Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 907: Starlight shake


Qin doubled his head and thought about the power that had just erupted. This type of sword skill has gone beyond the phoenix.

In the martial arts of Qin double, the power of the big handprint is the lowest, it should belong to the heavenly grade martial arts, followed by the flying phoenix dance, which belongs to the heavenly martial arts, and then the Dragon Swallow, which belongs to the heavenly grade martial arts. Feng Tiantian belongs to the top grade martial arts of the top grade, and the dragon and phoenix should have reached the best martial arts of the heavenly level. As for the starlight sword technique, Qin double does not know which level it belongs to.

However, nowadays only part of the performance of the starlight swordsmanship has formed a sword technique. Qinqin knows that it has surpassed the phoenix, but it does not reach the power of the dragon and the phoenix.

However, this is still in the piano double just pulled out the two-inch blade, she does not know how much power will reach if the whole sword is pulled out.

Qinqin left the underground secret room and came to a rockery in the back garden. Looking up at the sky, it is at noon, and a red sun hangs in the sky. She not only slightly frowned. Now she knows that this starlight sword technique is transformed into sword skills by absorbing the power of the stars. Nowadays, when the red sun is empty, how to absorb the power of the stars?

She spread the power of the soul, and there is a joy between the eyebrows. It can be clearly seen in the power of the soul, and the power of countless stars is free in space.

"The power of the stars is everywhere!"

The piano double thought a little, and the heart would be clear. The stars in the sky are always there, and the power of the stars that radiate is naturally in the space.


Starlight swordsmanship at night, when the stars are full, the power should be stronger?


The piano double spit out a long breath, and the right hand was once again held on the hilt.


The long sword was slowly pulled up and pulled out an inch.


A hundred dazzling golden light burst out, covering the space in front of you, and the opposite rockery was smashed into ruins. Qin double looked at the opposite rockery...


More than a dozen figures flew from all directions.

"The Earl of the Lord!"

Qin Shuang’s sluggish eyes restored the agility and set the hand: “Nothing, I experimented with sword skills. Go on.”

The dozens of warriors took a look at the rockery, and the muscles on his face twitched, and the heart was dark:

“Is this still the power of the Dandan period?”

One by one quickly receded and sneaked into the corner.

Qin double spreads the power of his own soul, and there is a sneer in the corner of his mouth. The power of her soul captures the power of countless souls and is exploring herself. I know that it is the movement that I have just made, and let those who are jealous of themselves explore themselves.

Only in this way, it is not good to test martial arts. Qin double does not want to expose his own cards. She stood there and thought about it. There is no need to open the fire phoenix body. This long sword is only one inch away, and it has the power to surpass the phoenix, and it is several times larger than the power in the underground secret room.

It is okay to say that the warrior who is not practicing the heavenly martial arts, even if it is the late king of Wu, she can also kill the opponent with an inch of starlight. If you turn on the fire phoenix again...

The piano double was deduced a bit, and it felt that it was the peak of the early Emperor Wu, and it was able to smash the other side under the sword.

This is just pulling out an inch of the blade, if you pull out two inches, three inches, so much more!

What made her sluggish just now was the starlight that burst out...


The right is starlight!

That is simply the power of the sun!

Maybe the sun is also a kind of star!

The piano double thinks about it, and then the spirit is a revival. If you are at night, directly absorb the power of the stars, will the power be stronger?

"Night! Wait until the evening to try out!"

Qin double will not experiment with the power of Starlight Swordsman under the exploration of those who are in the military. When those people explore enough, they will secretly experiment.

Going back to the room, I ordered the bath water to be burned, and I sat down in the tub under the sly service, thinking while washing.

"What is the name of this sword technique that is derived from yourself?"

The general sword is naturally called the starlight sword technique, but what is the style of this sword?

It is called a starlight shake! ”


Star bright!

The piano in the bedroom opened her eyes and the power of the soul spread out. Under the scan of her soul, she saw dozens of warriors hiding around the Earl's House, but did not use the power of the soul to explore the Earls Court. . There was a smile on the corner of the piano, which was long before her expectation. Those people could not always cover the Earl's House with the power of the soul.

Qin doubled up, quietly left the bedroom, and found a rockery in the back garden, standing in front of the rockery, holding the hilt in his right hand, Yang looked at the starlight in the sky, and the eyes showed the expectation.


A sword screamed and the sword was squirted one inch.

At this moment, Qin double felt that his right hand could not hold the hilt, and the starlight from the inch of the sword exploded, as if at this moment, there was a starry sky in front of the double.


The starry sky disappeared, and the piano could not help but be lost.

"What a nice view……"

Qin double is still immersed in the starry sky at that moment...


More than a dozen figures rushed toward the piano. When they saw the piano double, the muscles on their faces could not be twitched. When they looked at the rockery again, the muscles on their faces twitched even more.

The power of dozens of souls scanned over here, and the piano double woke up from the intoxication, looking at the direction of the rockery, and the dawn was a stay.

The rockery is not as simple as a ruin, it has become a layer of powder.


This still does not open the fire and phoenix body, but this power is already equivalent to half a step of Emperor Wu. If the fire phoenix body is turned on, I am afraid that this power is already equivalent to the Wudi mid-term!

This is just pulling out the sword and an inch...

The heart of Qin double was excited.


Qinqin spit out a long breath and calmed his mood. Think carefully.

It is equivalent to the half-step Wudi's power, compared with those of ordinary warriors, that is to say, the sword of the double is only a half-step Wudi strike to cultivate the prefecture level.

If the other party and the piano are practicing the same best heavenly exercises, then everyone is better than the martial arts. If the other party has the same level of martial arts as the starlight, then everyone is half a catty.


The grade of the starlight has surpassed the peak of the phoenix, that is, the level of martial arts above the peak of the top grade, between the top grade and the best martial arts, should be counted as a half-step martial arts.

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