Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 890: central square



A wolf shadow appeared in the air, and a moon spurted out of its mouth. When the sun shines in the snow, the warriors who have been swept by the moon have turned into powder.

"Hey animals, you dare!"

Wu Zongdian, the Wu Sheng and the two half-sacred, the body shape of a swept, they clipped to the Xiaoyue silver wolf. In the eyes of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, there is a hint of dignity. The Wusheng and the two half-sacred are the eyes of a joy, because the three of them have already clipped the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf in the middle, and the sword in their hands has already screamed. The key to the silver wolf has stabbed the past.

The sword smashed, and the silver wolf was twisted into a powder.


The faces of these three people have changed dramatically. The Xiaoyue Silver Wolf was twisted into a powder, but there was no flesh and blood splashing out.

"The afterimage!"

These two words almost appeared in the minds of three people at the same time. One of the half-sacred faces changed dramatically. He felt a smoldering hurricane rushing toward his back heart, thinking and not wanting to fly forward toward the front. At the same time, the Wu Sheng also saw the screaming silver wolf that was rushing to the semi-holy. The long sword in the hand was displayed horizontally, and it was stopped before the wolf claw of the wolf.


The martial arts felt a strong sword on the top of the sword, almost let his sword off his hand, his body receding in the air.


Two and a half, one left and one right, standing on either side of the Wusheng, three people looking at the gaze of the Xiaoyue silver wolf full of alert.

The Xiaoyue Silver Wolf looked at the three people’s eyes and flashed a slap in the face. The figure suddenly disappeared in the air, and then I saw countless Xiaoyue Silver Wolfs rushing from all directions to the one Wu and the two. .

That is the afterimage of the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, so that the three people can not capture the shadow is the real Xiaoyue Silver Wolf.


The three people released the power of their souls almost at the same time, only to capture the body shape of the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf in an instant.


The capture is captured, but there is no way to take the screaming silver wolf. Because their speed can't keep up with the Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, they are dominated by the speed of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, and they are attacking against them three times. These three peak figures on the mainland of the warriors, this Only able to stand back to back, in full defense.


The piano double broke out and looked up into the air. The face was shocked and confused.

"How could the Wanlong array be broken?"


The people of the string month mercenary group rushed out of the room. Godsend, Lan Mingyue, Duan Hong, Zhao Zirou and others fell on the side of Qin double, looked up in the direction of the city wall, and his face became pale.

"Wanlong is broken?"

“Qin Qian?” Qin’s eyes glanced around.

"That boy went to the city wall, has been there." Yuan Fei looked anxiously.

"Rising purple flag!" Qin double also refused to take care of others.

Immediately, five warriors flew into the air. One of the warriors raised the purple flag, and the other four guards were in the middle. At the same time, the whistling sound of the squad, the martial arts of the string servant group immediately gathered around the double.

"Go to the central square!"

The piano doubled and sizzled, and everyone quickly moved in the direction of the central square. Yuan Ye looked worriedly at Qin Double Road:

"His Royal Highness, the Central Square is the center of the entire Great Wilderness City. We went there and it would be difficult to evacuate the Great Wilderness City."

The eyes of all people looked at the Qinshuang. They were closer to the gates facing the direction of the Imperial City. It is reasonable to say that when the Great Wilderness City is broken, they should immediately withdraw from the Great Wilderness. However, Qin double took them to the Great Desolation City and went to the central square of the Great Desert City. By that time, surrounded by monsters, it was a dead war.

"It is because it is the center of the Great Wilderness City, I went there." Qin said calmly: "Only there, the sound can only attack the monsters to the greatest extent."

Everyone listens and the heart is a hop. At this time, they remembered that the piano pair is still a seven-seven master. The voice and the sea and father and son were even more radiant, and looked at the piano pair with a burning gaze. Qin double looked at them and nodded:

"At the time we will join forces to retreat."

"Good!" The voice and the sea look excited.

"And me!" Le Qingqing squeezed over.

"Of course there is you!" Qin double smiled.

"That... what do we do?" Duan Hong asked.

"You? Of course it is to protect us."

"Piano Master!"

At this time, everyone heard the call and followed the sound, but they saw that Niu Meng and the mercenary group came to this side. The double look of the piano is a joy:

"Return to the team!"


When the cow slammed, he gathered with his land mercenary group, and the followers continued to fly toward the central square.

On this road, there is a team of mercenaries constantly concentrating here. These mercenary groups belong to the mercenary group under the jurisdiction of Qin. They are used to watching the flag. When the beasts surged into the Great Wilderness City, the first thing that these mercenary groups thought of was to search for the flag of the Jiuzi Mercenary. When they saw the flag of the Jiuyi Mercenary Corps, they gathered here, and then habitually listed as a battlefield, followed by the two-way promotion of the central square.

At the beginning, they did not encounter the monsters, but they encountered the warriors who fled. However, when they are about to reach the central square, they have seen the figure of the beast in their vision.


A wolverine figure fell on the side of the piano, but it was the piano. The heart of the double hanging of the piano quietly put down, watching the more and more warriors gathered together, Qin double is really anxious, because she did not know how to command these people.

"Destination!" After the piano dive down, immediately asked Qinqin.

"Central Square!" Qin double said immediately.

"Purpose!" Qin Qian asked again.

"Protect me, I want to use sound."

"Understand!" Qin dive nodded, then shouted: "Like the red flag!"

When the red flag rose, it saw that the nearly 200,000 warriors had quickly changed the formation, forming a cone-shaped array. The string month mercenary group as a cone tip inserted into the central square. The opposite tide of the animal also swooped toward them.

In the sky above the Jiuzi Mercenary, a **** finger quickly condensed.

Killing fingers!


The Qin Qiang hands twisted a big gun, and the momentum behind him seemed to bring up thousands of horses.


Nearly 200,000 people are drinking high, killing the sky, and the fingers of the killing in the air become more and more solid, emitting a **** and killing atmosphere.


Pointing to the opposite tide of the beast.

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