side is Yunhao Tianzun. The planet of the Starlight Continent, so once Qin Shuang’s planet is in danger, Shangyuan Continent and Starlight Continent can also provide timely assistance.

After the allocation, everyone agreed to meet again in eight years and returned to the Taixu Sect again. Qin Shuang took his own sect and returned to the Barbarian Continent.

On the way, Lie Tianxing and others were very excited. During this period of time, they have been in Taixu Sect and some of the same realm experts in Taixu Sect. They have been constantly discussing and discussing the Tao, and they have benefited a lot. Everyone felt that they would go back this time. Retreat, you will get a breakthrough.

Qin Shuang knew that in eight years, it would be difficult for him and the three Tianzuns of Hunting Tianxing to make a breakthrough. The law of knitting chains is a time-consuming process.

Therefore, after going back to retreat, others may really make a breakthrough, while Hunting Tianxing means that there will be a breakthrough in the mood, and there will be no real breakthrough in the cultivation base.

Everyone is not in a hurry, there are still eight years, enough time for Heaven Xingzong to prepare. So it was more than three months after Qin Shuang and others returned to Tianxingzong.

Back to Tianxingzong, he immediately summoned the high-level sect in the discussion hall, explained the matter of the battle of a hundred clans in detail, and then handed the matter to the three Tianzuns of Hunting Tianxing, and gathered all parties on the barbaric continent. The overlord or patriarch of the power.

According to the agreement made by the two parties, each continent must also have the law monks, because they have to beware of the Chaos Clan. But the law monks were not allowed to take action. Once there is a cultivator of law on that continent, the hostile party can attack this continent with all its strength, but the alliance of this continent does not allow assistance.

For example, the cultivators of the Barbaric Continent didn't hold back their shots at once, and the Hundred Clan could attack the Barbaric Continent in an alliance, and even the peak of the Heavenly Sovereign could do it. But the Holy Land Alliance does not allow assistance. vice versa. Therefore, the Barbaric Continent at this time must be highly unified, under the leadership of Qin Shuang, order and prohibit.

Fortunately, the Barbarian Continent was already highly unified, and the Barbarian tribe had become the mounts of the Human race, and the forces of all parties could not be compared with the Skywalker.

Tianxingzong now has four Heavenly Sovereigns, but the other forces do not even have a human respect. The Immortal Emperor Peak is still their highest cultivation base. So, how can it not be highly unified?

Qin Shuang's idea is different from the six holy places.

There are still 60% of the laws of chaos in the six holy places, and naturally there are a large number of chaotic races and chaotic beasts. Therefore, while the Six Great Sacred Grounds are at war with the Hundred Clan, they must also guard against the Chaos Clan, which is bound to leave a lot of law monks. Once a war with the Chaos Race breaks out, at least it will be able to withstand a period of time, be able to notify the monks fighting in the starry sky in time, and then return to the mainland to resist the Chaos Race.

This is also the place where the Six Great Sacred Sites hate the Hundred Clan the most. Now the Chaos Clan has not been wiped out. In fact, the Chaos Clan is no weaker than the Hundred Clan on every continent. But at this time, the Hundred Clan is going to fight against the six holy places, killing each other, and the result is likely to make the Chaos Clan a bargain.

From the perspective of the six sacred places, this is simply disregarding the safety of the fairy world.

However, the Hundreds have no alternative. Who would have caused the saints of the six holy places to be in trouble during this time period! I missed this opportunity, is there any chance in the future?

Therefore, not only the six holy places will leave at least one-fifth of the law monks, but also the hundred races.

However, Qin Shuang was not prepared to leave so many.

Because now there is no Chaos Race in the Barbarian Continent, and a city has been built over the passage, blocking the passage. If the Chaos Race wants to invade from other continents, it will also pay an extremely heavy price. Therefore, there is no need for Barman Continent to leave so many law monks. But Qin Shuang wants to guard a planet in the starry sky, but the pressure is very high, and a lot of law monks are needed. Although it is said that the five holy places other than Taixuzong will support some of the law monks, the safest thing is to rely on yourself.

Therefore, Qin Shuang decided to leave only six law monks in the Manman Continent, one at each of the Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor, Human Respect, Earth Respect, and Heaven Respect. What's more, all the monks of Tianxingzong were left, and the monks of the rules of other forces, one did not stay, and they had to follow Qin Shuang to the starry sky.

After explaining all this, Qin Shuang returned to Xianyue Peak and entered the Town Demon Tower.

From the beginning to the starry sky to determine the battlefield, it has been nearly a year, but it has been a thousand years in the town demon tower.

In thousands of years, the Zhenyao Pagoda has refined nearly 100 million array flags and consumed 80% of the materials purchased by Qin Shuang in Shangyuan Continent. Qin Shuang came in this time to forge nine altars.

The reason she dared to accept in Taixu Sect at the beginning and used all seven continents as battlefields. She was not afraid that a hundred tribes would take the lead in jointly attacking the Barbaric Continent. She was planning to set up a super large array to cover the entire Barbarian Continent. in.

Today, Qin Shuang has made progress in the Array Dao and Fu Dao. This is the result of the exhaustive experience of deriving the Array Dao and Fu Dao after learning from the virtual reality conversion of the Wanhuan ancestor. Although the transformation of virtuality and reality has not been studied yet, the formation roads and runes roads that have not been entered for a long time have been improved.

At the realm of Qin Shuang, if you want to upgrade the Array Dao and Fu Dao, you are no longer simply studying the Array Dao and Fu Dao. It is the understanding of the Heaven and Earth Dao that can promote the array Dao and Fu Dao. Now Qin Shuang's formation path and rune path can barely be regarded as a half-step saint level. Going further, maybe Qin Shuang will be able to become holy.


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