Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2973: Break the yoke again

Qin Shuang sealed a mustard space in his body, continuously guiding the magic that rushed in. One day later, Qin Shuang closed his hands and let Peng Yue leave. Peng Yue's face was full of admiration. He could feel that Qin Shuang was absorbing the magic power with the maximum output of the Heavenly Demon Sword. It was ten times faster than the magic power he absorbed with the magic knife before, but Qin Shuang did not change his face.

"What kind of cultivation is this Senior Yue Wujin? Maybe Tianzun peak? But, I haven't heard of such a Tianzun peak!"

Qin Shuang entered the Town Demon Tower, refining a bridge between heaven and earth, and then began to fuse strength and grind the shackles. Nine days have passed from the outside world, and the Qin Shuang in the Town Demon Tower has used the twenty-first bridge between heaven and earth.


The shackles were finally completely grinded and cracked. At this moment, Qin Shuang's whole body buzzed and vibrated. It was a kind of vibration from the inside out, accompanied by a kind of extreme comfort. Although sitting cross-legged on the ground, he felt I am as light as flying.

After the shackles were broken, the world that appeared behind the shackles was a golden ocean. It was an ocean where golden blood gathered. The golden blood spewed out, quickly expelling the silver blood in the double piano and became the blood inside the double piano. . Qin Shuang felt that his main body was being strengthened, and the golden blood exuded majestic energy, tempering Qin Shuang's main body from the inside out, transforming Qin Shuang's main body.

The body cultivation base that had been stuck at the peak of the third layer of the saint suddenly jumped to the fourth layer of the saint, and it was still slowly improving.


Qin Shuang let out a sigh of relief, knowing that the promotion of his body has nothing to do with him. The golden blood will slowly transform his body. If the silver blood was used to transform his body, it would be at least half a year and at most a year. The body will be promoted to the sixth holy level. I just don't know if the golden blood will continue to improve the body's cultivation level after reaching the sixth-layer peak of the Saint Level.

If it can, then I will be overjoyed, even if the speed slows down, it is a surprise to Qin double. If not, then continue to think of new ways.

Qin Shuang no longer focuses on the improvement of the body, but continues to integrate the three powers. Then seal the power of fusion in the body. In this way, after seven days in the Demon Suppression Tower, Qin Shuang consumed all the magic power in his body, and the new force formed was also sealed in his body. Qin Shuang decisively removed the bridge of heaven and earth out of his body.

The fake is fake. If it persists in the body, it will affect Qin Shuang's perception of the real bridge between heaven and earth.

"It's time to leave!"

The past ten years have been very rewarding for Qin Shuang. The cultivation base has been upgraded to the sixth level of Tianzun, and his body has been upgraded to the fourth level of the holy level. In the coming year, it will continue to improve.


Qin Shuang opened the door and walked out, and all three of Peng Yue looked at Qin Shuang. Qin Shuang looked at the three and said:

"How is the recovery from the injury?"

"Recover 90%."

Qin Shuang nodded and said, "I'm leaving now!"

Including Tianzun Yunhe, when they heard that Qin Shuang was about to leave, they couldn't help but feel relieved. The mystery and power of Qin Shuang brought too much pressure to them, and this mysterious and powerful man, but also revealed the cultivation of a fairy king. Afterwards, guilt rose in the hearts of the three. In any case, Qin Shuang rescued them, and did not ask for anything, just collected some magic power from Peng Yue's Heavenly Demon Sword. How can I think so?

When they wanted to say something, they found that Qin Shuang didn't even know when they disappeared. Yun He couldn't help but shrink his eyes.

"So powerful, even I didn't even notice when she left!"

Starry sky.

Qin Shuang sat on Hua Taixiang's back and flew towards Manman Star. For this war, ten years is only a short moment. Both sides are still in the stage of testing. Although many monks died on both sides, they were all accumulated in small-scale conflicts, let alone large-scale wars. , Even a medium-scale war has never broken out.

The starry sky is dark and boundless, and various celestial phenomena take on ten thousand shapes.

A few months later, Qin Shuang returned to Manman Star. I saw Bi Chongtian.

There were not many monks on the barbaric stars, most of them went to the central stars to fight. Every monk knows very well in his heart that before the large-scale decisive battle begins, this period of time is a rare opportunity to improve himself. Only during this period of time can you continue to kill a hundred monks, obtain loot, and earn points, in order to exchange more Only when you have more cultivation resources you need can you improve your cultivation level as soon as possible. Only when your cultivation level is improved, can you have more hope of surviving when the war begins.

Therefore, no one hides in the Barbarian Star, everyone goes out to fight, even the monks on the Barbarian Star have just returned from the battle, exchange resources, and practice in retreat. When they leave the customs or run out of cultivation resources, they will go out again without hesitation.

Bi Chongtian's cultivation base has also increased a bit, he just returned from a rotation, Hunting Tianxing went to fight, he manages Barbarians. It's just five years of fighting, five years of weaving the law of chains, for a Tianzun, five years is too short, he does not have a demon tower, and there is no collection of laws and chains for him to disassemble, and can only go between heaven and earth. It is much more difficult and time-consuming to capture.

Sitting opposite Qin Shuang, feeling Qin Shuang's more majesty, Bi Chongtian asked impatiently:

"Sect Master, your cultivation level has improved again?"

"Yeah! The sixth floor of Tianzun."

"Hi...You have improved so fast, it's only ten years!"

Qin Shuang waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this, let's talk about the Manman Star. Is there any news from Manman Mainland?"

Bi Chongtian laughed when he heard the words: "Sect Master, just got the news from the Barbaric Continent. The Hundred Races Alliance has gathered nearly one billion monks to attack our Barbaric Continent. We started the war and killed almost all of them. ."

With a movement of Qin's eyes, nearly one billion monks fell, and he asked:

"What has changed in Barbaric Continent now?"

"Yes!" Bi Chongtian smiled from ear to ear and said: "The monks in the Barbaric Continent seem to understand the way of heaven faster. There have been a group of monks who have broken through the fairy king and came to the Barbaric Star. These news are brought by them. . And according to them, the Barbaric Continent has a stronger suppressing power against the monks of other continents. It can suppress two levels."

Qin Shuang felt joy in her heart. She knew that this was the increase in the luck of the Manman Continent. I am afraid that at this moment, Barbaric Continent's luck has surpassed all continents. The only pity is that the cultivators who fell in the Barbaric Continent were all cultivators below the law. If they were cultivators above the law, their luck would increase tenfold.

"It is estimated that the Hundred Clan Alliance will no longer fight the Barbaric Continent." Qin Shuang said with a faint smile.


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