Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 884: Weber returns

The gate of the city government.

Weber swayed and swayed. Although his face was cut a lot, he was very clean, his hair was no longer a glimpse, and his body was replaced with a gorgeous robe. A mastery exudes on his body. .

The warrior guarding the door saw Weber and was taken aback.

This man has disappeared for several months. It is said that he was drunk all day, depressed and decadent. How suddenly and resoundingly returned?

However, although Wei Yi died, Gai Ba Niu did not order to drive away Weber, and Weber said that he was also a spiritual master, so these guards still politely salute Weber. Weber nodded arrogantly, then walked into the gate and walked toward the center of the underground array.

Looking at Weber's back, the faces of those guards were sarcasm.

"Proud? You are still proud! You thought your sister was alive? Now the lady of the city is Mrs. Bi, you will wait for Mrs. Bi to pack you up."

The captain of the **** glanced grimly at his own hand: "Take the door!"


The **** captain left, and walked out of the crowd's field of vision, then stepped up and walked toward the back garden of the city.

Webber came to the center of the underground array with a light road. He was the master of the law, and he was very familiar with everything here, and no one dared to stop him. As long as the cover is not ordered, who can stop it?

The warrior who did not take care of the guard at the door did not open the door and walked in. The backhand closed the door. The guards guarding the outside of the gate looked at each other. The head of the captain smashed and hurriedly left the underground to report to Gaiwan.

Weber entered the door and his eyes were bright. At this time, there were six masters around the round table, and a light was emitted from the round table. The light formed a light curtain, and the light was displayed on the light curtain. It is a sight outside the Great Wilderness.

It can be clearly seen from the light curtain that outside the Great Desolation, the monsters who can't see the margins are squatting in one direction, and sometimes the beasts are neatly issued. When a loud wolf smashes through the space, with a bang, all the monsters stand up from the ground, like the endless sea.


All the beasts are in harmony, and the sky is broken.


The earth is shaking, and the beasts are like the tides of the sea.

"The beast has begun!" A glorious master appeared a nervous color on his face.

Weber stepped forward to the round table and his eyes fell on the light curtain. The six masters looked at him with a slight gaze, but then they again set their sights on the light curtain.

Zheng Dieer's room.

Zheng Dieer sat on the bed with his eyes closed and was refining the body's jade to repair his injuries. On a chair in the room, Xu Nianxian sat on it, his hands twitching a finger on his chest, and a mirror floating in front of him, the mirror showing the scene outside the Great Wilderness.

Above the walls of the Great Waste City.

The Tianfeng Mercenary Corps and the Adventure Army stood on the top of the city like a jungle. Their hands were close to the weapons, and their faces were pale.

No matter who you are, seeing the endless beasts rushing toward you will give you a feeling of suffocation. The momentum is directly on the mind of the people, and it is getting heavier and heavier.


Just like a heavy hammer hammering on everyone's heart, the animal tide hits about ten meters from the wall and suddenly stops.


Although they stopped, they burst into a variety of magical powers from their mouths and bombarded them on the walls.


The entire city wall was trembled, and the great city of the great desert city shrouded a layer of ripples.


A burst of screaming straight into the nine squats, from behind the beast tide came a group of tall monsters.

Giant cub, giant bear...

Every monster has a height of more than ten feet.


These monsters hit the wall and made the shackles on the big guards more intense.


Tian Feng sang high and took the lead in a sword. The Wanlong array is a one-way big battle. The outside attack can't get in, but the attack inside can be released. Tian Feng’s possession of a sword of Wudi Weineng penetrated the big guard of the city. The sword smashed the head of a giant python, which divided the giant python into two, and the huge corpse was divided into two halves. The bang slammed down on the ground.


One warrior sent out a shout, and a martyr had penetrated the moat and attacked the past with the monster.


The darkness in the sky, everyone looked at it, and saw the sky as if there was an endless cloud that quickly moved over...

It was a boundless demon bird. The demon birds swooped down toward the Great Wilderness City. The sharp mouth and the claws attacked the big guard. Just in an instant, the big guards seemed to have been added a layer. Covering, I can no longer see a trace of the sky.

Xu Nianxian looked at the scene in the mirror and deeply locked his brow. This Wanlong array turned out to be terrible, and it seemed to be a little difficult to see the essence of her immortality.

These days, she has also explored the Longtan array from time to time. The more I look at this Wanlong array, the more I am surprised. She does not understand, how can someone in the mainland of China be able to lay out such a large array?

However, she still found out the flaws of the Wanlong array.

Wanlong array is very mysterious. It is very difficult for the current Xu Nianxian to study the Duwanlong array, but this Wanlong array gives Xu Nianxian a feeling, as if this Wanlong array is a simplified array, and because Her array of nodes uses only nine levels of spiritual pattern, and there is some inconsistency.

Let the spirit of a nine-level guru to support a line that seems so sinister to her, even if she feels that there are already some great masters, there are some foundations. Therefore, it is inevitable to reveal a little flaw.

However, she worked hard and found three flaws, and these two flaws are still not very certain, but they vaguely feel that the three places should be the weak places of Wanlong. After repeated confirmation, Xu Nianxian finally decided to try it.

Wanlong array is not only laid on the outer wall of the city wall, but also on the inner wall of the city wall, and there are countless arrays on the ground extending to the ground, directly to the large-scale command center where Weber is located.

The three points that Xu Nianxian discovered were the layout on the inner wall. Her power of knowing the sea fluctuated...

At that time, more than 800 monks who were practicing were immediately accepted the order of Xu Nianxian, and at the same time, they learned the position of the three flaws by knowing the symbols in the sea.

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