Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 905: rumor


Earl's Court.

After returning to Fuzhong, Qinqin went directly into the underground secret room and set up a gathering of spirits with Lingshi, and began to cultivate.


She did not know that the emperor was already in full swing.

Because there was a message that spread quickly in the Imperial City, it was only a day, and almost everyone in the Emperor knew it.

The fire home gave the piano double 100,000 down the spirit stone, as for why the fire family should give the piano double such a big gift, but no one knows. And after the news spread, the fire family did not publicly deny it.

This news makes the world warriors want to be crazy!

This is a spiritual stone!

And still 100,000 Lingshi!

The 100,000 Lingshi don't say that a warrior can always cultivate to Wusheng, and they can all build a big family.

How could this not be crazy?

In the evening, there were countless sneaky warriors around the Earl's Palace in Qinshuang.

However, before they were sneaky, the warriors hiding in the shadows acted, and a large number of warriors surrounded the Earls Court. These warriors were from the empire, and some of them were from the fire.

In the ranks of the Imperial Capital, a young man with a sinking face like water, but it was Qin Lie, the great son of Daqin, followed by Lan Mingyue and others who went to the Great Wilderness City. At the same time, a middle-aged man came out of the firearms, but it was the fire star.

Qin Lie looked at the fire star road: "Second, what is going on here?"

The look of the flaming star looked hesitantly: "Let's go in and say it!"

Qin Lie nodded and walked side by side with the Burning Star to the gate of the Earl House. Several high-ranking members of the fire family, several confidants in the Qin Lijun army, and Lan Mingyue, Duan Hong and others were also led by the double-steel masters, came to the hall to sit, and then the housekeeper came to the retreat of the Qinshuang The bell was ringing.

Qin double appeared in the hall very quickly. She had already listened to the housekeeper's explanation on the way, so when she entered the hall, her eyes looked at the fire star. The face of Huo Renxing showed a smile:

"Double children, please believe in our fire home!"

The jade in the fire also stood up and said: "Double children, our fire home will not do such a thing."

"Is this thing true?" Qin Li looked at Qinshuang and Huo Renxing with surprise.

"Yes!" Fireheart nodded: "But... Prince will not ask why."

Qin Lie looked at the fire star, and the color of doubt appeared in his eyes. Suddenly turned and yelled at my own heart:

"Check, give me a check!"

The atmosphere inside the hall was very dignified, no one spoke, everyone was waiting, waiting for the results of Qin Lie’s investigation. Tianshen’s face flashed the color of worry from time to time. He knew that Qin’s possession of 100,000 Lingshi’s news spread.

I have to say that the power of the empire should not be underestimated. On the same day, Wu Jiang was arrested and squatted in the middle of the main hall. A warrior marched toward Qin Lie:

"His Royal Highness, the news is that he spread it."

Inside the hall, everyone’s eyes converge on him, leaving Wu Jiang in the middle of it. Qin Lie looked at Wu Jiang’s voice:


"Small people... villains...not intentional..."

Qin Lie did not speak, but looked at Wu Jiang coldly. Wu Jiang’s body was even more powerful. Even the words were incomplete. Qin Lie frowned and looked at his own confidant. The confidant face showed a bitter smile:

"His Royal Highness, this man is the buddy of the No.1 restaurant. On that day, the master of the piano and the fire chief ate at the champion restaurant. The buddy heard a few words at the door, and then he said it as a capital."

Everyone is looking at each other. Tengdi, Huo Renxing stood up and strode to the front of Wu Jiang and kicked Wu Jiang.


Wu Jiang was kicked off and flew out from the gate. The body was kicked into two by Fireheart. The fire star swelled red and turned to look at the piano double track:

"Double children, this thing, I am not doing well in the fire house. What do we need to do with the fire house, you say something."

Qin double frowned a little, with her experience, keenly felt that this thing is not that simple. She originally traded with the fire house in the restaurant box. Because it is the skill that the fire family needs, she knows that the fire home will be cautious. Even if there is no military guard outside the box, we will always pay attention to the situation outside the box. So she did not leave an accident. However, nowadays, a guy has heard their conversation and passed the words he heard, which will inevitably make the piano doubt. Just thinking a little, the heart of the piano doubles appeared a smile.

Some of her want to understand the reason for the incident, the fire home is afraid to leak the "Fire Phoenix" and "Danfeng Chaoyang", lost the foothold of the fire home. However, they do not want to expose their fire homes and want to use their power to kill themselves.

Her gaze could not help but look at the jade in the fire, but she saw the worry of the jade in the fire. I thought about the process of meeting the jade in the fire and the character of jade in the fire. I am afraid that this jade is really unknown.

After pondering this matter, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Although she speculated that 90% of this incident was behind the fire family, there was no evidence. And still can't say it. If you let others know that there are "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" in her hands, I am afraid that there will be more warriors who want to kill her, and get the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" from her. .

"Fire home... don't let me find evidence!"

The piano doubled down slightly, and the eyes flickered. Then he returned to calm and said faintly:

"It doesn't matter, right when this is a experience for me."

Huo Renxing’s face apologized: “Shuanger, I will ask my big brother to make an announcement. This is a rumor that our firehouse has never given you 100,000 Lingshi.”

"Feel free!"

Qin double said faintly, Qin double knows that if the fire home really blames, it can play a certain role, but it can not solve the problem. The news has spread and there will always be people who will not give up.

"Double children, you can rest assured. The Imperial City of the Imperial City will focus on this place. In the Imperial Capital, I see who dares to make trouble." Qin Lie said coldly.

"We will also send people to protect you."

"No need!" Qin said faintly: "It is not so easy to kill me."

"Double children..."

"Really don't!"

"That... you are careful!"

Qin Lie said helplessly, everyone chatted for a while, they left, and Godsend had to stay. When he returned from the Great Wilderness City, he was taken to the Prince's House by Qin Lie. Two people went to study. I did not expect that such a thing happened in the past few days. Godsend nature refused to leave, and stayed to protect the piano.

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