Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 812: Instant kill


The phoenix's afterimage was suddenly stunned in front of him, showing the shape of the piano double. Xu Hao suddenly widened his eyes...


A dazzling light, Xu Hao wants to move, but the body's paralysis can not keep up with consciousness, he can only see the shape of the piano double from his side like a strong wind.


Qin double hunted for hunting, his body circling in the air like a crane dance, lightly falling on the platform, facing away from Xu Hao.

at this time……

There is no paper in her hand, no pen, no sword.

The dazzling sword light just now seems to be illusory.

"This..." The people around the ring looked at the two people on the ring.

The two men stood opposite each other and they were motionless.

"I just saw a sword light..."

"No? There are no weapons in the hands of the two men!"

"But... I really seem to see..."

"Why don't they both move?"

"Xu Hao was stunned by the Thunder?"

"Why doesn't the Qinqin move?"

"Maybe the release of the Thunder will consume the spirits?"

"Far fare, that is the technique of Confucianism and Taoism. It consumes awe-inspiring power, not spiritual power."



The eyes of the crowd gathered in Xu Hao's body, and they saw Xu Hao's neck oozing a circle of blood, forming a circle of blood, and then the blood line was sprayed out, Xu Hao's When I had a sigh of my head, I fell off my neck.

"Oh..." The blood in the neck spurted out, as if a blood flower was opened in an instant.

"Oh..." Xu Hao's head fell on the platform and rolled out to the side. Xu Hao’s figure fell to the rear.


The sound of the body falling to the ground is like the Hong Zhong Da Lu in the heart of everyone, so that everyone's eyes are gathered in the body of the piano in an instant.

"Kong Zongshi, what did you say?" Gai eight screams and looks to Kongcheng.

Kong Cheng suddenly woke up, and then burst into laughter: "Ha ha ha ... did not think that my Da Qin Confucian also appeared a high-eight fight, not let Wang Yulin specialize in the former, ha ha ha ..."

"Ha ha ha..." And at this time, another person laughed, but it was the voice of the four shadow masters: "Ha ha ha... I did not expect that in my lifetime, I could see a seven-seven master. Hahaha..."

"Because you are high..."

"The Seven Shadows Master..."

On the high platform, around the ring, all the people are in a state of sluggishness.

The piano turned around and made a gesture to the referee outside the ring. The referee was awakened from the loss of consciousness and hurriedly removed the formation. The piano doubled from the ring and fell lightly toward the godsend and other people.

At this time, Tianci, Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue and Jin Longxing were all extremely excited. They had hoped that Qin double could win, but never thought that the piano will win such a clean and neat, so that Xu Haolian did not have the chance to fight back. .

"Double children, good!"

"so amazing!"

"Double children, you turned out to be an eight-master! It seems that it was not so powerful last time?"

"Qin Shimei, when did you become a seven-story master?"

"Double children, your style of fast sword is getting faster and faster."


Everyone was surrounded by Qinshuang, and asked this question. The piano double shook his head. This time, he didn’t get any experience. She didn’t think Xu Hao would despise her so much. She even made the dragon and sword. There are no opportunities for technology, and the mood is converging:

"Everyone, let's go back and talk slowly!"

"Yes, yes, let's go back!"

The crowd surrounded the piano, crowded the crowd and walked outside.

In the crowd, Xu Tianlin looked down at the body of Xu Hao on the platform. His heart was cold and cold in the bone marrow. Because he knew that Xu Hao was dead, he had no place in the Tianlong Mercenary. His cultivation is still too weak, even Wu Wang is not. In addition to his father, the Emperor Wudi, the Tianlong Mercenary Corps also has Wu Wangfeng. It is impossible to be his turn to be the head of the team.


In order to be able to quickly control the entire mercenary group, his son Xu Hao must die.

To know that Xu Hao has been a leader for many years, it is impossible to have no cronies in the Tianlong Mercenary Corps and no one who is loyal to Xu Hao. In this way, these people will inevitably gather around Xu Tianlin, which will cause great difficulties for the new head of the team to control the entire mercenary group. If you want to successfully and completely control the Tianlong mercenary group, you must kill Xu Tianlin.

Although there is a rule in the Great Wilderness City, it is not difficult to make an accident for a warrior in the Chengdan period. Therefore, Xu Tianlin can not only stay in the Tianlong Mercenary Corps, or the Great Wilderness City.


Nowadays, the Great Wilderness City is not allowed to go out, even if Xu Tianlin wants to escape immediately. Xu Tianlin looked at Xu Hao above the ring and walked toward the top of the ring.

Now that he can't escape, it is only a show of bitterness, and then he has never thought of the idea of ​​being the head of the team. He is looking for an opportunity to escape.

He walked step by step toward the ring, and the people on both sides flicked openly and looked at him mercifully. The martial arts kings of the Tianlong mercenary group all blinked. He came under the ring, his body was vertical, and he jumped on the platform. He screamed on Xu Hao's body.

The moonlighting only felt that it was chilly, and a Wudi was killed by Qinqin. To know his father, the family of the month is just the peak of Wu Wang. The month is not without the Emperor Wu, but it is all year round, it is impossible to pay attention to the moon, and then help her, because she has not shown that qualification.

She looked at the back of the piano, and the color of fear appeared in her eyes.

"I want to avoid her and hide far away!"

Above the ring, Xu Tianlin still cried, but he turned his head slightly and looked at the back of the piano. His eyes were filled with the color of grievances.

"Qin double, I want revenge, I must smash you a corpse!"

The heads of the five hundred small mercenary groups looked at the back of the piano pair, and their hearts were both shocked and excited.

The shock is that Qin double can really kill Xu Hao. The excitement is that there is such a strong person leader, and their hope of surviving in the animal tide is greatly increased.

Above the high platform.

Everyone's gaze also looked at the back of the piano double, the cover of the eight eyes flashed, did not think that Qin double really can kill Xu Hao, he had misunderstood Qin double before. I sighed softly in my heart:

"Hey... is the young man now so powerful?"

Wu Chuanli looked at Qin Shuang's eyes and became dignified. He did not expect to have another Eight Masters, and he was still a seven-seven master.

The most important thing is that she is still so young. If she grows up, will she become a ten master?

If you really become a ten master, it is equivalent to Wu Sheng. Will it threaten the status of the martial arts?

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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