Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 914: Promotion


"Their...the strength of the strong?"


At this time, they saw that some of them had taken medicinal herbs, and they could not help but flash a thought that they did not believe.

"Is it... they are borrowing wind valleys to refine their bodies? How is this possible?"

“What kind of remedy do they take? Can it repair the damage caused by the wind?”

After another quarter of an hour, these warriors finally confirmed that they were borrowing Fenggu refining, although they did not know what kind of medicinal herbs they had served, but they were definitely the coveted drugs. They can't help but show their faces.

"This is a big family. This is the royal family. Why do I have no such resources?"

They envy and hate there, but they are so cool that they are in the bones, and of course they are in pain.

The more you go forward, the more the wind needles become finer, pouring into their bodies, destroying their bodies, causing them to hurt their souls, and they are all shaking.


The accompanying Sanwen Qinglong Dan repaired and consolidated their body, which made them itch into the bone marrow.

In fact, they can still bear the pain. These people are strong-minded people. Although the pain has almost reached the limit they can bear, but what pain did they experience when they practiced?

Just this itch...

They really haven't experienced it. The muscles on each face are distorted. They can't wait to reach out and grab their bodies and grab their own meat.

However, they know that they can't. They know that as long as they have endured this period of time, they will get huge benefits, not only the improvement of the strength of the refining body, but also the improvement of their minds.

These people slowly walked out of the wind valley in the process of pain and happiness.

The warriors who were still around them couldn’t stand this envy and hatred, but they were not suitable in the wind and valley, so they were black-faced and speeded up toward the wind. Staying here is not only a grievance in the heart, but the spiritual consumption is too great. When it is not time to succeed, it is blown out by the wind.

In the sky above the piano, from time to time, the low-ranking warriors were blown away by the wind, and these people have lost further qualifications.

When they walked out of the wind valley, they found that there was no one around them. They were immersed in the realm of the quenching of the wind valley. Sometimes they simply stopped until they felt that the wind at that stage was useless for them. Go forward and accept a more detailed air-quenching body. Therefore, the passage of this wind valley by others is about half an hour, but the twenty of them have spent three days.


The piano spit out a sigh of relief and immediately began to check the strength of his body, and his face showed a happy color. Her strength of refining finally broke through to the beginning of the ninth floor of Wuwang. Stretch out your hand and hold it hard.


The air in her hand was pinched by her, and the sheer power has already allowed her to reach the realm of the ninth layer of Wuwang.


Qin Lie and others also made fists, experimented with their own strength, and then laughed one by one.

"Ha ha ha..."

"Double children, where do you come from so many three-grained Qinglong Dan?" Qin Lie strode to the front of the Qin double, and reached out and vigorously patted the shoulders of the piano.

"Good luck, I got some green dragon leaves, and God gave it to the refining system." Qin Shuang reached out and Qin Li was still pulling the handcuffs on her shoulders to the side:

"Don't worry too much, shoot yourself!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Everyone laughed happily, but no one thanked Qin Qin, and no one asked the Qin pair what to exchange for the three-grain Qinglong Dan.

They are remembered in this matter.

In the fire, the jade and the fire are looking forward to the piano pair, and the heart is also very excited. At the same time, the heart secretly rejoices that he persuaded the patriarch to exchange the "Fengfeng Baodian" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" with 100,000 Lingshi, without using fierce means, otherwise Where can I get such benefits?

"It is the most correct way to make a good match between the fire and the family."


Where did the two of them know that their patriarchs had begun to take action against Qin Double, and the news of the 100,000 Lingshi was that their patriarchs let them go. And Qin double has begun to doubt.


Qin Lie shouted with excitement, and everyone strode forward.

"Qin brother, just in the wind valley, I saw that the warriors were blown out by the wind almost all the time. It seems that this wind valley has blocked many people!"

"Oh..." Qin Lie huh, two channels: "Those people are not vying for a place. They are coming to practice, seeing, killing a few first-order monsters and digging some herbs. Because of their The repairs are too low. If you want to pass this wind valley, you need to repair the minimum. You also need a layer of the Dandan period. Those who are in the liquid phase are naturally unable to pass the wind valley."

Qin double looked back at Feng Gudao: "So, there is no longer a liquid warrior in the future?"

"I can't say that too!" Qin Lie shook his head and said: "Only the warriors of the first layer of the Chengdan period can pass the wind valley. This is a warrior who is cultivating the prefecture-level exercises. If there is a practice of heaven-level exercises. The warrior can pass the wind valley even in the liquid period."

Qin binoculars swept through the crowd: "The disciples of the Emperor's family are gathering here at this time?"

Zhao Zirou gently shook his head and said softly: "Not only us, but also the brothers and sisters of us have come. Although their strength is not as good as ours, there is no problem through the wind valley. And the big family of the Daqin Empire is not in the capital. They are also in other states. They also practice heavenly exercises. In addition to the fact that the four people in the Daqin Empire are known as the Daqin Siwu, there are actually two other people whose reputation is not weaker than us."

"There are two more? Who?"

"One is Fan Xiushan in Nanguocheng, and the other is Tangtianhe in Beiyuncheng. There is a poem that describes them. Nan Guoxiushan dyed the scorpion, and the north Yuntianhe hobo."

"What are these two people doing now?"

Zhao Zirou shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I know that both of them are practicing heavenly best works. And the family's heritage is not weaker than us. And these two are only the top presence of the younger generation outside the imperial capital. Some of the big family children outside the emperor are not as good as our Daqin Wuwu, but they are not weak."

Speaking of this, Zhao Zirou suddenly smiled: "But, in any case, this wind valley can block about 30,000 people, and now people who pass through the wind valley will probably have about 20,000 left."

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