Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 873: I want revenge


Qin double also wanted to know their position on the list, nodded, and everyone excitedly went to the central square. A figure fell in front of the Qin double, and bowed to Qinshuang and Qin Lie:

"His Royal Highness, Master Ching. Please go to the city government to discuss matters."

Qin Lie swayed: "Know it, we will go right away."

After the military again gave a gift, he retreated to the side. The crowd went straight to the central square.

Coming to the central square, everyone's gaze first looked at the team list, and then a burst of cheers.

Team list.

The first place in the gold list: the string month mercenary group, nine thousand six hundred and seven hundred and two hundred and twenty-two thousand eight hundred and forty-one points.

More than 90 million points, ranking first. This made the million warriors who followed the piano double burst out of excitement.

Second place: Tianfeng Mercenary Corps, 6,218,916,664.

Third place: Tianhu mercenary group, 5,896,416,321.

"We are the first!"

"We are the first!"

Lan Mingyue and Duan Hong and others waved their fists with excitement. Tianci and Qin both stood side by side, looking at the gold list, and the eyes showed pride.

Qin double looked at his personal list and quickly found his name, ranking in the 58th place. And Tianshen and Lan Mingyue are also in her rankings.

They did not enter the top ten, and they were not surprised. Although they are killing a lot of animals when they are blocking the tide of the animals, it is the power of the whole team, the power of more than three million warriors, not the power of the individual.

But what about the Tianfeng Mercenary?

They are all scattered to kill the beast, so the Wudi like Tian Feng, and those who are naturally hunted more monsters. From this point of view, the Wuwang in the mercenary group following the Qinshuang, especially the top ten kings like the Niu Meng, but on the personal list is very disadvantageous. Because the string month mercenary group is focused on team operations, not individual operations.

Qin double carefully read the top ten, and sure enough did not see the cattle to take the top ten kings. In the twenty-eighth, they began to see their names one after another.

Even so, Qin Lie, who is standing on the side of the piano, is full of envy. His name did not even enter the 100th place, let alone one hundred, because he barely participated in the war, only in the last day and a half participated in the war of blocking the animal tide. If he is ranked second, his ranking may be after a few million.

"Let's go!"

Qin Lie clenched his fists secretly and vowed to grab the task of fighting the animal tide next time. On the one hand, in order to integrate, on the other hand, in order to precipitate themselves, it is also possible to break through to the realm of Wuwang. Looking at other people's points here, others are proud, so his heart is very uncomfortable, so he turned his head and said to Qin.

The piano nodded twice and the two crowded out the crowd and went to the city seat.

Outside the Great Wilderness.

The beasts are screaming and screaming at the silver wolf.

Inside the big desert.

The city cheered and filled with joyful smiles everywhere. They won immediate confidence from the scene of the string month mercenary group blocking the animal tide. They thought that this was a feast of resources, and the fear of the animal tide disappeared.

However, not everyone is laughing.

At this time, on a stone bridge in the city river, a ragged man lay on his back on the stone bridge, his hair was dirty and his face was dirty and he could not see his original appearance. There was his vomit next to him, and he was full of alcohol and odor. That's it, the man still raised his wine gourd from time to time to drink a bite. When he drank the last bite of the wine in the wine gourd, he threw the wine gourd from the bridge and raised it in his mouth. Daddy, not a little while, then fell asleep.

A woman walked the lotus step and walked up from one end of the stone bridge. She came to the man's body and frowned slightly, seemingly disgusted with the stench that came from him. However, she still squatted and took a pill from her hand and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

After about ten interest, the woman snorted, and the voice contained a special rhythm.

"Weber... Weber..."

Weber seemed to hear a fairy-like voice calling him. He had just vowed that he had never heard such a good voice in his life. He slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes suddenly widened.

He didn't know where he was at this time. He felt a holy light in his vision, and in the center of the light, there was a fairy-tale woman who was looking at him smiling.

That smile...

He vowed never to see it in his life, and the smile warmed into his heart. He seems to have returned to his childhood and saw the smile of his mother.

Do not!

It is also warmer than the mother's smile.

He wants to cry...

His tears have already flowed down.

"Do you want to take revenge?" The voice of the scorpio sounded in his ear: "The sister who loves you is killed, are you so drunk and dreaming?"


"Do you think that you have no ability? Can't kill the enemy, can't kill the tide, can't kill the eight?"


"You have a chance, as long as you don't forget to love your sister, willing to do it, you will be able to take revenge."


"As long as you can destroy the big city of the moat, when the beast tide floods the great desert city, whether it is the blue tide or the eight-year-old, there is only one dead road. Regardless of others, when you are bullied, who is there for you? Ever wondered why you want to think for others? As long as you can take revenge, let it rain?

remember! You have to take revenge!

remember! You have to take revenge!

remember! You have to take revenge! ”

The sound is more and more illusory, but it is deeply imprinted on his soul.

At this moment, Webber’s heart was left with revenge, and no other thoughts could be accommodated. His eyes gradually closed, but his face was full of grievances.

The woman stood up, gently moved the lotus step and left the stone bridge. Another woman appeared beside her, pressing down the voice and asked:

"Xu Shijie, became?"

"Yeah!" Xu Nianxian nodded. "How is the jade collection?"

"There was no one collected!" The woman said indignantly: "Those people are waste, more than 800 people. It took more than a month to collect a drop of jade, and still want to go to us." On the side, I really want to be beautiful, I am jealous. We don’t want waste on our side."

Xu Nianxian shook his head and shook his head: "I can't blame them. Now the beasts are in a state of flux, like the treasure of jade liquid, I am afraid that it has already been acquired. Where will it be on the market?

Just... what about Zheng Shijie? ”

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