Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 531: Support Qin Jingyun

I am very grateful to see the sea classmates (200), seaphay classmates (200), nightmare classmates (100), Fengyang classmates (100), wind err classmates (100), Bai Zibing classmates (100), rats and witches classmates (100) ), the reward of Yun Tianxing's classmates!

There were disappointments in the eyes of everyone, especially Li Dansheng and other six people. The piano double looked at them with a deep look and continued to say:

"However, for everyone's psychology, the piano can still understand a little bit. This way." Qin double sinks:

"If you have a flaw, go to the Princess House to do it. For your psychology, I will have a reply that is relatively satisfactory to you. But... only seven days, after seven days, I will retreat again until I try to start. ""

When the words fell, the piano double turned to the string month ceremony: "Mother, the child is retired."

Looking at the back of the piano, everyone looked at each other. They didn't think that the piano pair would be so decisive, but Qin double also gave them a chance. One by one, they bowed to the strings and bowed to the piano. Going to the Princess House. Soon, there are two people in the royal study room, the string moon and the invincible. The two people looked at each other with a smile. From the attitude of Qin Shuang's decision-making, both of them can see that Qin Double will no longer remember the Kingdom of the Moon. The mood of the string month is especially complicated, and the piano pair can be said to be launched by her hand.

"Wang Shu..."

"I will go see the children." Qin invincible sighed.

"The trouble is uncle Wang!"

Grand Princess House.

Qin Meiyu stood in the back garden, holding a rose flower in her hand, and there was a hint of anxiety between the eyebrows.

"They all went to the seven sisters?"

"Yes!" said a young man with a low head and whispered.

"She said she would not stay in the kingdom?"


The anxiousness between Qinmei Yumei was not weakened at all, but it was more and more intense, and his eyes were lifted, looking at the direction of the wind...

Two princes.

Qin Wu frowned and said: "Sir grandfather also went to the seven sisters?"

"Yes!" A middle-aged man with a ugly appearance replied respectfully.

"She said she would not stay in the kingdom?"


In the eyes of Qin Wu, the color of worry is more intense, too much to look at the direction of the wind...

"His Royal Highness Prince……"

Qinwu regained his gaze and whispered softly: "When the eight brothers get help from the seven sisters, they are like a tiger, who is fighting?"

"But... the seven princesses have decided to leave the kingdom."

"But her influence is, let alone she is going to the emperor. As long as she says that the emperor is squatting, is there a need to fight for this throne?"

In the eyes of Qin Wu, there was a killing.

"His Royal Highness!" The middle-aged man’s eyes showed a frightening color, and he lowered his voice and said, "You want to kill her?"

"Can't you?" Qin Wu looked at the sky and white clouds and said.

"But...the seven princesses are now the people who participated in the spirit of the empire on behalf of the empire. They were protected by the empire and the martial arts temple before the big squad. If we kill the piano, we will be destroyed, and the country will be gone. The throne coming?"

"Not the same!" Qin Wu shook his head and said: "No one will find that the Seven Sisters were killed by the people of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, and they will not be able to draw the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon. On the contrary, the Kingdom of the Crescent Moon will receive the sympathy of the Empire."

Seven Princess House.

The piano is invincible, Qin Xungu, Lu Shenghui, Qi Zining, and Li Dansheng and other six alchemists are sitting in the courtyard outside the piano double study. In addition to the Seven Princesses, there are hundreds of people gathered. These hundreds of people are the king of the alchemy, the spiritist, the spiritual painter, the Confucian scholar, and the military commanders living in the kingdom. They all came to the wind and waited for the leaders in their respective fields to bring out the news from the Seven Princesses. And these people do not stop, look at each other is not pleasing to the eye, quarreling outside the seven princesses, like the vegetable market.

In the study room of the piano double.

Qin Shuang and Yan En are sitting opposite each other. Qin Qin smiles and smiles at the year:

"Master, you don't want to be embarrassed, you know that I am not in the spirit. And will not stay in the kingdom."

"I know!" Yann nodded. "Just they are fighting, I can't watch or not talk? If that, it will make the people in the kingdom of the kingdom slay me."

Qin Shuang heard a long sigh of relief and bowed to the year: "Thank you."

"You don't want to thank you first!" Years waved: "Since you have decided to leave the kingdom, you have to leave something to the kingdom of the kingdom?"

Qin double nodded: "The master of the year, how can the piano double? This way, the kingdom only has the inheritance of the spirit of the master seven, I will leave the inheritance of the eight to ten spirits master. And in the Ministry of Industry, telling the story of the day, how?"

Yan En’s face was a joy, and he bowed his hand to the piano. “Thank you for Qin Zong. But why don’t you leave the spiritual line of the guru’s realm?”

Qin double shook his head: "The essence of the kingdom is still too bad, leaving the spiritual line of the master's realm, not necessarily the blessing of the kingdom. When someone in the kingdom can reach the realm of the ten-level spiritual master, I will only leave the master in the kingdom. The spiritual line of the realm."

Years of the news nodded and said: "Also!"

"But..." Qin's look became serious: "In addition to agreeing with you, I can also teach you a day of spirituality."


"But there is a condition."

"What conditions?"

"I want you to support the piano!"

Year Ann was silent for a while, and his face showed a decisive color: "Well, I promise you."

"The gentleman said a word!" Qin double erected the palm of his hand.

"Fast horses whip!"

"Hey!" Years erected the palms of the palms and the strings of the piano in the air.

Outside the study.

Those people are sitting there silently. These people are also leaders in various fields in the kingdom of the crescent moon. They make sounds in the kingdom, and they are also gathering people. However, today they are gathered in the courtyard outside the piano double study room, sitting on the stone bench, not even a cup of tea.

However, these people's faces do not have the slightest humiliation, but just look at the door of the study from time to time, the eyes show the color of expectation.

At this time, a tiger came in from the moon door of the courtyard. The tiger was long and the tiger was deterred, and everyone was shocked. Those people’s bodies immediately floated and made ready to shoot. Lu Shenghui hurriedly stopped his hand to stop the crowd:

"Don't worry, it won't bite."

"And there are tigers that don't bite people?" Qin Xun looked at Lu Shenghui unbelievably.

Lu Shenghui said: "It is not that you don't bite people. As long as the seven princesses don't let it bite, it won't bite."

"Is it raised by the Seven Princesses?" Qin Xungu was surprised. The rest of the people looked at the tiger curiously.


At this time, the tiger suddenly faded, and then turned into a piece of paper floating from the air. Everyone looked at the paper fluttering on the ground among them, and Lu Shenghui blinked because the word "tiger" on the piece of paper had disappeared.


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