Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2975: Lingtai Fangcunshan

The shuttle lasted for twenty-five days. When Hua Taixiang stopped, he saw two figures fighting fiercely from thousands of miles away. The two sides were separated by thousands of miles, but the released Dao Fa suddenly came to each other's eyes.

The two figures looked short in the endless void, and it was Xu Qinyang. But the other one is thousands of miles long, and his expression is full of colorful lights. It is a five-color dragon.

"That's the dragon clan chief! Why are they fighting now?"

Qin Shuang's face couldn't help showing curiosity, and his gaze swept around. Although he couldn't see the figure, he could perceive how many monks were hidden in this area. Even Qin Shuang was hiding at this time. In the space. His eyes fell on the battlefield again, his face gradually becoming solemn.

These two powers are really amazing!

Needless to say, Xu Qinyang, the five-attribute spiritual root, who survived the catastrophe of heaven and earth, is said to be the first person under the holy level. But at this time Qin Shuang discovered that the patriarch of the dragon clan was no weaker than Xu Qinyang. Think about it, but also feel normal. The five-color dragon is also five attributes, and shouldn't be weaker than Xu Qinyang.

"Boom boom boom..."

Xu Qinyang seemed to be in the middle of a sword river, with three thousand flying swords, attacking the five-color dragon. And the three thousand flying swords continued to sound, converging in one place, and playing a song of Soul Extinguishment. And the divine dragon constantly uttered a long roar to fight against the soul-killing yin. Following the dragon's roar, he spouted magical powers from his mouth to attack Xu Qinyang. The huge dragon tail and sharp dragon claws flew a flying sword sharply. Even if Feijian stood on the Dragon God, it was also resisted by the five-colored scale armor on the Dragon God, and it didn't hurt anything.

Qin Shuang looked at the three thousand flying swords in the air, thinking in his heart.

According to legend, one of the wonderful magical powers of the Skywalking School is the Ten Thousand Sword Art, right?

It's just that although this ten thousand swords art is exquisite, it is not powerful enough. Even if it hits the Shenlong, it cannot cause damage.


As soon as Qin Shuang's thoughts came to light, he saw a sword exploded as it slashed on the dragon. A five-colored dragon scale with the size of a washbasin broke and the five-colored dragon let out a scream, a huge dragon. Wei You suddenly leaped thousands of miles away and drew towards Xu Qinyang.

A circle of five-element rings emerged in Xu Qinyang's body, extending outward, releasing a five-color light.


The dragon's tail was drawn on the five-element ring, and the dragon scales on the dragon's tail gave rise to fine cracks, but the five-element ring was shattered, and the dragon's tail was drawn on Xu Qinyang's body with the remaining power.

The moment the dragon's tail was drawn on Xu Qinyang's body, Xu Qinyang's figure disappeared and appeared thousands of miles away, but a trace of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.


There was a dragon roar, and the breath of the dragon sprayed from the mouth of the five-color dragon, causing the entire void to begin to freeze, and layers of frost and white disappeared for thousands of miles, forcing Xu Qinyang. Xu Qinyang lifted the long sword in his hand, as if tore a piece of the void and raised it, blocking it in front of him. The endless white frost piled up in front of the torn void, and a snow mountain appeared out of thin air in an instant.


Behind Xu Qinyang, a line of fire suddenly appeared in the void, tracing the sky like a current, and lasing towards Xu Qinyang.


A figure appeared behind Xu Qinyang, back to back with Xu Qinyang, holding the big day with both hands. The line of fire hit the big day and instantly turned into an endless sea of ​​fire, drowning towards that person and Xu Qinyang. However, the big day continuously swallowed the sea of ​​fire, and the big day became brighter and hotter.

"Da Ri Tianzun!"

Qin pursed his mouth and happily. In this way, the other Great Heavenly Lords might also be hidden around, and the Great Heavenly Lords of the Hundred Clan might also be hidden around, but they don’t know the beginning of this battle, Xu Qinyang and the dragon patriarch How did it break out?


Da Ri Tianzun's big feet stomped in the void, ripples formed under his feet, and his figure rushed towards the opposite side, holding the Huang Huang Da Ri, and smashed into a space.


A Phoenix Ming and a Fire Phoenix flew out of the void, fighting with Da Ri Tianzun. At this time, Xu Qinyang shot out with a punch, as if blasting out a world.

Treasure boxing!


The snow mountain collapsed, and Xu Qinyang's figure instantly reached the head of the dragon patriarch, and a fairy sword in his hand slashed towards the dragon's head. The dragon body lowered its head, and the dragon horn slammed into the sword. There was a loud noise, and the huge dragon head was struck vigorously and quickly prodded downward, and Xu Qinyang's figure also flew out like a meteor.

"Qiang Qiang..."

There was a intensive sound of swords, and a river of swords came out around the body, slamming toward the chief of the dragon clan like a horse.

"This is... the real Ten Thousand Sword Art!" The eyes of the Qin hidden in the space moved. This time it was not three thousand immortal swords, but ten thousand swords light.


I saw a piece of dragon armor with a large washbasin detached from the dragon patriarch's body, and built a dragon scale shield in front of him.

"Qiang Qiang..."

The sword river collided with the dragon armor shield, and the dragon patriarch’s 10,000-mile long figure disappeared instantly, turning into a human-sized human figure, and appeared thousands of miles away, and the dragon armor shield also flowed to the dragon patriarch like flowing water. He made an armor and put it on his body, and when he held his hands, a spear appeared. With a stab towards Xu Qinyang, the sky is like splitting a gap, and like a handle between nothingness, stabbing at Xu Qinyang.

On another battlefield, Da Ri Tianzun and the Feng clan chieftain killed the sky ablaze. One is flame and the other is light. This is the collision of flame and light, and it is a grand ceremony of flame and light.


Two more Tianzun peaks appeared, emerging from the hidden space, and attacking the Da Ri Tianzun from the left and the right. But they were blocked by two figures, namely Puguang Tianzun and Wutianzun. Then I saw the space rippling, Yun Hao Tianzun and Chenghua Tianzun also walked out, did not speak, just looked at the two spaces.


Two Great Heavenly Sovereigns of the Hundred Clan came out from those two spaces, and the two sides did not speak, and they fought together instantly. Looking at Qin Shuang hiding in the space, he was taken aback.

What is going on here?

The Holy Land Alliance and the Hundred Races Alliance have agreed to fight here?


If an appointment is made, why hide in the space one by one?


It was as if a bubble had broken, and a Great Heavenly Sovereign of the Hundred Clan came out from a space, standing in the void, his eyes swept around, his face hesitated. There were too many cultivators on both sides hidden in the void, and he couldn't determine which one was the Qin Shuang. In the end, he only shouted:

"The deity Jin Chi, the people from the six holy places have all come out, can the Qin Shuang of the Barbaric Continent come out to fight?"


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