Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 868: escape



There is nothing more sensitive than the smell of the beast in this day. All the beasts are swarming toward the Terran warriors, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and even in the grass...

All the warriors in this situation were flustered. Even if they attacked them only the first-order and second-order monsters, they could not afford them, because the number is really too much.

In fact, if they fight for a dead battle, and these first-order, second-order monsters fight, it is not completely at a disadvantage.


They dare not!

Because all the warriors know that behind them, the third-order monster is flying, behind the third-order monster, fourth-order, fifth-order, sixth-order, seventh-order, including eighth-order and nine-order beastmasters. Approaching them, if they are entangled by these first- and second-order monsters, waiting for them is the whole army, these warriors add up to over ten million, it is no exaggeration to say that if they give first-order and The second-order monsters are entangled, and all the monsters will be surrounded, and they will die.

Because they simply don't have the ability to resist such a beast. If they have that ability, what else should they do in the Great Desolation?

Therefore, at this time they all took out the milk to escape in the direction of the Great Wild City, unable to entangle those first- and second-order monsters, only to kill a **** road, and flee back to the Great Wild City as soon as possible.


All the beasts in the Beast's territory were also barking, and countless beasts began to gather toward the piano. The roar of the beast has not yet sounded. When the piano double hears the screaming of the monsters from far away, the face of the piano doubles changes.

"The beast has begun!"

At this time, it is not only the piano that is determined to be the animal tide. All the warriors also know that the animal tide has come. The eyes of millions of warriors have gathered in the direction of the Jiuzi Mercenary, waiting for the command of Qin Qian.

"Two wastes..." Qin Qian looked at the piano pair with some panic.

"Remove immediately!" Qin double immediately shouted.

Qinqin nodded and turned to look at the flag bearer: "Like the green flag!"

Five figures rose into the air, four people protected the middle of the standard-bearer, the middle of the flag-bearer raised the green flag, while five people shouted.


All the people have a long breath, they have not yet entered the territory of the monster, even a long distance from the territory of the monster, perhaps they can escape to the Great Wild City before the monsters catch up.


Millions of warriors began to turn their directions and flew away in the direction of the Great Wilderness. And the word-length snake lock demon array has become their instinct, even if they are in the fast flight, they still maintain formation.


The first to attack the piano pair was a variety of birds, who flew in the air much faster than the beasts running on the ground.

I can't see the sky anymore. It's all about birds, black pressure, and endless. Then in the eyes of everyone, the birds that cover the sky are like the sky tilting, and they pour down toward the piano.


The battle started in an instant, but for a moment, the space became blurred. It was because countless birds were shattered, and there seemed to be a dense blood rain in the sky...

Do not!

It’s just that blood rain is not enough, and the dense residual meat is falling from the sky.

"full speed!"

Qinqin drank, at this time the string month mercenary group turned into a sudden position, toward the direction of the Great Wild City. All the mercenary groups followed the flag of the Jiuzi Mercenary. The green flag is the refining system in the fire, even in the **** rain of the faint, there is a strong green light.

Half a day later, the beasts that started running arrived, and after a day, more and more beasts were surrounded.

"This is not the way!" Qin double looked at the birds in the sky, and his face was dignified and said: "The warriors above the Chengdan period have no problem sleeping for several years. The warriors in the cyclone period can also persist for more than a month. However, the limit of the warrior in the Tongmai period is not to sleep for seven days. And we return to the Great Wilderness City from here, even if there is no beast blocking, it will take at least 20 days. Now there is a beast blocking, I hope it takes a month. In the fierce battles that continue, the cyclone warriors can't stand it. I am afraid that even if the monsters can't catch up with us, we can let us flee back to the Great Wilderness City within a month, but the warriors who are in the cyclone period will all die."

The gods and blue moons that have been with the piano are also changed. They know that 80% of the small mercenary group members are all below the cyclone period, and some small mercenary groups and even 90% are cyclone. Musha. And even if it is the top, large and medium-sized mercenary groups also have 10% to 30% of the cyclone period.

At this time, the beasts of the entire beast territory are rushing toward them. The beasts of the eighteen kingdoms should also be coming forward here. It is conceivable that they want to return to the Great Wilderness. As a result, I am afraid that as the Qin double said, all the warriors in the cyclone period will die. Because when their souls are exhausted to the extreme, even if they are fighting fiercely, they will sleep...

Do not!


In the fierce battle, I fainted and waited for them?


Only death!

"What to do?" Tianci and Lan Mingyue looked at the Qin double at the same time.

Qin double decisively said: "Rotate!"


"Yes, it's rotation!"

This kind of thing has been encountered in the past life. At that time, her cultivation was not high. She once encountered a small animal wave with an adventure team in an expedition. They have been running for forty days before they finally Escaped.

The method they used was rotation. The adventure team and the piano pair had a total of twelve people. They were six people carrying six exhausted people while they ran and killed. The six exhausted people were already on the back of others. I fell asleep. Wait until your six people wake up and then rotate the back of the six people.

Qin Double quickly said what he meant with the nineteen people around him, and then said:

"This matter has been clarified by the slang. It is up to us to distract them and let the warriors in the Tongmai period and the Tongmai period use this kind of square flow. The whole formation is shrinking."

"it is good!"

Lan Mingyue, Tianci, Duan Hong and others have swept away to a mercenary group, and Qinshuang came to the side of Qin Qian, and told his way to him. Qin Qian immediately nodded, there are many cyclone warriors in the string month mercenary group, if the piano double figured out this method, the string month mercenary group will definitely be badly hurt, which makes the piano concentrating not only for a while . After Qin Qin informed the Qin Qiang, he went to inform other mercenary groups.

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