Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2968: The power of fusion

It has the inheritance of the demon master, and also incorporates the blood of the blood demon. This is something she will have to face in the future, so now even if there is more devilish energy in her body, she doesn't care.

Qin Shuang's divine consciousness penetrated into the black-clothed Immortal Emperor's body, perceiving it carefully, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The mutation that has taken place in this monk's body, in Qin Shuang's cognition, the vitality in the monk's body is the vitality, and the profound strength is the profound strength. Yuan power comes from Dantian, and profound power comes from the sea of ​​consciousness. These are two forces, two forces that do not blend. However, at this time, in the body of the black-clothed immortal emperor, the vitality and the profound energy have blended, fused into a new power, and the power after this fusion is very powerful. It must exceed the strength of the original and profound energy alone.

It's just that, at this time, this new power is mixed with a kind of magic...

Do not!

It's not right to say devilish energy!

It is a refined demon energy, although it still carries the power of the demon way, but it lacks the inner demon.

This can’t help but shock Qin Shuang. If he can do this, the Black Immortal Emperor will never be troubled by the inner demon. In other words, he will gain the power of the demon way, or refining this magic knife, The power of the magic knife will not be bothered by the demons.

How did he do that?

After Qin Shuang was shocked, he was very interested and probed carefully.

Then my heart was shaken even more.

It is not that Qin Shuang has no research on entering the holy, on the contrary, he has studied deeply. I once got the preaching of Xu Ziyan and the saints, and knew the process and experience of their sanctification.

Before entering the holy, the pubic field was the pubic field, and the knowledge of the sea was the knowledge of the sea. The two are different.

It's as if heaven and earth are isolated. That's why it is said that Yuanli and Xuanzhi are two incompatible powers. But if you want to be holy, you must have one condition, that is, the communication between the sea of ​​consciousness and the dantian.

How to communicate?

This is the bridge between heaven and earth.

It is necessary to build a bridge between heaven and earth to penetrate the sea of ​​knowledge and the dantian, so that the dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness can be the same. At that time, the vitality and the power of the profound can blend.

In other words, the elemental power and the profound power are blended, and the dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness are interlinked. This is a necessary condition for entering the holy.


The man in black is just an immortal emperor. Does an immortal emperor communicate with his dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness? Yuan Li and Xuan Zhi Li blended?

No wonder it is so powerful, with the cultivation base of an immortal emperor's peak, it can fight against Tianzun!


How did he do that?

Qin Shuang continued to examine the body of the black immortal emperor carefully. She knew that this was an opportunity for herself. For the Black Immortal Emperor, it was an absolute secret that belonged to him. If he was still conscious now, she would never let herself examine his body.

She saw the bridge of heaven and earth, and...

Qin Shuang'an endured the shock in her heart, and almost changed the color of her face in her mood.

After checking it carefully, she finally affirmed that the bridge of heaven and earth of the black immortal emperor was born. In other words, this monk probably had a bridge between heaven and earth in his body when he was born. This made her look at his dantian again, and she sighed enviously. The monk's dantian also showed no signs of acquired life, and he opened his dantian since he was born. The same is true when I go to see the sea of ​​knowledge.

What an enchanting qualification this is!

After checking the bone age of the immortal emperor, Qin's mouth twitched, only less than 200 years old. At the peak of the immortal emperor who was less than two hundred years old, Qin Shuang estimated that if it were not for the drag of this magic knife, he would already be immortal.

Unable to bear it, Qin Shuang went to explore his spiritual roots.

It's not five spirit roots.

This makes Qin Shuang a little balanced, otherwise this person would be really enchanting.

But even if it is not the five spiritual roots, it is also a very scarce time spiritual root.

This is simply the Son of Destiny!

With a light sigh, Qin Shuang began to study his bridge of heaven and earth, only knowing that there was such a thing between them. Although Xu Ziyan and the others had told her, the avenue was unspeakable and it was unclear. It is definitely a great opportunity for Qin Shuang to see the bridge between heaven and earth with his own eyes. This will let her know where the bridge between heaven and earth passes through the Dantian and the sea of ​​consciousness, and through those places.

How to connect?

"Daoist, Taoist..."

Qin Shuang opened his eyes and looked at the opposite Tianzun, who was looking at Qin Shuang anxiously:

"He... is going to die!"

Qin Shuanghuo was surprised, and only then realized that he was addicted to studying the bridge between heaven and earth. The aura of this black immortal emperor had weakened to the extreme, and he was about to fall.

He nodded, and once again focused his attention on the body of the black immortal emperor. There is no pure vitality in his body now. The pure profound power is a blend of three powers, the vital power, the profound power and the magic power. A new force was born. It's just that in this new power, the fusion of Yuan Power and Profound Power is relatively perfect, but the magic power that has been refined is still isolated.

What Qin Shuang had to do now was to try to strip out the refined magic power, so that he would have the spare power to target the magic sword, as well as the spare power to adjust and recover.

However, Qin Shuang was very interested in the new power formed by his fusion, and first intercepted a mass of this fusion power from his body, absorbed it into his body, and then sealed it and hid it in his own sea of ​​consciousness. Then he began to strip and extract the refined magic power.


Both Tianzun and Zhang Ying on the opposite side could hear the sound coming from the black immortal emperor's body. The black immortal emperor's muscles began to twitch, and extremely painful expressions appeared on their faces. It seems that stripping off the refined magic power is also extremely painful for him.

However, Qin Shuang did not stop, while drawing, while observing the black immortal emperor.

The clothes of the black immortal emperor could not conceal the profound knowledge of the three people. These three people had checked the body of this person before and saw that the body under his clothes had a black pattern. But at this time, the traces of patterns are disappearing. Although the expression on the face of the black-clothed immortal emperor was extremely painful, his aura grew slightly from weak to strong.


The opposite Tianzun and Zhang Ying looked at the black immortal emperor nervously, and there was a hint of joy on their faces at this time.

After half a day.

Qin Shuang closed his hands. At this time, the black immortal emperor had no black patterns on his body. Qin Shuang had already extracted all the magic power refined from his body and sealed it in his body.

"Well, he should wake up in a while."

Qin Shuang took out another pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the Black Immortal Emperor.

"Adjust your interest for a few days and you should be fine."

"Thank you so much. Don't know what compensation you need?"

Qin Shuang shook his head slightly: "Forget it!"



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