Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 814: visit


Jin Longxing puts his pride on the piano, which does not mean that he is the same to others. He was too lazy to go to see the music, and in his heart, Yue Qingqing was also a passerby. Just looking at the piano and sincerely said:

"Two children, only the martial arts can take the real peak, you must not be confused about the achievements of your eyes. Put down those side doors and concentrate on practicing martial arts."

The mouth of the piano double twitched, and there was a smile like a cry in front of him:

"Golden brother, I will not give up the martial arts..."

“No!” Jin Longxing shook his head. “I want more than just that you don’t give up the martial arts, but you want to cultivate the martial arts wholeheartedly and put all those side doors down. So your martial arts will not be as low as it is now. ""

The piano double wrinkled his brows. Although the tone and demeanor of Jin Longxing were sincere, they were full of hegemony. He is here to arrange the road for the piano and arrange life.

The heart of the gods suddenly raised an uncomfortable feeling. He didn't know the reason. Anyway, it was uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

It stands to reason that people like him who are extremely honest, except for Wu Dongying, will forgive others even if others are offending him. What's more, Jin Longxing has not offended him.

However, he was uncomfortable in his heart and couldn't help but open his mouth: "The Lord of the Lord, the two have their own way of life, do not need you to stipulate it? And you do not have that qualification?"

"Pang Shixiong, I am good for both children." Jin Longxing knows that Godsend is the brother of Qinshuang, so he still has to pay attention to Goddess. He does not regard Tianci as a passerby.

"Oh..." Godsend's laughter carries a bit of sarcasm: "For those who have poor talents and poor understanding, naturally, as you said, it is best to concentrate on the martial arts. But like the two children, the talent and understanding are excellent. People, there is nothing wrong with learning from others."

"That is a waste of time!" Jin Longxing sank his face: "It is a waste of life."

"Refiners, alchemy, spiritual lines, arrays, sounds, paintings can all enter the road, and each type of Tao will have an auxiliary role."

"People's time and energy are limited."

"Does the children not be the top ten spirits masters? In the future, the Taoist master will bring more understanding of the heavens to the two children. Only the martial arts is the real limit."

"You don't deny that compared with other fields, her martial arts is the lowest?"

"Don't deny it! But this is the accumulation process of the two children. Although there will be a little bit of martial arts cultivation, but when she has deep knowledge, it is her accumulation. I firmly believe that the future of the two children will not be worse than you in the martial arts. ""

"Oh..." Jin Longxing laughed twice, and did not hide his sarcasm in his laughter: "Do you want to double up and practice all fields to the peak?"

"It doesn't seem to be difficult for the two children?" Tianci said faintly: "Now she is already the master of the spiritual and spiritual techniques. The eight-class Confucian masters, compared with the ten fights, are only two different. Compared with the ten shadow masters, the shadow masters are only three different. These need not be said. As far as the martial arts are concerned, her distracted people in other fields are now the eighth floor of the Chengdan period. The peak, from the first floor of your martial arts king, is no worse than two small realms. Do you really think that you can plan the future for your children?"

Two people screamed at the sword and looked at Qin Lie and others. In their impression, Godsend has always been a silent, honest person. How can it become so aggressive now?

Not to mention them, that is, the piano pair is also a bit dazed. However, she knew that she could not let them argue again. In the heart of Qin Shuang, it is believed that Tianci has a deep resentment against Wu Zongdian, and this is the opposite of Jinlongxing. Once the gods are excited and exposed, it is the real crisis. Just want to block the opening, you will hear someone outside the door:

"The sect of the piano, you can see you!"

The people in the entire yard with more than 200 tables are quiet.

Cover the eight wild!

The owner of the Great Desolation City, the Emperor Wu of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor of the Emperor, used the words to see these words. This cannot but shock everyone. At this time, everyone’s mind has a thought.

Covering the eight wilderness and thus lowering the attitude, it is definitely not because of the identity of Qin Shuangcheng, but because of her identity as a spiritual master, a master of spirituality, a master of Confucianism, and a master of sound. These people think of the debate between Tianci and Jinlongxing before, and they can't help but look at Jinlongxing.

You are not saying that only martial arts are authentic?

Don't you say that everything else is next door?

But have you heard that?

It is because of the identity of the left side of the piano and the left side of the piano to seek the piano double, and respect the piano double.

Tianshou’s mouth faintly smiles, while Yue Qingqing is proudly glaring at Jinlongxing, including Sun Qiaomu and other alchemists, fire refining and other refiners, Qin Jiaoyue and other spirits, the fifth daring and so on. The side gates of these golden dragons are all faintly staring at the Golden Dragon.

At this time, Jin Longxing was filled with anger, and he felt that he was isolated.

Why do you treat yourself like this?

Is Wu Zong Dian not the strongest place in the mainland?

Why is it so strong?

Isn't it because of the concentration of martial arts?

Am I wrong?

This is a group of stupid people, a group of dead wood.

The two children are so intelligent, they will not be like them.

Jinlongxing looked forward to the Qinshuang, and at this time Qinqin has already stood up:

"Let's go meet with me."

Everyone stood up, even if Jin Longxing was the owner of Wu Zongdian, and Qin Liegui was the Prince of Daqin. But in the face of a peak of Emperor Wu, they also have to let go of their identity.

Jin Longxing’s eyes showed a disappointment, but he stood up and walked toward the gate with Qinqin. Godsend left on the left side of the piano, and walked side by side with the piano. Jin Longxing’s eyes flashed and he stepped to the right side of the piano pair, and walked side by side with the piano. Originally, Yue Qingqing just wanted to walk in that position, but he was taken a step by Jin Longxing. He was so clear and clear that he waved a small fist toward the back of Jinlongxing.

Qin double saw the gods and golden dragons on the left and the right, and could not help but laugh. She is very familiar with Jin Longxing's mind, because Jin Longxing once confessed to her, although his confession is very strong, very overbearing, but let Qin double understand his mind. It’s just that Qin Double feels that he and Jin Longxing are simply impossible. Abandoning the identity of his master of the Wu Zong Dian, his character is very disliked.

Although Qin double is not a hegemonic and powerful person, but also a reluctant person, he does not like the overbearing and strong character of Jin Longxing, and he has nothing to do with him, he has to plan his own future.

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