Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 921: Qin double shot


The crowd continued to move forward, and soon they encountered several sixth-order late-night monsters. Gu Qian, Xuan Ling Ling, and the Austrian have all shot, and each showed their own stunts, killing the monsters. However, they are also encountering the sixth-order late-night monsters on the seventh floor of the military.


A beast, a giant statue has appeared in front of everyone, and the smell of the body has been equivalent to the eighth floor of the King of Wu.

"It's my turn!"

The splendid flowers swept up, and the momentum of the first layer of the Wuwang climbed up. The flower Jinxiu also cultivated eight golden dragons, but she was the king of Wu, without the cross between the Chengdan period and the adult stage. The gap, the difference is only a small order. Sure enough, after a fight, Hua Jinxiu killed the giant statue. However, Qin double has a general speculation. If it is not the advantage of the martial arts of the splendid brocade, the merits of the flower brocade are similar to those of the giant statue. It is the first layer of the eight kings of Jindan, whose strength is equivalent to the eighth floor of Wuwang.

"In this way, the repair of these ten golden dragons is equivalent to the peak of the Wuwang period of the ordinary warrior."

The crowd continued to move forward, and everyone continued to take turns to kill the beast.

When a golden lion with the ninth layer of Wuwang appeared in front of the crowd, in front of the jade in the fire, the body exudes the momentum of the first layer of the Wuwang, and the sword in the hand is fearlessly facing the one. The golden lion slammed down, accompanied by his sword, a fire dragon looming in his sword.


A loud bang, the jade in the fire is just a sword, and the head of the golden lion is split into two halves.

"A heavy sword!"

The heart of Qin double is a jump. It is necessary to know the Qinqin of the previous life until the peak of Wushen, and then realize the three swords. Today's fire jade is only the first mid-term of Wu Wang, and it has realized a heavy sword. This can not help but let the piano double sigh the foundation of the big family.

Nine golden dragons have been similar to the strength of the golden lion, plus a heavy sword, the golden lion is not the enemy of the fire jade.

On the subsequent road, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zi soft Qin Lie also shot, each killing a monster equivalent to the ninth layer of Wu Wang. When it was the turn of Duan Hong’s turn, he was in front of a sixth-order late peak of the ninth layer of Wuwang. However, Duan Hong did not give the chance to the Qing dynasty, he killed the green scorpion into several paragraphs. When it was time to get out of the eighteenth mountain peak, Tianci ushered in a white plaque of the sixth-order late peak, and Tianci also cleanly killed the white cockroach. In this way, everyone knows that although Tianci only cultivated a golden dan, the golden dan was definitely not simple, and the ten golden dans they had cultivated were not bad.


A bear of the earth appeared in front of everyone, and the body exudes the breath of the sixth-order late peaks. The eyes of all people look to the Qin double.

Yue Qingqing eyes brighten, in her view, the Qin double is only the late stage of the Cheng Dan period, and the monster that is equivalent to the ninth layer of the ordinary Wuwang, can not win with the martial arts, after all, the Cheng Dan period and the formation There is an insurmountable gap between the periods. According to her speculation, Qin Qin has cultivated ten golden dragons, but the cultivation is weaker than her. Therefore, Qin double can defeat the eighth layer of ordinary Wuwang. The Wicked Beast is already the limit, and it is impossible to defeat the monster that is equivalent to the ninth peak of the ordinary Wuwang. This is only because the upper is the monster, if the opponent has the martial arts, the other party is even the eighth layer of the ordinary Wuwang, Qin double wants to win is difficult.

and so……

Qin double will definitely use the skills of Confucianism and Taoism, or sound work!

I hope it is sound.

Yue Qingqing looked brightly at the piano pair.

In fact, other people are also the idea.

The piano did not fly out, but walked toward the huge bear of the earth. Like an ordinary person, there is no spiritual fluctuations, no swordsmanship or swordsmanship, and the piano pair is still empty with both hands, neither taking out the paper and pencil ready to release the Confucianism, nor preparing to release The guqin of the sound is not pulled out of the long sword behind it.

"Double children... What is this?"

Everyone's eyes are slightly shrunk, is it that she wants to fight the beast?

How can this be?


The bear of the earth stood up and screamed fiercely at the piano, and the evil wind that screamed out of the screaming blew toward the piano, blowing the clothes on the piano and flying toward the rear, hunting for ring.


Qinqin is still walking toward the bear of the earth without hesitation. The distance between the two is less than forty meters.

The fierce light in the bear's eyes of the earth is more prosperous.


The two forefoots landed, and at the moment of landing, the ground where the two forefoots fell was a crack, and the earth rumbling. The bear of the earth borrowed this force, and the huge body suddenly rushed toward the piano. The huge body is like a small mountain peak, but the speed is like a meteor. The momentum that drives the soul is just a breathing time. It has already rushed to the front of the piano pair and hit the past with the piano.

The piano doubled in shape and halfway on the back of the right foot, forming a lunge, the right hand clenched, the arm pulled back, like a full bow, then the arm made an arrow, the fist was like an arrow tip. Suddenly rushed to the nose of the bear of the earth that rushed to the front.


The fist did not attack the bears of the earth, and the air was blown up. A series of dense sounds of sound and sound were heard, and the space pulled up a blurry afterimage. The speed was too fast.


The double fist of the piano doubles on the nose of the bear of the earth. The weakness of the bear of the earth is on the nose. Its pain nerves are densely packed there. This fist hits the nose of the bear of the earth and almost makes the bear of the earth. The fainting passed.


The bear of the earth screamed, and her pain in her nose and tears flowed down, and her mind was confused.

The other side of the piano is also uncomfortable. This bear of the earth is equivalent to the ninth layer of the ordinary Wuwang. The spiritual power of the piano is definitely not as good as the bear of the earth. Even if she has ten golden dragons, the piano is also Instead of using the spiritual power, it only used the initial strength of the ninth layer of the King of Wu, which was a little different from the bear of the earth. Her body shape was slid backward by the bear of the earth.

However, it was only half a step, and the double top of the piano was suddenly stepped on the right foot.


Centering on her right foot, she sinks a pit, and with the pit as the center, there are countless cracks in an instant, and then the cracks spread rapidly around the pit. However, the body of Qin double has stabilized.

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