Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 911: Yuan Ying


"Do you remember that I once told you that the cultivation methods on the mainland of your warriors have gone wrong?"

"Well, I remember! You once said that except for the mainland of our warriors, there is only one Jindan cultivated by other warriors in the world."

"Not bad!" The blood piano pondered and said: "I don't know what caused him to go back to the orthodox cultivation method from your derailed orbit, but he wants to judge whether he is practicing the orthodox exercises. simple."

"How to judge?"

"Ask him two questions!"

"what is the problem?"

"The first question, when he broke through the King of Wu, did he have any military appearance? If there is no military, you can ask him the second question. Is his Dandan's Jin Dan still there?"

The piano looks awkward and there is no military appearance? Jin Dan disappeared?

How can this be?

But she ended up with a message from Tianci: "God, can you have a military?"

There was a fascination in the face of God in silence. Although he has already experimented, his strength is definitely not as simple as a golden dragon, but his heart still has more confusion and worry, because he did not appear in the military when he broke through the king. Now I was asked by Qinqin. When I was shocked, I also raised a glimmer of hope. Do children know the reason?

Immediately on the piano double voice into the secret channel: "Double children, I have no military, this has been bothering me, what is going on?"

Qin double immediately voiced into the secret and asked: "Is your Golden Dan still?"

The shocking color on the godsend face is more intense, looking at the piano and rushing into the secret channel:

"Double children, do you know what? My Golden Dan is really broken, and then I gather a villain who is exactly the same as me. I always thought that it was military. But I later knew that other people’s military can be released. I am more able to integrate with myself and erupt a powerful power. But my little man can’t put it outside...

It is not impossible to put it outside. How to say it should be able to go out, but it is also the size of the palm after the trip, not as great as the military of other people. What is going on here? ”

"Taro!" The **** piano inside the sea heard the god-given voice into the secret passage: "It can be confirmed that the god-given cultivation is the orthodox cultivation method. He is not called military, it is called Yuan Ying."

"Yuan Ying? Is that the realm of his realm and the ten kings of Jin Dan?"

"This...not easy to say! The military has swayed the martial arts on the mainland, but it seems that this road has been excavated to the extreme, so it has great power. Although the Orthodox practice can only condense a golden dan, but that Jin Dan is also graded."

Qin nodded, for this point of the double recognition, not to mention the Golden Age, is any realm, there is also a high score among the warriors in the same realm.

"So, the strength of God-given is exactly the power of several Golden Dans on your side, depending on how much his Golden Dan is."

"Predecessors, the orthodox cultivation practice, after Jin Dan, will they unite Yuan Ying?"

"Well, that's called breaking Dan into a baby."

"Then why are our Golden Dan still?"

"This is the reason why your mainland's cultivation road is deviated. However, it does not deviate from the foundation of cultivation. In fact, the military phase is equivalent to Yuan Ying, and Jin Dan is not broken, but it is within the Dantian of Wu Jun. As the origin of the military, it has the same effect as Yuan Ying."


The piano nodded twice, and understood the explanation of the bloodqin, and she also understood the reason why Tianci would practice the orthodox practice. Because she knows that the inheritance of the merits is hidden in the body of Godsend. Undoubtedly, Godsend has obtained the practice of cultivation from the inheritance of merit.

And... It seems that there is a mysterious guy hidden in the godsend, and maybe the godsend practice is taught by the mysterious guy.

"Tianci, there is no problem with your practice, peace of mind is cultivation!" Speaking of this, there is a smile in the tone of Qin Double:

"I am afraid that you are not a passive practitioner. Should you have a practice?"

There was a glimpse of the godsend's face, and the voice was sent to the secret: "Well, I don't know what's going on. There is a practice in my consciousness. And I used to be in a secret house." I got a bunch of energy and was sealed by the mysterious seal in my body, slowly providing me with cultivation, and making my cultivation a thousand miles."

"That's your chance, don't talk to me!" Qin's tone became serious: "Remember, these things can't be said to others."

"I know!"

The two ended their voice and entered the secret, which was looking around. The piano double wrinkled his brow. He found that many people looked at her from time to time. The eyes were full of greed, but no one challenged her. However, these people did not leave, just follow them around the piano.

"If you want to fight without fighting, you can't go, it's really a ghost!" Qin double could not help but mutter.

"Hey..." Qin Lie smiled and said: "Don't understand?"

"I don't understand! You know?" Qin doubled a look at Qin Lie.

"The reason is very simple!" Qin Lie did not speak, and Lan Mingyue said very stupid: "They don't dare."

"Don't dare?" Qin double could not help but be confused.

"Who are these people?" Blue Moon is more and more stinky: "There are not the royal family, the big family standing behind us. Do they dare to kill us here? If they kill us here, In the future, we will face the pursuit of the forces behind us."

Qinqin wrinkled his brow and said: "Don't they all come to compete for the quota of the Taikoo space? Do not dare to work with us, how to win the quota?"

"This is not the time to really win the quota!" Duan Hong glanced arrogantly at the people around them who followed them:

"When they really compete for the quota, they will try to beat us and not kill us. After all, there are 98 places, and we only have twenty people here. Only when they finally fight, they will let go. Beat, by that time, it is our most dangerous time. After all, the attraction in the space of Taikoo is too great, and the forces behind us want to chase them, but also in the dark, this kind of thing can not be placed on the surface. Once they are alive from the space of the Pacific, they can also go to the royal family, or the big family to save their lives."

Having said that, Duan Hong’s look became dignified: “So, before entering the Imperial Army, they will basically not challenge us. But after entering the Imperial Capital, it is our final moment to compete for the quota. A really dangerous moment. If you are against the opponent at that time, you will immediately admit defeat, otherwise you will lose your life, even if Qin Lie is a prince."

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