Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 919: Continuously


Qin Shuang is the late ninth layer of the Cheng Dan period of cultivation of ten golden dans, and is it an ice block that can block it?

There is no scruples in the crowd, and since Qin Lie said it, here is a lineup, and naturally it will not bring benefits to the wind valley and weak water before, one by one in the ice array. It was only a matter of time that everyone had reached the center of the ice, and Zhao Zirou suddenly stopped and closed his eyes. When everyone moved, they stopped and looked at Zhao Zirou. Qin double looked at the blue meditation, and the blue moonlighted:

"Zhao's cultivation is the "Chen Yan Gong Fa."

The piano is so stunned, but is the degree of chilling here helpful to Zhao Zirou's cultivation?

Sure enough, just less than three times, Zhao Zirou opened his eyes and shook his head regretfully:


Everyone started again, and after a few breaths, everyone rushed out of the frozen land and entered the thirteenth mountain area.

The beasts here are all fifth-order, but they still can't stop the pace of the piano and so on. In about two days, everyone passed through the fifteenth mountain and stood in front of a flat ground. .

This piece of grass is not a big place. With the cultivation of these people, they can all look at the end from the beginning. It is only about a thousand meters deep, but the earth is reddish and the heat waves are coming.

"This is also a battlefield. It is called a flame array. It is of great benefit to the warrior who cultivates the fire attribute. But the warrior who cultivates other attributes is a nightmare. You need to release the spiritual shield all the way, or by itself. The strength of the refining body can only pass. This flame array basically blocks the warriors on the third floor of Wuwang."

Everyone is condensed in their hearts, although they know that the third layer of Wuwang mentioned in Qin Liekou refers to those who have cultivated a golden dan, and among them, the worst ones have also cultivated eight golden dans. There should be no problems with this, but it also makes them not as easy as before.


Qin Lie took the lead and rushed in. Qin double they followed. At the moment of entering, Qin double felt the heat wave blowing, but this heat wave not only did not make the piano double uncomfortable, but made her feel so comfortable.

The piano pair is a phoenix body, and it is naturally close to the flame. In the heart of the move, it also took a step, running the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" to try this flame array to help their own cultivation. At the same time, the fire jade and the fire-smelting brothers both stopped like Qinqin, closed their eyes and operated the "Fire and Phoenix Collection". Everyone stopped and looked at the three of them.

The piano double opened his eyes only for a period of breathing. The concentration and grade of the fire attribute in this flame array were too low for her, and there was no special auxiliary effect at all. In the fire, the jade and the fire were refining. It took a few breaths to open their eyes. The two men looked at each other with disappointment. The flame here helped them a little, but it was a little help. Not big. After all, their cultivation has reached the Wuwang, and the strength of the refining is more than the three layers of Wuwang.


The double body of the piano flew out, and everyone flew away from the flame array.

"This is the last three peaks!" The crowd paused and looked forward.


In front of the sound of the beast, Qin Lie said: "The front beast can kill the sixth order, the sixteenth mountain area is the sixth stage, the seventeenth mountain area is the sixth order middle, The eighteenth mountain area is the sixth-order late stage, even the sixth-order late peak."

Everyone in the heart is a glimpse. Among them, among the twenty people, except for the fifth layer of the king of Wu Wang, the most powerful one is Duan Hong, the second layer of Wu Wang. Even if these monsters are just the equivalent of a Golden Dan warrior, it is very difficult for them to challenge the peak of the King of Wu. What's more, there are Xuan Ling, Ou, Gu Qian and Yue Qingqing, the peak of the late Dancheng period? There is also the Qin double this late stage of the ninth stage of the Dandan period?


Qin double can be ignored, because she is not only the late ninth layer of the Cheng Dan period, but also a Confucian master and an eight shadow master. Even if you don't use martial arts, you can easily pass these three peaks, but Xuan Lingling and other four people really have a lot of difficulties.

However, silence is only short-lived, but in an instant, everyone’s body has an endless war. Even the piano is no exception. Since she stepped into the first step of the ancient ancient road, she has made up her mind that on this ancient road, she will not use the technique of Confucianism and Taoism, nor will she use sound. She wants to Pure military identity, passing this ancient path, this is a kind of experience, she will not give up this opportunity.


Twenty young men and women took the first step in the war.


A secluded tiger appeared in front of everyone, and everyone's eyes turned to Yue Qingqing. This time it was the turn of Yue Qingqing. Yue Qingqing dragged the guqin to his left hand and flew forward a few steps. He stood in front of everyone, and there was still a distance of 30 meters from the sacred tiger. He saw the right hand finger of Le Qingqing gently tapping on the strings. .


A chorus sounded, the space violently swayed, and a smashing spurt out like a sword. The venous tiger in the early sixth stage did not react. The forehead blew up a blood flower, and the huge body crashed into the ground. .

"Le Qingqing, eight golden Dan, really killing tigers like a dog!" Qin double heart has a clearer understanding of the heavenly exercises.

Yue Qing Qing flew forward and quickly dug out the Nei Dan of the Nether Tiger. Everyone started again, but at this time, their hearts were a lot easier, as long as they were not like the beasts in the Great Wilderness, they were just a single sixth-order monster, they were not afraid.

During the next half day, everyone took turns to kill the monsters. At sunset, everyone walked out of the sixteenth mountain peak and stood before the seventeenth peak. Qin Lie smiled:

"How are we going all night?"

Lan Mingyue slightly frowned, and his face showed a lazy color: "Our time has been robbed, why should we hurry all night? Or slowly, the life is not only martial arts, but also enjoyment. ""

When you heard the words of Lan Mingyue, everyone laughed and laughed. Among these people, I am afraid that only his blue moon will put the enjoyment before the martial arts. Qin Lie shook his head helplessly:

"We still have to hurry all night. At the last level, there is a canyon called the Jianxia. It is said that the canyon was formed by a peerless strongman who broke the mountain into two halves, although it has already experienced I know how long it is, but there is still a sword in the sword gorge. We save time and go there to understand."

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