Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 870: Combat


The knife-tip mercenary group.

"Head, we can't get out!"

"There are too many monsters!"

"Head, I can't run, you go first, I am broken... ah..."

The warrior’s words were not finished, and they were shot by a brown bear. The head of the group swept away and the heart sank to the bottom. Half of the warriors have already looked stunned. He knows that this is because the cultivation is not enough, the soul is tired to the extreme, and if this continues, they will suddenly faint in the running. He suddenly grabbed a look of warriors and shouted on his back:

"There are still spiritual brothers to recite other brothers, other brothers fall asleep as soon as possible, wait for you to wake up, change your back companions!"

A big hand stretched out and grabbed those savage warriors and carried them back to the back. The warriors instantly fell asleep.

However, as a result, these exhausted warriors carry a person, and their actions are also dragged. From time to time, there are warriors falling down, being shredded by monsters, trampled...

Throughout the Great Wilderness, there are scenes of tragic and strong scenes everywhere.

Great desert city!

central square!

"Ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter from the high platform. Because the points on the team list and the personal list are growing wildly at this time, the points of the Tianfeng Mercenary Group, which is the No. 1 in the gold list, have reached more than 40 million points, and more than 20 million points are It has grown in the past few days, and almost every breath has grown substantially.

"Good! Good! Good!" After Wu Chuanli laughed, he looked excitedly: "This is the warrior, the real warrior. It seems that they have found a lot of social monsters."

Having said that, he sneered through the crowd: "What about the string mercenary group? The piano pair? How long has it not appeared on the list? Such a person, should such a mercenary group be severely punished?"

"Severe punishment!"

"Severe punishment!"


Under the high platform, the intensive warriors screamed in anger. Qin Lie, Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian are very ugly, and the eyebrows are full of anxiety and worry.

The eyes of Qin double looked at a broken half of the palace not far away, and the color of excitement appeared in the eyes:

"This is the palace of the Chutian Kingdom. We can return to the Great Wilderness City in five days."

The spirit of all people is alive. Their lives are not big, but they are very tired. After all, they are only facing beasts, not monsters. Although the number of beasts is endless, they are in constant fighting all the time, but their strength is beyond the beast, no doubt. And after this nearly a month of fighting, the word long snake lock demon array is more skilled, the piano dive command is more sophisticated, he even has a faint feeling that he has half a foot into the unparalleled war.

In particular, all the mercenary regiments were very impressed by Qin Qian’s command. It was Qin Yu’s one-word long snake array lock demon array, which was the Qin Qian’s command, so that they had almost no casualties. Once the heart admires someone, they will try to obey someone’s orders. Under this kind of mentality, and under the pressure of this beast, millions of mercenary groups will be born like hell, completely forming a whole. I can no longer feel the oysters, like a sophisticated machine, working like a person. Let the piano sneak in the heart, in this cool, his cultivation has already broken through the Cheng Dan period without knowing it, and entered the first layer of the Cheng Dan period.

It took two days and it was only three days away from Great Wilderness.

The sky still can't see the color of the sky, and all of them are covered by birds. Like a river, the river is pouring down to the piano and others on the ground.

on the ground.

The beasts were shocked from all sides, and at the sight of the margins, the earth shook.


A scream of screaming came from behind the piano double behind them. The piano double waved and the face showed a dignified color.

The beast is chasing it!

"Double children, the beasts are chasing them." Godsend looked back and his face was dignified.

"Listen to the distance of this snoring, I am afraid that there will be another half hour, it will catch up." Blue Mianyue locked his brow.

"Big waste, order. Prepare to fight!" Qin double screamed.

"Welcome?" Qin Qian’s eyes are bright.

"Since the warriors of other mercenary groups have escaped, we can't care. And it is not far from the Great Wilderness City. We are here to intercept the monsters for four days. After four days, we will fight back and fight. How many people can be saved? How many people will be saved?"

"it is good!"

"Rising purple flag!" Qin Qian immediately shouted.

Five people rushed into the sky, four people waved weapons to protect the flag bearer, the flag bearer raised the purple flag, and five people shouted.

I saw that the mercenary group raised the purple flag, and the team operated smoothly. If you looked down from the sky and looked at each mercenary group separately, it would be like a long snake swimming, and each commission The Corps is like a part of a giant python. When they swim, the one-word long snake lock demon array built by millions of martial artists has changed its direction, facing the direction of the beast territory. The squadron mercenary group has returned again. The forward position facing the direction of the beast territory.

The tens of thousands of purple flags hunted in the wind, and millions of warriors formed a giant python, which was like a great wall, straying between the wild animal territory and the great desert city.


During the formation operation, millions of warriors ruthlessly killed a beast. These beasts were destroyed as if they were destroyed by a dead snake, but the beasts slammed toward them like a tide. .


Qin double raised his head and looked toward the front. In her vision, with the roar, the beasts outside the kilometer suddenly smashed up, and a group of beasts were bombarded and sprinkled large and large pieces in midair. Bloody rain.

"Tian Feng!"

The piano eyes flashed, and it was the strongest Tianfeng mercenary group that fled back first.


Behind the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps, a large number of first-order monsters are fighting against the warriors of the Tianfeng Mercenary. The Tianfeng Mercenary Corps is very embarrassed, even if it is Wudi Tianfeng.

If Tian Feng wants to escape alone, she has already fled back to the Great Wilderness City. But how could she leave the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps that she had worked hard to build?

Therefore, she guarded the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps all the way to the Great Wild City. This nearly one month of escape, even if she is an Emperor, to take care of her own subordinates, is also exhausted. She saw her own dying one by one, and her energy was consumed a little. She didn’t know if she could persist in the Great Wilderness City, and she didn’t even know that even if she fled back to the Great Wilderness, the Tianfeng Mercenary Regiment How many people can be left.

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