Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 909: a golden dan


Qin double sighed in the heart, the royal family's heritage is really small. Looking at the gods:

"Brother, what about you?"

The godsend’s face also showed the color of pride: “The fifth peak of Wuwang.”

There is a strange look in the eyes of Qin double, and my heart has already concluded that Godsend must have an adventure.

"What about you?" Qin's eyes swept to other people.

Duan Hongxian took a look at Qin Lie and then said proudly: "The second layer of Wu Wang."

Qin Lie licked his mouth and turned a blank eye. Zhao Zirou smiled softly: "I am like Qin Lie, the first peak of Wu Wang."

"Me too!" Blue Mourning licked his hair.

Everyone also reported their own repairs, Qin Jiaoyue and Qin Xian as the royal children, and the repairs have actually reached the first stage of the first king of Wu Wang. In the fire, the jade reached the first stage of the Wuwang, and the fire in the middle reached the first half of the Wuwang. Sun Qiaomu, Lu Xu, Li Dieer, Hua Jinxiu, Zheng Tong, and the fifth daring all reached the first stage of Wuwang. Xuanyuan Ling, Ou, Guqian and Le Qingqing reached the peak of the ninth layer of the Chengdan period.

After hearing these people's cultivation, Qin Shuang's face could not help but show a bitter smile: "It seems that my cultivation is the lowest."

Qin Lie shook his head and said: "Your cultivation is the lowest, but your strength may not be the lowest."

Speaking of this, I look at the Qin Double Road with deep thoughts: "Do you have ten golden dragons in your eyes?"

"How do you know?" Qin double asked in surprise.

Qin Lie laughed: "Not only do I know, but they also know that I actually know from their mouths."

"Ah?" Qin's eyes looked at others.

Lan Mingyue smiled and said: "The momentum caused by your breakthrough makes us see."

Having said that, Lan Mingyue said with some frustration: "I only have nine golden dragons."

"I am ten golden dragons." Duan Hong's mouth curled up.

"What's great!" Lan Mingyue licked his mouth.

"I am also ten golden dragons!" Qin Lie grinned.

Zhao Zirou’s face showed a bitter smile: “I only have nine!”

After the people each said the number of Jindan, Qin double could not help but sigh that these people are not all royals or big family children.

The people who have ten Jindan here are Qin Double, Qin Lie and Duan Hong. However, Zhao Zirou, Lan Mingyue, Huozhongyu, Qin Xian and Qin Jiaoyue are also nine golden dragons, and the rest of them also have eight golden dragons.

This allows Qin Qin to know that even if these people are not practicing the best heavenly exercises, they are also top-grade exercises. However, because the foundation is not enough, the strength of the refining body is not enough, and all of them do not condense enough Jindan.

For example, in the fire jade, he cultivated the best heavenly method of "Fire Phoenix Collection", originally it should be condensed out of ten golden dan, but only condensed nine golden dan.

"Double children, this time you understand!" Qin Lie said with a smile: "Because you have gathered ten golden dragons, talking about the concentration, reserves, and explosive power of spiritual power, you have surpassed Cheng Dan in all aspects. In the late ninth layer, Xuanyuan Ling. They are Sun Qiaomu, the people on the first floor of their martial arts, and they may not be able to defeat you. This is only a factor of spiritual power. There are also factors in martial arts..."

Having said that, Qin Lie couldn't help but pause, and everyone looked at the piano double, and the color of contemplation appeared in his eyes. At this time, they only remembered that it seemed that they had never seen the martial arts that had made their eyes shine. It seems that in their impressions, they only remember the phoenix dance and the one-style fast sword. The most impressive thing left to them is not the martial arts of Qinshuang, but the technique of her Confucianism and Taoism, the wrath of Thunder, and the sound of the Eight Shadow Master. So, Lan Mingyue asked without fear:

"Double children, you...will not only have a heavenly martial arts of Feifeng dance?"

"That's not the way!" Qin double shook his head.

Qin Lie was smiling at the side. He had seen the martial arts of Qin double in the stone monument space. It was very powerful.

“Do you still need martial arts for your children?” Zhao Zirou said softly: “Who can resist her thunder and anger?”

Lan Mingyue shook his head and said: "The frontal combat, of course, the two children are not afraid. But if it is a sudden attack, the skills and sounds of Confucianism and Taoism of the two children are simply too late."

Everyone was silent, and his face was worried. Qin Shuang just wanted to speak, but suddenly remembered that Godsend had never said that he had a few golden dan, could not help but look to the gods, but saw that Godsend has been frowning, his face showed a dignified color.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Qin asked in a worried way.

The godsend hesitated and said: "I... there is only one golden Dan."


Everyone was surprised. They saw the power of God-given shots in the animal tide. It was definitely not a power of Jindan. If Godsend has only one Golden Dan, even if Godsend is the fifth layer of Wuwang, Qin Lie and others can crush him. It is the Yueqing of the ninth layer of the Chengdan period, which has the possibility of defeating God.


The power that Gods reveals is not like that!

How could it be only a golden dan?

"What is your cultivation at the prefecture level?" Qin Lie asked.

God-given look tangled: "I began to practice the prefecture-level exercises. Later, I was seriously injured. The track of spiritual power is on my own. I don't know what grade I am practicing today."

Everyone was amazed, and then there was a worrying color on his face. This is not because they don't worry, can the practice be changed at will?

If it is not good, it will go into flames, the light will be disabled, and the heavy ones will die.

Seeing the look of everyone's worries, God's heart is warm, and a smile appears on his face:

"You don't have to worry about me. I have been practicing the way to change the way since Chengdan. If there is a problem, I have a problem. I am not living well now. What I want to understand now is this." A golden dan is really the same strength as other cultivating prefecture-level martial arts, or it is higher than them."

Duan Hong grabbed his head and said something awkwardly: "A golden dan... should it be the strength of a golden dan?"

The meaning of his sentence is very clear, that is, the god-given cultivation is still a prefecture-level practice.

"This is simple!" Qin Lie said with a smile: "After a while we went to the Wolong Mountain Range and found a few people to know a few."

"Yes!" Lan Mingyue raised his brow: "When we help you, find a few different levels of opponents, you don't have to fight with them, just confirm it. You can do it without the proof of martial arts. Know that your Golden Dan is equivalent to a few Golden Dan."

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