Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 863: Punishment



What about this exercise?

What about the piano doubles?

Are you waiting for the Jiuzi Mercenary?

Everyone else went to the hard-hitting beast, and you slaughtered the weak beasts in the back, smashing the points, and the face was thrown to the ground.

At this time, even if it was a good Han Yunyun who had a good relationship with Qin, the hearts of Rong Wanqian and Qin Lie were not strong, and their faces were not good. Especially Qin Lie saw the faint smile of Jin Longxing, the faint sarcasm in his eyes. I want to punch a punch in the face of Jin Longxing.

"Double children, do you want to be so practical! Brother's face is not good!" Qin Lie's heart is full of helplessness.

They have their own thoughts here, but those low-ranking warriors who stayed in the Great Wilderness City can ignore this. They only pay attention to who is on the personal list, and the team is on the team list. The entire central square is a tribute to the string month mercenary group, because today's string month mercenary group has dominated the gold list for five consecutive days, and the points and second place are getting bigger.

Looking at the noisy admiration below, Wu Chuanlie’s eyes were more sarcasm, and his heart also raised anger.

"Qin Shuang is such a sinister person who has won the praise of the great ruined warriors. What makes the military people who go to the sacred animal territory feel embarrassed? If the warriors come back and know this, let the singularity of this singer spread It’s the fall of the warrior.”


Wu Chuanlie locked his brow. He was at the high position of Wu Zongdian and knew more things than other people. Over the past year, from the other side of the sea secretly sneaked into a large number of demon roads, they also seized some, but did not get a little secret from which demon's mouth.

However, a large number of demon roads sneak into the mainland of the warriors, what does this indicate?

This indicates that I am afraid that there will be a big battle between the warrior and the demon.

This is why Wu Zongdian began to ease the relationship with the nobility in the past year. It is no longer the high-pressure policy of the nobles. No, this time, the wild animal beast, Wu Zongdian will not send people, let alone send the Tianjiao team.

This is to show the strength of Wu Zongdian, but also to the aristocrats.


If at this time, the martial arts of this warrior's mainland is broken by the doubles of the piano, everyone will sneak up and sneak in the future when fighting against the demon, how to fight against the demon?

"Degenerate, this is the fall of the warrior!" Suddenly, Wu Chuanlie shouted angrily.

The people could not help but look at Wu Chuanlie, especially in the eyes of Han Liuyun, Rong Wanqian and Qin Lie.

Sure enough, I saw Wu Chuanlie’s sullen face: “I recommend to punish the Qins and Chords of the Moon Mercenary. First, deprive them of the points they earn and distribute the points to other teams. Second, deprive the Jiuzi Mercenary The status of the mercenary group, choose another mercenary group to lead. Third, the string month mercenary group as a commando team, when the animal tide is coming, when you need to attack the monster, send them out, let They are tempered in a real war."

Everyone has a glimpse of their hearts. There are no friendships between Hou Yongde and Tai Yi and Qin Double, so they are very neutral, and after these few days, some do not look at the piano pair, they don’t see the string month mercenary group, so they Did not shake his head, did not nod, a detached attitude. However, like Han Liuyun, Rong Wanqian and Qin Lie are different.

"This is to put the piano and the string month mercenary group to death!"

"Wu Tangzhu!" Han Liuyun had to say: "The piano master is not a pure warrior. He is a half-step master of the spirit, so her decision to hunt the beast is also excusable. And I don't. It is a good idea to send a half-step spirit master to send out the assault monster."

Wu Chuan-li has indulged in a moment. He also knows that if he insists that a half-step master will go to death, he will provoke public anger, and he will nod and sullenly face:

"The three conditions remain the same, the string month mercenary group must be the task of assault, but the piano master can keep the great desert city, since it is a half-step master, just stay in the rear."

"No need!" Rong Wanqian also spoke at this time.

However, Wu Chuanlie’s powerful gesture interrupted: "This is the fall of the fallen, the warrior."

Speaking of this, the eyes swept over the crowds: "I think you all feel that the demon road that sneaked into the mainland of the war in the past year is hundreds of times in the past. This is a sudden situation. This indicates what I want, I think I don't have to say it, everyone knows it.

Under this circumstance, once this fallen atmosphere spreads on the mainland of the warrior, everyone is swindling and slipping. What kind of regional demon invasion? So what protects our homeland?

Such fallen people must be severely punished. This degenerate atmosphere must be stopped by means of shackles, otherwise it will lose its roots. ”

Wu Chuanlie’s momentum is very prosperous, and the imposing manner of Wushen’s peak is wrapped in a passionate tone that makes it impossible to argue.

Because...he said it makes sense!

"It is very disappointing to Qinqin!" Jin Longxing, sitting next to him, said faintly: "I originally wanted her to join Wu Zongdian. Now it seems that she is not worthy."

Qin Lie’s face is a dark road: “Don’t you be self-satisfied? You never thought about joining Wu Zongdian.”

The green kingdom.

It was the end of a battle. The color of the ground was no longer visible. It was the body of the beast. This is already the twenty-fifth day of Qin’s departure from the Great Wilderness. In these 20 days, they experienced 18 animal tides. Although a beast was bigger than a beast, their casualties were smaller than once, and the time to end the battle was shorter than once.

The piano and the piano stand side by side, and the faces of both people are full of smiles, a kind of joy from the heart. After experiencing these eighteen beasts, four-fifths of the mercenary groups have been able to run a long-term snake lock demon array, even if the remaining one-fifth mercenary group is not running at all. The word long snake locks the demon array, just in the fierce battle, occasionally forgetting. In other words, they have not yet practiced the instinct of a long-term snake lock.

However, Qin Qian and Qin double have confidence, and there are several battles. The remaining one-fifth of the mercenary group can also practice the instinct of a long-snake snake.

"Two wastes, I think we are doing almost the same, and it should be a little more difficult."

"Not bad!" Qin nodded: "We should enter the real beast territory."

The face of Qin Qian’s face is full of excitement, and shouted loudly: “Transfer, immediately repair, and after an hour, we enter the real beast territory.”

As soon as the voice fell, there was a cheering sound around. These twenty-fifth days, let these mercenary groups really taste the power of a long snake lock demon array and the commanding ability of the piano. At the beginning, they still had some casualties. Later, only minor injuries, there was no one at all.

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