Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 838: Try to improve

"Oh oh..."

Four people slammed back to the side, and Han Liuyun looked at the piano. With his understanding of Qin Double, he knows that Qin Double is a very polite person. It is impossible to make the rude thing just now. It should be completely immersed in the picture. It seems that the first time I saw such a huge array of methods, the shock that brought her was not too small, and I was inspired by it. I smiled on my face and left the table and said:

"You keep watching."

The face of the piano was embarrassed, and he turned his hand toward Han Liuyun and Rong Wan, and then he set his eyes on the huge drawings. At this time, in the state of her rushing Lingquan, as she saw the more comprehensive the Wansuo array, the heart felt that the similarities between Wansuo and Wanlongji were greater, if they had not seen the place and had already seen it. If there is not much difference in the place, it can definitely be turned into a Wanlong array on the basis of this Wansuo.

When the piano is double-sided, the Wansuo array and the Wanlong array in the inheritance correspond to each other, and they are instantly immersed in it. Rong Wanchi shook his head and showed a helpless smile on his face, because the piano double went to his side at this time. If he refused to let it go, there would be no doubt that Qin double would reach out and pull him, then he took a step back. Looking at the piano double slowly walked past him.

Rong Wanqian does not know Han Qinyun so much, but his heart also likes this kind of heartless person, and he does not account for it. When Qin double walked in front of him, he returned to the table with Han Liuyun and whispered. The four masters who presided over the formation of the law were dissatisfied with their faces, and even went to the cover of the eight-year-old for help, but they were glanced at the absurd.

Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian are both versatile. What are the four of you?

The four masters were frustrated and glanced at the back of the piano pair, and they ran to the side of Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian, listening carefully to the whispering communication between the two men.

After about three quarters of time passed, the piano double stopped. She had already watched all the locks and jumped with excitement in her eyes.

Now she can be sure that this 10,000 lock array can be upgraded to Wan Long array. The bases of these two arrays are almost the same. If you simply change to the defensive array, you only need to add or subtract some spiritual patterns and patterns on the 10,000 chains. There is almost no need to make changes in the rest of the place, just add a new map trajectory, but the effect of the defense has doubled. Because the chain is dead in the Wansuo array, it is only used as the vertical and horizontal array in the Wansuo array. After the array method is opened, the spiritual lines and patterns flowing on the chain will flow to form a defensive shield, which will be large. The deserted city is shrouded in it.

However, the difference between the Wanlong array is that this 10,000 dragons are also used as the base, but this base is alive. When the array method is turned on, this 10,000 dragons will not only flow the spirits and patterns of the dragons, but also the 10,000 dragons will swim in the whole array. Ten thousand dragons will be in the array. A fixed trajectory swims, this trajectory of movement will be constructed into a new array, absorbing the energy of the attack and transforming it into the defensive ability of the large array itself.

This is only the first of the Wanlong array to upgrade the Wan lock array, and the second upgrade is the power that Wansuo does not have. Its second function is to have a triple rebound effect. That is to say, the power of the monster attacking the Wanlong array will rebound back three times. It will only consume more spiritual stones.

Only this second function is still passive defense. If no one attacks, it will not show the power of the big array.

But the last power is a real offensive effect. The tens of thousands of dragons will attack, and when Wanlong moves, you don't have to look at it. If you think about it, you can feel the kind of desperate power.

There are a total of three points that the piano pair needs to do now.

First, to change the nodes in the map, of course, instead of removing all the nodes and re-characterizing, the workload is huge. She needs to calculate the difference between the nodes of Wansuo and Wanlong, and how many points are different. She needs a trajectory array of Wanlong array, because in the future, 10,000 dragons constructed by spirituality will follow these The trajectory array swims, which erupts tremendous power. These trajectory arrays are constructed by a strip of lines and a striated line, and this stripe and striated line is determined by a node to determine their position. Each node is a spiritual pattern, and the lines connecting each node are all patterns, so the node is the most basic and most important part of building a large array.

Both sides of the piano have already earnestly seen that the node's spiritual pattern of Wansuo is no different from the node's spiritual pattern that Wanlong array needs. In fact, it is often the same type of node spirit that can construct a variety of large arrays. Of course, these large arrays are usually similar, such as thick soil arrays and yellow sand arrays, but if they are two completely opposite arrays, then the spiritual patterns that construct their nodes are completely different and completely impossible to borrow. For example, burned out eight squadrons and thousands of miles of ice. The Wansuo and Wanlong arrays belong to the same type of array. In fact, the Wanlong array is very similar to the upgraded version of Wansuo.

Second, the piano pair needs to calculate how many spirits need to be added or subtracted to change each chain into a spiritual dragon.

When the piano doubled his mind, he took out the paper and pen and laid the paper on the table. At this time, the whole Wansuo array was deeply imprinted in the consciousness of Qin Double. She would match Wansuo and Wanlong. Then, on the paper, quickly calculate how many Lingge nodes need to be added, and where to remove the original Lingge nodes.

The movement of Qin double attracted the attention of everyone, but Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian thought that Qinshuang was comprehending Wansuo, so he just looked up and looked at the piano pair, and then continued to whisper, and the four presiding methods The master of the class looked at the piano with disdain. In the eyes of the four of them, Qin double was there to calculate his own. It was better to come and listen to the more Han Yuyun and Rong Wanqian exchanges. Qinqin is a fool, a great awkwardness.

It’s nothing to do, and before Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian did not exchange a result, he didn’t leave well. He took a few steps and came to the back of the piano pair, looking down at the paper in the calculation. on. After watching it for a while, he frowned slightly. Although he was not a master, he was only a master, but he still knew the most basic nodes. Moreover, as the city owner of the Great Desolation City, he is too familiar with the Wansuo Formation of the Great Desolation City. How many nodes of Wansuo Formation have long been in his heart.

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