Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 900: track


One is about twenty meters behind her. It is a middle-aged man with a brawl on his head and can't see his face. However, when the power of the soul of the piano doubled across his face, the heart could not help but jump. This person was suddenly a Wudi who followed Wu Chuanlie in the Great Waste City.

"Wu Chuanlie really refused to give up!"

In the heart of the piano, Wu Chuanlie’s conspiracy was instantly understood. He was afraid of Liu Meiruo, so he returned to the holy mountain and took Liu Meiruo away. He secretly sent these two men to kill themselves.


What is Liu Meiruo?

Qin double also used the power of the soul to see the man who walked about 30 meters in front of himself. It was also the other Wu Emperor who was in the Great Wilderness and followed Wu Chuanlie.

"Use two Emperors to kill me, Wu Chuanlie really can see me."

After discovering the two Wudi who tracked themselves, the piano doubled increased caution. So she went to a place with lots of people. In case the two Emperor Wu suddenly made a move to her.

She did not know that the two Emperors did not come to kill, but to arrest her. And these two Emperors also did have the idea of ​​doing things for her. These two people are the peaks of Emperor Wudi. In their view, as long as they both look for opportunities to get close to the Qinshuang, they can easily subdue the piano pair without being discovered by everyone, and then take her to quietly leave Qincheng.

The two of them arrived just today. When they first came outside the Earl's Court, they saw Qin and the fire jade out of the door, so they resisted not doing it. But now there is only one person left in the piano, and the two of them have moved the idea of ​​grabbing the double.

The Wudi who walked in front gradually slowed down, and the Wudi who walked behind slowly accelerated. The heart of the piano is a jump. The eyes swept around, just three meters away from the front, there was a martyrdom. Qin double immediately turned into the martyrdom. In the power of her soul, they saw that the two Emperors had stepped up and turned into In the martyrdom, she followed her.

The piano is abducted, but it is always a place where people are crowded. The two Emperors did not know that their actions were under the supervision of the soul of Qinshuang. They were always able to judge their actions and act first, so that they could not find a way to be close to Qin Double.

In this way, Qin double finally returned to his count.

However, even if he returned to his own count, the piano did not dare to care. In fact, she felt that she had returned to the Earls Court and was even more dangerous than outside.

After all, there are many people outside, and the two Emperors must be all scruples. But there are not many people in the Earl's House, and for the two Emperors, they can be killed. Therefore, when Qinqin entered the Earl's Court, he quickly entered his bedroom, then opened the spiritual array and entered the underground secret room.

Outside the Earl's Court, opposite the main street, the two Emperors were standing freely under a big tree. Both people have a fight and can't see their faces. In front of the gate, the guards of the Earl's House looked at them with some suspicion, but found that the two men slowly turned and left the street.

The two emperors, who were walking side by side, were talking in a low voice.

"He Xiong, do you say that Qinqin has found us?"

"Is it impossible? With the repair of our two, the Qinshuang is only a warrior in the Chengdan period, and it is impossible to find us."

"But... how do I have a feeling that she found out? First of all, she did not go directly to the Earl's House, but turned around on the road, returned to the government, and immediately entered the full line of spirits, isolated us The secret room of the power of the soul?"


"What do we do then?"

"We will monitor him from the opposite side. She will not come out for a lifetime. When she comes out next time, we will find a chance to start. Hurry and catch her back, it is a waste of our cultivation time."

The two turned around and then turned into an uninhabited alley. The next moment, the two figures have disappeared into the hutong, and once again appeared opposite the Earl's House in Qinshuang.

Only this time, the two of them appeared on a ridge, about 300 meters away from the Earls Court, but with the repair of the two of them, the distance of three hundred meters still allows them to clearly see the count. The gate of the government.

They did not use the power of the soul to monitor, because the two of them did not know when the piano double came out, and they were always monitored by the power of the soul, even if the Emperor Wu could not stand the consumption.

They just look at the gates of Earl's House and wait for the piano to come out next time.

In the underground secret room.

Qinqin seems to have forgotten the two emperors who tracked their own outside. They are writing the dragon snake, and copying the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" by memory.

After spending a long time, Qin Shuang copied the "Huangfeng Baodian" and "Danfeng Chaoyang", bound the two secret books into a book, and collected the storage ring. Sitting there and thinking a little, he got up and left the Chamber of Secrets and returned to the bedroom.

Standing in the middle of the bedroom, the power of the soul spread out, enveloped the entire Earl's House, and then spread out to the outside.

Soon, she found two emperors sitting on the ridge, her brows not only slightly wrinkled. Standing in the middle of the bedroom, she thought about it. After about three minutes, her eyes flashed a bit.

"The blood piano predecessor!" Qin double called in his heart.

"Well?" The sound of the bloodqin is a little impatient: "Don't bother me!"

When the piano looks a glimpse, he rushes into the sea of ​​knowledge, and the bloodqin is refining the bloodstain stone and restoring his own realm. It is not good to say:

"Is bothering my predecessors."


Seeing that the blood piano did not pay attention to her, the piano said with a double bow: "That... I don't have a flag that can lay a hidden array on seven sides? There are twenty-five flags that can be set up in a magical array. Can you Pass me the method of laying these two arrays?"

When the bloodqin fluctuated, there was a message that passed into her consciousness. Qin double joy, immediately quit the sea of ​​knowledge, began to comprehend these two arrays. There are already places to think about the roads and the roads, and the two sides also have a blending place. The road can not be separated from the array, all have a matrix. The array method is also inseparable from the road, and each flag can also have symbols. It is not a long time to understand that these two levels are not high in the hidden and real arrays. It only took a day and a night.

At dusk.

Qinqin opened his eyes and spread the power of the soul again. He saw the two Emperors still sitting on the roof and staring at their own gates.

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