Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 872: Is it all over the army?


"Hou Yongde, Taiyi, you two old armymen, have you seen it? I don't have to use the great army, but the mercenary group under the jurisdiction can kill the blood of the beasts into the river. Are you Qinglong army?" Is the basaltic army going? When the old army of Laozi is dispatched, those monsters are even more vulnerable. Your central army is now well equipped, tempered, and the strength is no longer good."

Although the cover of the eight wasteland did not say these words, but what is revealed in the eyes is this meaning, everyone is the old army, they have been dealing with hundreds of years of dealing, who does not know who?

Therefore, when the two men heard the cover of the eight, and saw the eyes of the cover, they immediately felt uncomfortable. Tai Yi said faintly:

"It seems that the strength of this wild animal is getting lower and lower!"

"Yes!" Hou Yongde said: "The king of the beasts has been killed, which shows that the strength of the wild beast is indeed a generation is not as good as a generation."

The nose of the cover is almost discouraged.

What do you mean?

The victory with the Great Wilderness Mercenary was because the monsters of the Great Wilderness were too weak?

"You still don't believe it!" Hou Yongde looked at the eight-year-old, and his mouth was full of arrogance: "It is said that this animal tide is a large animal tide, but in the large animal tide, this animal tide will be the most Weak?"


"Oh," Hou Yongde smirked two channels: "Then I will ask you, what is the first sign of the big animal tide?"

"Of course it is led by the nine-order monster."

"Not bad!" Hou Yongde clapped: "I remember that there were three ninth-order monsters in the last animal tide. We have a martial arts dead here, two and a half sacred, only two ninth-order monsters are killed. Retired the tide of the animal.

But now?

What about the current beast?

At that time, the ninth-order monster of the escaped Xuanzang did not know who was killed. Is there a 9th-order monster? Even if the monster king is produced, it is just an eighth-order monster. Even the Wicked King is just an eighth-order monster. Do you think that the strength of the wilderness is as strong as before?

To tell the truth, at this level of the animal tide, there is no need to prepare for it. When I go out, the Qinglong army can sweep the beast. ”

"You" cover eight stagnation.

"This empire and Wu Zongdian teamed up, Wu Tang is the highest commander of this coalition. Covering the eight wasteland, there is the ability to persuade Wu Tangzhu to let our Qinglong army out of the city, my Qinglong army will sweep the beast tide for the Great Wilderness City. ”

"Well, my Xuanwu army can also enter a heart." Taiyi also said with a smile.

In fact, the hearts of two people have long been jealous. Look at the points on the list, say no red, that is fake. A squad of mercenaries can get more than 60 million points. If they are Qinglong, if they are Xuanwu, how many points will they earn?

These points represent the resources of cultivation and also represent military merit. Whether they are cultivating resources or military skills, they are eager for them.

I knew that the monsters in the Great Wilderness City were so weak, and I was asked to leave the city at the beginning. However, this is the end of the matter, they can only sit here and look at the points on the list. Now this is an opportunity. If you can provoke the eight wilderness to convince Wu Chuanlie to let his Qinglong Army and Xuanwu Army go out of the city, then it is a wish.

"The score of the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps is not long!" Qin Lie, who has been paying attention to the list, suddenly said with amazement.

Everyone couldn’t help but look at the stone monument. Sure enough, I saw that the points of the Tianfeng Mercenary Regiment stopped, and one point was not long. Silence down on the high platform, covering the eight wasteland, Tai Yi and Hou Yongde also refused to quarrel, staring at the gold list on the stone tablet.

a quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour

Points don't move at all!

Gai eight can not help but wrinkled his brows, what is going on?

Jin Longxing, sitting next to Qin Lie, frowned and thought: "Maybe the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps is repairing it?"

When I heard the words of Jin Longxing, the people above the high platform nodded slightly, and only one reason was justified.

At that time, the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps was extremely embarrassed. The loss of 100,000 mercenaries was not much, probably about 10%. It must be said that the Tianfeng Mercenary Corps is strong. Of course, this is also because they escaped the fastest, only the first-order and second-order monsters pursued them. However, the one-month escape made them exhausted to the extreme, and they wandered to the extreme, and fled to the Great Desert City at the fastest speed. At this time there was no beast in front of them, so that their tight nerves relaxed, but this relaxed, tired feeling is even magnified in the heart, one by one even staggered.

Behind them.

It was only less than an hour passed, and finally the roar of the monsters was heard. One mercenary group began to appear constantly, and the beasts and beasts followed, and they could not see the margins.

"Up the orange flag!"

From the moment, the battle did not stop for a moment. A mercenary looked through the portal opened by the piano. The cast Great Wall slammed over.

As time went by, they were under increasing pressure and began to suffer casualties, but they were already instinctively accustomed to listening to the command of the piano, running the battlefield, like the Great Wall of Steel, slamming the demon The beast's attack, for the fugitive mercenaries to fight for time.

The earth became a blood river, and the bodies of monsters and beasts piled up like mountains.

Every warrior's body is stained with blood, and his face is exhausted, but the eyes are as strong as steel.

Three days!

Qin Qian has been here for three days. During these three days, more than five million mercenaries passed through the portal they opened and fled to the Great Wilderness.

In these three days, more than 15 million monsters have been killed, and the beasts are numerous.

Great desert city.

On the high platform of the central square, almost everyone frowned.

Three days!

In the three days, the points of the Tianfeng Mercenary Regiment did not increase by one point, and the second Tianhu Mercenary Corps and the third Sirius Mercenary Corps were not a long point.

Even if it is trimmed, don’t you need to trim it for so long?

Even if it is trimmed, will it not be repaired by three mercenary groups?

Is it something?

It’s impossible for a monster to kill for so long!

Is it

Everyone has a heart in mind.

Is it all over the army?

It seems that there is only one reason to explain. Only when all the warriors of the three mercenary groups have died, will a thing that does not last long.


It’s easy to kill all the top three mercenary groups.

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