Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2965: Tianzun Sixth Floor

The ultimate immortal weapon, the power of the three-layer peak of the holy level, and the speed of the arrow can be avoided by a person?

not to mention……

He hasn't put Qin Shuang in his eyes!


At this time, the bowstring sounded in the air.

The person who was fighting with the monk in the Holy Land, his eyes shrank, his figure suddenly retreated. In his field of vision, four black dots shot towards him.

too fast!

It was too late to dodge, he quickly propped up the Yuanli shield, and then offered a shield to stand in front of him.


With a screaming scream, one of the four arrows originally shot at the buckler suddenly fell sharply, penetrated his feet, and nailed his feet to the ground. The pain of the distance made his hand tremble, and the buckler in front of him showed a gap.


An arrow pierced his shoulder.

The remaining two arrows were separated from the left and right, and shot past the buckler. An arc was drawn in the air and shot towards his back.

The figure of the Hundred Clan people suddenly jumped into the air, fleeing into the distance.


This time Qin Shuang only shot an arrow.


This is an arrow shot with full force, only speed, only speed is emphasized. That person didn't feel anything at all, his head was shot and his headless body fell from the air.

At this time, there were only two battlefields left in the sky and underground. The heavenly deity in the sky and the earth deity in the earth.

However, the two hundred monks did not panic. Although there are only two of them now, and there is a terrifying shooter. But with their two cultivation bases, they left with confidence and safety. However, the two monks had lost the idea of ​​fighting in their hearts.


The two monks each issued a strong supernatural power, forced their opponents back, and their eyes fell on Qin Shuang on the ground. Qin Shuang didn't shoot arrows at the two of them either. With the cultivation of these two monks, it was difficult to shoot them under deliberate attention. He just raised his face and smiled brightly at the two of them.

The surroundings were quiet, and even the sound of breathing was held. The Heavenly Sovereign and Earthly Sovereign of the Holy Land Alliance are vigilantly locking the Heavenly Sovereign and Earth Sovereign of the Hundred Clan to prevent the two of them from suddenly killing Qin Shuang. However, the two monks knew in their hearts that it was impossible to kill Qin Shuang in this situation, and their stature slowly retreated, then accelerated suddenly and disappeared from their vision.

Qin Shuang put away his bow and arrow and waved his hand to Zhang Ying beside him: "Goodbye!"

Then she walked away, she didn't like to act with these people, and delayed her hunting and killing the monks of the hundred races. The surrounding monks looked at each other, and did not react for a while, until Qin Shuang's back almost disappeared, Zhang Ying cried out in a flustered manner:

"Friends, you come back soon, you are too dangerous to be alone."

Qin's two heads also waved their hands without turning back, and his figure disappeared from the vision of the monks.

"Senior..." Zhang Ying raised her head and looked at the Tianzun in the sky.

The Tianzun fell from the sky, thinking for a moment, his face showed a mocking expression: "You don't have to worry about her, her cultivation level is probably higher than mine."


Everyone looked surprised, and then they were a little surprised. No matter how good the arrow is, no matter how good the arrow is, it is impossible to shoot Ren Zun so easily. People left because they felt that they were a burden.

An hour later.

Qin Shuang's mouth sneered.


Behind her, two cultivators fell down, it was the Heavenly Venerable and Earth Venerable that had retreated before.


The two monks were too lazy to talk to Qin Shuang, their hearts were full of killing intent, one after the other, they released their supreme way to Qin Shuang, and they had to thwart Qin Shuang's bones and ashes to reduce their Hate in the heart.


Qin Shuang's right foot stomped on the ground, but his figure was like a shooting star chasing the moon, shooting towards the opposite Tianzun. When he plunged into the Dao Fa released by the other party, that Tianzun looked flabbergasted.

She... is this looking for death?

Halfway through this thought, he saw that the Dao Fa he released had opened a gap. The gap was split by a sword, and behind that sword was the Qin Shuang.

A light spot appeared on the tip of that sword, and that light spot released a bright five-color light, which instantly magnified.

Five elements cut!


The Heavenly Sovereign was killed instantly, Qin doubled backhands with a sword, and another five-element cut towards the Earth Sovereign behind him. The Dao Law released by the Earth Venerable was instantly cut to pieces by the Five Elements Slash. The Earth Venerable only had time to show hopelessness in his eyes and was chopped to pieces by the Five Elements.


Qin Shuang released the Town Demon Tower, put away the chain of the law of collapse, glanced at the minced meat scattered on the ground, and sighed.

It's wasted!

At the mouth of a valley, Qin Shuang stood there, looking at the quaint and decayed buildings in the valley, thinking in his eyes. This piece of building should be original on this planet, I don't know how many years have passed. The former glory has now become lifeless.

Qin Shuang walked towards the valley, the consciousness of the soul spread out, but no treasure was found. At this moment, she stood in front of a door, which was a few closed doors, and the whole house was It is built with garnet, like a fire.

Qin Shuang stretched out his hand and pushed open the door and walked in. This is a small two-story building. Qin Shuang walked up and down, as he expected, without the slightest gain. She stopped at the window on the second floor and looked out. After a while, a smile appeared on her face, cutting off her boundless daydreams. Take out the formation plate, put it on the ground, and then enter the town demon tower.

As soon as he moved his mind, he entered the space where the old town was divided into chains of the law of imprisonment. There was a smile on her face. At this time, in this huge space, there were dense chains of laws circling, which was her harvest in the past ten years. Enough for her to break through to the sixth floor of Tianzun this time.

Qin sat cross-legged, stretched out her hand, and a chain of law was caught in her hand and began to disintegrate...

Year after year, Qin Shuang stayed in the town demon tower for five hundred years, and the law chain reached 600,000 pieces, which had just reached the requirements of the sixth floor of Tianzun. Qin Shuang's mood and body have reached the requirements, and the only difference is the accumulation of vitality in the body. But with the town demon tower, this is not a problem at all. Only half a month later, Qin Shuang broke through to the sixth floor of Tianzun in the Demon Town Tower.

Qin Shuang came out of the town demon tower and calculated the time. Five hundred years in the town demon tower, about half a year had passed by the outside world.

"Will I look at the Barbarians, or continue to hunt here? And I don't know what happened to the Barbarians?"


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