Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 876: command



Qinqin couldn't help but be a bit stunned. In the end, she didn't want to understand. She had to come down to her heart. Perhaps it was because the mind had the spirit of the martial arts. It was created for the sake of war. It should not be surprising to absorb suffocation and assist in cultivation.


Qin Shuang is observing the string month mercenary group, and there is a figure in the cover of her soul, but it is Wu Chuanlie.

Wu Chuanlie only took less than an hour to appear in the sky above the piano and other people, staring at the front, the look became dignified.

At this time, there are almost no beasts on the battlefield, there are monsters everywhere, and more and more second-order monsters. The mountains are everywhere, endless.

Such a beast tide, in this wilderness, there is no big desert city to rely on, how to resist?

This time the loss is big!

The heart sighed and looked down at the mercenary group below. The look was a while.


He stood in the sky and looked down. I saw that the millions of warriors below are like a giant python...

Do not!

Like a huge dragon, tumbling, swimming, strangling the monster, and hardly blocking the monster outside, there is no step back.

When there are warriors fleeing, they will open a portal to let the fleeing warriors pass through, then close the portal and smash the monster.

"This is... what is it? Is it so powerful?"

Then he was overjoyed, and with the strength of the string month mercenary group, he could save more warriors. Immediately snorted toward the bottom:

"The following military commander, I am Wu Chuanlie. I command you to insist on three more days. Three days later, Qinglong Army and Xuanwu Army will arrive to replace you."

When the words fell, Wu Chuanlie turned his hand and patted the land in front. The sky quickly condensed a huge palm, covering the sky and slamming down.

The earth within ten miles was silent and turned into a deep pit, and the groundwater spewed out.

All the spirits of the warriors can't help!


Wu Shen is here!

Then I saw Wu Chuanlie’s power, and everyone’s heart was more exciting. There is Wu Chuanlie here, what are they terrible?

Didn't see it?

Just a palm, it wiped out the monsters of ten miles. As long as Wu Chuanlie sent a few hundred palms, the beast was not over.

Only the piano double sinks.

Hold on for three more days...

It’s easy to talk about it!

Now these warriors have begun to get tired. The warriors of the small mercenary groups have already killed more than 100,000. The piano has calculated that the limit of the military of these small mercenary groups is seven days. After seven days, I am afraid that they will fall asleep in the battle. So waiting for them is only death.

Although it lasted for three days, it was only six days, and it has not reached the limit of seven days. But here is a step back and not a retreat, and an orderly retreat is different.

Under the command of Qin Qian, an orderly retreat, at that time they did not have to intercept all of these monsters, they can shrink the formation, turn the formation into a snake-like state, let half of the warriors rest in the middle, and half of the warriors resist in the periphery. Everyone takes turns to withdraw, and the casualties will be controlled within an acceptable range.

But here it is tough, to intercept all the monsters that want to pass through them, not the hardships and fierceness. As time goes by, the growth of fatigue, the number of deaths is not that big.


The two worlds are very clear in the heart of the piano, and the level of the monster is very strong. Although the newly-created Wicked King has not completed the ritual of worship, the monsters are coming to the Great Wild City according to the level. Those high-level monsters are not eager to attack the doubles, and even attack those who are fleeing. . If the speed of the warrior's escape is too slow, it is entangled by the first-order monster or the second-order monster, and then caught up with the speed of the third-order monster.

Then, those third-order monsters are naturally not polite and will attack directly against those who flee. However, those monsters will never deliberately speed up the attack on the Terran martial arts.


Wu Chuanlie’s shot is different!

The level concept of the beast will let them immediately attack Wu Chuanlie and launch an attack of similar strength. That is to say, there will be an eighth-order monster attacking Wu Chuanlie, and it is not good to have more than one eighth-order monster.

As a result, Wu Chuanlie's arrival did not play any role, because he would be entangled by the eighth-order monsters, and no more effort to help Qin double them.

So, does Wu Chuanlie not know?

Of course he knows.

But he is holding a lucky feeling, that is, before the eighth-order monsters have not arrived, kill more monsters and decompress them for Qin.

not to mention……

He still has ambitions, and he always feels in his heart that the king of the beast is only eight steps, and at most it is the eighth-order peak, so he is similar to him.

However, this is only a similar example. Wu Chuanlie is quite confident in his martial arts. He firmly believes that his true strength can absolutely kill any eighth-order monster, even if the monster is the eighth-order peak. Therefore, he also has a purposeful shot. If he can attract the king of the beast, he will kill the king of the beast here, and the beast will end.

At that time, he ended his beast tide with his own power, his prestige, and the prestige of Wu Zongdian would be heard in the mainland of the warriors, completely suppressing the momentum of the aristocratic class.

Under the eyes of the sea, if you can achieve this effect, it is the gospel of the mainland.

Therefore, he shot hard, but he shot the monsters in the ten rounds. The corner of his mouth showed a trace of pride, a long, screaming provocative, a large palm that condensed, and slammed toward the other side again.


There was another deep pit in the earth. The warriors around the piano gave a cheering excitement. Millions of warriors cheered together and shook the four fields, as if at this moment, the exhaustion of the body disappeared.


All the monsters are screaming and shouting, and the snoring of the beasts covers the cheers of the Terran martial artists.



There was another animal beast in the distance, and then a farther beast heard, and the beasts came and went one after another.

The face of Qin double has changed!

It is clear that the beast is passing messages through layers of screaming, and the message of Wu Chuanlie is passed to the ear of the beastmaster.


Wu Chuanlie still did not stop, and kept shooting a palm, and countless monsters were shot by him. However, more monsters have come forward and followed.

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