Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 841: Fire sea



It’s a martial arts peak, but it’s a respect for them when they are treated, but when are they so cautious? \\r

The other party is just a teenage yellow-haired girl. \\r

The four men’s eyes once again fell on the drawings that were inserted with 90,000 silver needles, almost licking their mouths at the same time, and the heart was dark: \\r

"Wait for a while, Han predecessors and glory predecessors found that you are awkward, you have a good look."

The man who was shot by Han Liuyun took advantage of himself to be a little scorpion who covered the eight wilderness. After squinting at the piano double, he got together and covered the squad, and lowered his voice and said: \\r

"Sister, do you really let the girl slap? If you have delayed repairing the big city, how can you resist the tide?"

In the eyes of Gai Ba Niu, there was a slight hesitation, but when I saw Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian’s serious look, I looked at the demeanor of the piano and closed the eyes, and finally suppressed the voice and shouted: \\r

"Weber, put away the prudent thinking of you who can't look down on the piano master. Don't look at her because the piano master is young. She is also a ten-level master."

"I didn't look down on her." Weber hurriedly argued: "Even if she is a top ten master, but also a ten-level peak master who has just broken through? And the Korean predecessors and the predecessors are the old ten-level masters. Is it two? A ten-level old master can not change the array, she can change a new master? But it is young and full of whimsy."\\r

Gai Bawei frowned slightly, and looked at the Qinshuang involuntarily. On the side of Weber, when he saw a play, he hurriedly continued:\\r

"If she is just whimsical, but she has made some plausible things that mislead the Korean predecessors and the predecessors. Once the two predecessors are lost in this misleading, then it will delay the big event. Brother, you are not a spirit. The sorcerer and the sorcerer, so you don't know, if the spirit sorcerer and the sorcerer are immersed in a certain field, even if it is wrong, they will not be awake until they find the error.

Who knows how long this piece of piano double will deceive the two predecessors? If it is only a few days, if it is a few months or a few years, the big deserted city will be broken by the monster. \\r

Covering the eight wilderness, they looked at Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian. They saw that two people were completely immersed in the 90,000 nodes. From time to time, they looked at the 90,000 nodes, and then they did not listen to them. I forgot that there are other people in this room. \\r

This not only worried about the eight-year-old, but he also felt that Weber said it makes sense. Qin double is just a new level 10 spiritual master, how can it compare with the old master? \\r

Now what she got out has immersed two old masters. Now there is only one explanation, that is, the piano double must be a plausible thing, which makes the two top ten masters lost. \\r

Can't it be that Qin double really improved the grade of Wansuo? \\r

Can you not be so humorous? \\r

Two old ten-level masters can not change the array, can you be a new tenth grade master? \\r

This joke is not funny at all. \\r

I figured this out, and I couldn’t help but worry about it. If it is really because of the things that the piano doubles make, and it is delayed to repair the big city, it is the real catastrophe. \\r


If Qinqin really can improve the array...\\r

Ok! \\r

Although he does not believe this idea himself, is there not a hope? \\r

In the face of this large-scale beast that has never happened in the millennium, if you can upgrade the level of defense, even if you only improve a little, the number of people who die is millions. \\r

This can not help but be cautious, he is not Weber, his realm and status is destined to be more eye-opener than Weber, than Weber. \\r

Suddenly, his heart moved. Does Qinqin not let him find the rope? \\r

This should be a further derivation of Qin double, I can't understand it, but is there not Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian? \\r

I have an idea in my heart. When I came to the front of the piano, I whispered: \\r

"Piano Master!"\\r

Qin double continued to observe the blood piano's derivation with the power of the sea, and controlled the body with the power of the soul to open his eyes and look at the cover. When he saw the piano and opened his eyes, he pointed his finger at the line on the table: \\r

"The line is taken back."\\r

"Thank you!"\\r

Qin double gaze on the string on the table, and then grabbed it in the air with one hand. A thread was caught in the air by her, and the ball was suspended in the air. The thread was turned. Extending from the coils, falling toward a silver needle, then wrapped around a silver needle, and then wrapped around the second silver needle, then the third, fourth... r

When only half of the coils that were taken from the eight wastes were left, 90,000 silver needles were entangled, and the thread connecting the 90,000 silver needles clearly showed the thread running through the nodes. Direction and trajectory. \\r

At the moment when the piano double ended, let alone the four spiritual lines and the masters of Weber, that is, the masters of the eight-year-old shacks are all shocked. In their vision, the thread runs through 90,000 silver. The images presented by the needle shocked their hearts. \\r

That is the world of a sea of ​​fire. Every three silver needles are formed by a thread through a silk thread, and more than 30,000 flames are constructed into a sea of ​​fire. \\r


The trajectory and array of these 30,000 flames gave a visual illusion to the people, and they felt that the 30,000 flames seemed to be moving, swaying...\\r

It is no longer a static look like the previous Wansuo. \\r

At this moment, they felt as if they were coming from a sea of ​​fire, and even the late Emperor of the Eighth Emperor, the figure of the Emperor of the Emperor, could not help but shake back, not to mention the Weber and their four. . The four of them were pale and their bodies were receding a few steps back, which stopped their bodies and could not help but see the cold sweat on their foreheads. \\r

At this time, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian also successively deducted a link and set their sights on the table again. Only then did they find that the 90,000 silver needles had been threaded through them, forming a complete array and The track, two people stared at the sound, and involuntarily exclaimed: \\r


Qin double closed his eyes at this time, and he focused his attention on the promotion of the blood piano. At this time, the blood piano has been completed for the fire dragon. Although the piano double belongs to the half bottle of water on the road, she is A little bit of watching the blood piano is derived, it is natural to clearly see the difference between the formation of the dragon in the Wanlong array and the construction of the chain in the Wansuo array. \\r


Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket! \\r


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