Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 875: Do you know sin?



Wu Chuanlie coughed a little, and the hall was silent. The eyes of everyone gathered on Wu Chuanlie's body. Wu Conglie's eyes were locked on Qin's body, and gradually became a bit of irony:

"The piano master, a big shelf, let us these old guys wait for you alone."

Wu Chuanlie’s words were exported, except for the three top mercenary groups rescued by Qin Shuang, the adventurous army, the merchant army and the scattered army, as well as Han Liuyun and Rong Wanqian. Some are not happy. Even the four Emperors who came to cover the Eighths and the Emperor are like this. After all, these people are detached and old, so that they are waiting for a junior, and naturally it is not a taste. If Qin Li did not come, they would have waited for the piano.

As a prince of Daqin, Qin Lie must wait, and it is not easy to say anything, but what qualification do you have for Qinqin to let us wait? Even if you are a half-step master, but here is the mainland of the warrior, with Wu as the respect.

They are all like this, not to mention the Wushen Temple and the Wu Emperor. Therefore, when Wu Chuanlie’s words were exported, the atmosphere in the hall was somewhat different. Qin Liegang wanted to open the responsibility to take the past, but saw a bitter smile on the face of the piano, and spoke first:

"You predecessors, the younger generations really didn't deliberately come late. You see, the younger generations didn't have time to change clothes, but the younger generation's repairs couldn't be compared with the predecessors, and the training was low, and it was slower."

Qinshuang’s face is not harmful to humans and animals, but also apologetic, but the heart has mentioned the limit to Wu Chuanlie’s alert and hate.

"I want to kill me outside the city gate. Now I press me with words. What do you want to do with this old man? Is it true that my piano is not muddy?"

Qin Shuang’s words were exported, and the eight priests and the four imperial emperors were slow to see. They also noticed the double blood-stained coats, and they had an unpleasant smell. It can be seen that when I received the news, I came here, and I didn’t even have time to change my clothes. However, those people in Wu Zongdian hated the Qinshuang. No matter how the Qinshuang was distinguished, the more than a thousand people who died in the Tianjiao team were the facts. They made these people hurt in the bones and hated the Qinshuang.

Wu Chuanlie’s eyes flashed. He did not think that Qin double would use this method to resolve his attack. In his view, since Qinqin has a master of Wu Sheng, such as Liu Meiruo, since he dares to hit him in the battlefield, shouldn’t it be a hot temper?

How can this kind of weakening method resolve his attack?

"Not simple! It is a disciple of Wu Sheng. But I will not let you go."

At this time, a voice sounded outside the door: "See you for seeing."

"Into!" Cover eight wild condensate channel.

The gate opened, and the head of the city’s main government took it in. First, after a ritual, then it was said:

"The city owner, the casualties of various departments have been counted."


"The total number of people in the string month mercenary group is 3,382,262, and now there are only 1,223,678 people, and 2,170,000 people are killed. Eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-four people."

"The total number of Tianfeng Mercenary Corps is 3,411,112, and today there are only 633,682 people, and 2,773,000 are killed. Four hundred and forty people."

"The total number of Tianhu mercenary groups is 3.17 million and 1,142, and today there are only 621,127 people, and the death toll is 2.56 million. Five people."

"The total number of Sirius mercenary groups is 3,128,788, and today there are only 613,140 people, and 2,449,700 people are killed. Six hundred and forty people."

"The total number of adventurous troops is 398,786,400, and today there are only 693,888 people, and 3,268,868,400 are killed. Fourteen."

"The total number of the Scouts is 4,287,772, and today there are only 71,267,177 people, and 3,577,000 and 4,400 are killed. Fifty-one people."

"The total number of merchants is 2,186,764, and today there are only 586,728 people and 1,600,114 people killed. ”

"The total number of Qinglong Army is 100,000. Today there are only 41,826 people and 58,174 people."

"The total number of Xuanwu troops is 100,000. Today there are only 39,921 people left and 60,707 people killed."

"The Tianjiao team has 3,000 people, and now there are 1,421 people left, and 1 559 people are killed."

After the cover is finished, I will stop talking. When he covered his hand, he gently went out and gently closed the door. There is silence in the hall and the atmosphere is very heavy.

Anyone who hears such a big casualty will not feel good.

At this time, Qin’s mood was also very bad. Before the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army rushed to replace them, the mercenary led by Qin’s doubles had more than two million, but after the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army collapsed, Also killed a million or so. But she is also not good to blame Tai Yi and Hou Yongde, only slightly squinting, sitting there sulking.

Tian Feng and others were even more uncomfortable at this time. The team of Qinshuang was killed by 60%, but what about them?

You are nearly 80% killed. It can be said that the small mercenary groups in the three top mercenary groups are basically dead, and only a small part have escaped.

The adventurous army, the merchant army and the scattered army are not much better. Almost all of them have been killed by about 80%.

The Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army are relative to them, but the number of deaths is less, and the number of Qinglong Army and Xuanwu Army is only 200,000. It can be seen that the Qinglong Army and the Xuanwu Army are the regular emperors. How strong is the combat power?

However, even so, Taiyi and Hou Yongde were very angry in their hearts.

If it weren’t for the collapse of the Tianjiao team, they rushed over to them and rushed to their army, they could not have been so heavy.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the two of them could not help but look at Wu Chuanlie. At this time, Wu Chuanlie’s face was like water. The 3,000-day arrogant team actually died more than half, which made him go back to explain to the main hall, Wu Dongying.

And these Tianjiao are the most valued talents he values, otherwise he will not bring them to experience. Now I am dead here, how can I not let him feel bad?

When I think of the death of those disciples, I think of the situation in which the piano pair was not saved before the battle, but also the situation of retreating troops. More importantly, I dared to face him in public. The anger and killing in his heart could no longer be controlled, and his eyes looked sharply at the piano double, screaming:

"Qin double, can you know sin?"

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