Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 888: Wan Long Qi Xiao


He must figure out whether this kind of symbol will destroy the Longyan array, and the person who can make this judgment is naturally a half-step spiritual master.

"What should I do?" Zheng Dieer looked at Xu Nianxian.

"There is no way, just wait to see Weber over there."

When Xu Nianxian said, while he was swaying the finger, the more than 800 monks on the wall suddenly changed his face, and then it was a joy, because they found that Xu Xiang’s charms in their knowledge of the sea dissipated.

The string month mercenary group.

Cover eight is in the front of the door of the Qin double, condensed: "Zhu Zong Shi, cover eight shortages to see."

In the room.

Qin double helplessly opened his eyes, glanced at the scattered Lingshi powder around, and sighed softly. In a dozen days, she consumed 2,876 pieces of the next product, and only pushed her cultivation to the mid-ninth stage of the Cheng Dan period.

Standing up from the ground, coming from the inner room to the outer room, pushing open the door, I saw that the eight-year-old was standing anxiously.

"What happened to the city owner?"

"Look at this!"

Gai Baishan handed the plaque in his hand to the piano pair. Qin double took the plaque and glanced at it. The look was a change, then he looked up and asked:

"Where did you get it?"

Covering the eight wilderness will tell the story again, Qin double understands immediately, this must be sent to the monks. Her heart was also shocked and began to seriously study this break. Gai Bawei anxiously stood by and looked at her.

About a quarter of an hour, Qin doubled a long sigh of relief: "I have not yet understood this symbol, but I can conclude that it is not powerful enough to destroy Wanlong."

"That's good!" Gai Bai also sighed with a long sigh of relief: "This poem is left to the piano master to study, the old man resigned."

If the words fall, it will not wait for the double opening of the piano, and the figure will disappear like a light.

Qin double took this symbol and returned to the room, and no longer went to practice, but sat in a chair to study the charm.

The eight-year-old has not returned to the wall, but came to the underground command center.

"See the city!"

It’s time to open the third floor.

An old man looked at the beast tide in the light curtain: "Almost, except for the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, which has not appeared yet, there are now thirty-six eighth-order monsters involved in the attack. At this time, we suddenly Open the third layer of the Wanlong array, you will be able to reinvent the monster."

"Good!" The face of Gai Bai’s face showed a stern color: "Open the third floor."

"Prepare the spirit stone!"

The old man shouted. Immediately, a middle-aged master took a key from his arms and walked toward a gate inside the command center. He opened the door and quickly pulled a large box from it, then closed the door. After locking it again, dragging the big box to the front of the round table, opening the box, which is filled with a box of Lingshi. The old master looked at the six masters under his body:

"You six are responsible for adding Lingshi."


Webber's six people look dignified and nodded. Everyone took a stone from the box and held it in his hand. Then he looked at the six round holes on the round table. At that time, there were six stones in the six holes.

The old master put a hand on a raised six-sided shape on the group, which activated the third layer of the array of the dragon array.

Great desert city.

The dense beast tide is bombarding the big city, and the big city is like a light curtain, covering the entire deserted city. The 10,000 fire dragons on the wall were quietly crouching there, as if they were just a decoration.


Suddenly, the wall of the Great Wasteland turned into a fire wall. Only the fire generated by this fire wall spread, and many countless beasts and first-to-third-order monsters were burned, and those who were fourth-order or above were also flustered backwards. With a slight and different injury.


Earth shakes, the wind is broken, Wan Long Qi Xiao!


The fire suddenly expanded, and thousands of fire dragons sprang out and swooped toward the monsters, entangled, strangled...

There is no blood splash, because those monsters have not waited for the blood to splash, they have been burned to ash by the fire dragon, leaving only a brief and mournful mourning...

Inside the big desert.

Everyone is looking at everything that is happening in front of him.

Too... shocked...


Far from the whistling sound of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, a huge wolf shadow, instantly appeared in the air outside the Great Wild City, looking at the giant wolf in the air, feeling the horror of it, the Great Wild City The warriors changed their faces one by one.

Not to mention Wu Chuanlie, the peak of Wushen, that is the Wusheng and the two half-sacred also changed color. They can clearly perceive that the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf is a nine-order monster. The face of Wu Sheng became dignified.

He is a layer of Wusheng, whose strength is comparable to that of the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf.


He knows a magical power of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, which is fast, fast, and exceptionally fast. Even if he is a Fang Wusheng, he can't catch up with Xiaoyue Silver Wolf. What does this mean?

This means that he and the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf are only able to be passively beaten.


Xiaoyue silver wolf screamed and saw a moon erupting from its mouth. The moon left its mouth, and it became very thick in the air, quietly bombarded on a fire dragon, and then it rang. A loud explosion, even the fire dragon was smashed...

The underground command center, Gai Baqian looked surprised, but Weber and other six people did not have time to see what happened in the light curtain. They were all staring at the Lingshi on the round table. The speed of Lingshi consumption was too fast. It is. The six of them were responsible for adding the Lingshi. At the moment when the Lingshi exhausted, they immediately placed the Lingshi in their hands. The box of Lingshi now has only a thin layer.

The third layer of the Wanlong array only opened in less than two quarters of an hour and returned to the first floor. This is not to cover the eight wilderness, do not want to continue, but all the monsters have retreated to a safe distance, so that the Longyan has not attacked them.

"Good! Good! Good! Hahaha..."

The eight sorcerers laughed loudly, and the seven masters, such as Weber, also laughed excitedly and took a big step to leave. He went to the wall and celebrated with all the warriors. Since the beginning of the animal tide, his heart has never been so smooth.

Weber took the gourd from the storage ring: "Come, let's celebrate."

"Celebrate, of course, celebrate."

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