Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 882: Save people


Qin double looked back and had a big tree behind his back. He then retired his body to the back of the big tree, and then he ran a deformed technique. When he came out from behind the big tree, he became a pseudonym in the strange mountain village. When the moon is endless, then walk through the street and walk towards the shop.

Just walking to the gate, I heard a voice inside: "Is there no jade?"

"No! You don't have to look for it. There won't be jade before the end of the animal tide."

"They are looking for jade liquid? What do they do for jade liquid?"

The double look of the piano, suddenly remembered a message received before, the cover of the eight had once encountered Zheng Dieer, and seriously injured, they will not seek for Yu Dieer for the butterfly, right? At this time, the two monks in the room were disappointed to get out of the inside, and they saw the piano double at a glance. The faces of the two people are happy:

"Mr. Sister!"

"Follow me!"

Qin double nodded lightly, then walked along the street toward the front, came to a = secluded place, Qin double stationed footsteps:

"What are you looking for in jade?"

"Mr. Sister, you don't know?"


Qin double looked at the two people faintly, the faces of the two people changed. In the hearts of the two of them, the moon in front of the eyes was from the other side of the sea, but a senior. The two immediately said with care:

"Mr. Sister, Xu Shijie passed the order and asked us to find the jade liquid. Whoever can find it, who can take it to the other side of the sea."


The heart of Qin double is a move. If you can go to the other side of the sea with Xu Xiang, it is a way. Even if you can't go, you can know how to go. She just indulged in an instant, and said:

"Can you contact Xu Nianxian?"


"Take me to see her!" Qin said faintly.

The two men looked at each other and did not dare to disobey the piano pair. They nodded and walked through the alley with the piano and went to the front of a courtyard. One of them knocked on the door and quickly heard footsteps from inside. When the door opened, there was a woman who did not know the piano. The two men who came here with the piano pair bowed to the woman:

"Liang Shijie!"

The Liang Shijie’s eyes brightened: "You found the liquid?"

The two men hurriedly shook their heads and then took a step toward both sides, showing the figure of the piano pair:

"It is the teacher of the month who wants to see Xu Shijie."

The Liang Shijie naturally heard about the Qinshuang from Xu Nianxian, and now he looks at the piano.

"Liang Shijun has seen the monthly teacher."

"Can Xu Shijie be there?"

Liang Shizhen shook his head and said: "Xu Shijie is not here, Yue Shimei wants to see Xu Shijie, and the teacher will take you there."

"Well, take me to see her."

"it is good!"

Liang Shizhen walked out of the door, closed the door, and then sent the two people to leave, and then took the piano to go down the alley.

For Xu Nianxian did not live here, Qin double did not have the slightest accident. Qin double will not be stupid enough to think that a monk will know the place where Xu Nianxian lives. If that is the case, Xu Nianxian puts himself in the most dangerous place. As long as a monk is caught and rebelled, she is exposed. I have my own trail. So, just leaving one person here as a contact, and Xu Nianxian living in another place, this is the right way.

“It seems that the place where I live is not too close.”

As the piano moves, look at your storage ring and see how much jade is inside. There are also twelve altars and twenty-five bottles in the jade liquid.

"It seems that I have to give Xu Nianxian a small bottle."

After more than half an hour, Qin double stood under the steps of a door and watched Liang Shiyi stepping on the door. The door was quickly opened, and a woman’s face was revealed from the inside. When she saw Liang Shiyi, her face was a happy one:

"Liang Shijie, did someone find the jade liquid?" The words fell, and they tipped their toes and looked toward Liang Shizhen's back, and then "Yeah":

"Yeah, month... month sister..."

There was a smile on the face of Qin double: "Can Xu Shijie be there?"

"At, at the end of the month, please enter."

Qin double stepped up the steps, stepped into the courtyard, the woman led the piano double in front, and Liang Shizhen closed the courtyard door behind him. Came to the front of a room, the woman tapped the doorway:

"Xu Shijie, Yue Shimei is here."

There was a rush of footsteps in the room, and the door was pulled open, and the anxious face of Xu Xiang appeared in front of the piano.

"Yue Shimei, do you have jade?"

At this time, Xu Nianxian’s heart is full of hope for Qin double. She knows in her heart that it is impossible to buy jade liquid in the Great Wilderness City now. The moon is endless, but she is from the other side of the sea, and it is probably a disciple of Snow Island. It is likely to have jade liquid.


Qin double answered very happy, she came here to make a good impression of Xu Nianxian and Zheng Dieer, so as to explore the way to the other side of the sea, naturally will not pinch.

Xu Nianxian listened to the piano with a jade liquid, and his face showed an excited color. He grabbed the arm of the piano and walked toward the house:

"Yue Shimei, you have to save Zheng Shijie, what you need, despite the opening."

"Sure enough, Zheng Dieer has an accident."

There must be no words in the heart of the piano. With Xu Nianxian walking into the inner room, Zheng Zhenger was lying in bed, his face pale.

In fact, if you want to treat Zheng Dieer, a Vientiane is just fine. But the piano can't be taken out. Who knows what will happen after Xu Nianxian sees the Vientiane?

She has seen Xu Xinxian's heart and hands, and she really does not understand the world around the sea. She will go to the other side of the sea in the future. If she is remembered, she is not a good thing.

"Yue Shimei, Zheng Shijie can't hold on for a month. If you have jade liquid, please cut love. Even if I don't have anything you can see right now, I will let you be satisfied when I return to us."

Qin double shook his head and said: "You are welcome, I have some jade liquid here, first save the Zheng sister and say."

The piano doubled and took out a bottle of jade liquid and handed it to Xu Nianxian. Xu Nianxian hurriedly picked it up and opened the bottle cap. It was really jade, and it was not a few drops, but a small bottle. His face looked great:

"Thank you, Mr. Yue, who is sure to have a return."

When the words fell, he hurriedly sat on the edge of the bed, extended a hand to lift Zheng Dieer’s upper body, and then used another hand to pour a bottle of jade into the mouth of Zheng Dieer, and then Zheng The butterfly gently put it back on the bed, and then watched the color change on Zheng Dieer's face.

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