Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 923: Sword is the eighth


"It seems that Duan Hong knows these two people!"

Qin double step forward toward the front, Qin Lie and others who just sat down are just a jump, they did not think that Qin double went through the fourth area of ​​the Epee.

“Don't the children have realized the four swords?”

In their hearts, they have not used the piano as a small place. But... Qin double has already realized the four swords, which is too exaggerated?

At this time, the back of the piano double has gradually disappeared into their eyes, Duan Hong and others looked at each other, and there were endless wars in the middle.

Although they admire the piano double!

Although they know that Master of Qinshuang is a peak of Valkyrie!

But they also have their pride!

They are big family disciples! And they are still the arrogance in the big family!

How can it be compared to the piano?

In the spirit, the alchemy, the Confucianism, and the sound, it is not as good as the piano. For those aspects, they did not spend much effort, but in the martial arts, they have been playing the piano double, and absolutely not allowed the piano to be in the martial arts. The more they are. Even if it is just a sword, it will not work.


When the four people transmitted the power of the soul, they immediately felt the sharp sword spurt.

The eyes of Qin double suddenly shrank, and in her eyes there was a back, a back sitting on the knees. It was a black youth, sitting there, and the waist was quite straight. The sword around his body is lingering.

"I have already realized the mid-five swordsmanship!"

"Who is this person?" Qin double eyes jumped.


The fierce sword intention came to the piano double pressure, Qin double took a deep breath, sitting cross-legged, at this time in the initial position of the five-fold sword, closed his eyes and began to understand the sword.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qin Double felt that his two visions had disappeared. She knew that your two visions came from the cliffs on both sides of the canyon. The heart speculates that it should be the strong Emperor of the Wu Emperor here. It should be shocked to be so young and enter the Wuyijian area. It is necessary to know that Qinshuang is only 18 years old, and the people who understand the five swords are not without, but those who understand the five swords are only 18 years old, which is too shocking. It is not unusual to be noticed.

Qinqin quickly took out a December fruit when he felt that his eyes were disappearing. He ate it three times and two times, and he also collected the core into the storage ring.

The effect of the December fruit spread, and the piano double felt that his understanding was rising in the air.

Double, double, triple... twelve times!


The fierce sword meaning became extraordinarily clear in the soul of the piano pair.

The savvy of man is originally upgraded with the improvement of savvy. When it is cultivated for ascension, the power of the soul becomes stronger. When the power of the soul becomes stronger, it will be more keen and subtly aware of some avenues. not excluded.

Of course, savvy is a very strange thing, the power of the soul only plays a supporting role, not a decisive role. Therefore, people who are not the same power of the soul have the same understanding. On the contrary, two people with little difference in understanding, with the improvement of cultivation, the gap is getting bigger and bigger.

For example, when the two warriors are quenching the situation, there is only a slight difference in the understanding between the two people. However, as the two people cultivate and strengthen, the power of the soul is strong, and the distance between the two people will be amplification.

This is the difference between a thousand miles and a thousand miles. At first, the difference is not big, but with the help of the power of the soul, the distance between the savvy will not only shrink, but will become bigger. Unless another person cultivates to ascend faster, or gains an adventure, the power of the soul is repaired.

Qin Shuang's last savvy is not bad, otherwise it is impossible to cultivate to the peak of Wushen without any background. Nowadays, the understanding of the two worlds is superimposed, and the savvy is more common. What is even more terrifying is that the soul state of Qinshuang is now the fifth middle of Wusheng. This soul realm has further boosted her comprehension, so that her comprehension has been several times higher than her peers. What she still doesn't know is that the improvement of the power of knowing the sea has a supporting effect on her comprehension. In this case, she also took the December fruit, and once again raised the power of twelve times. I can imagine that her comprehension has reached a realm of horror.

She used her life for a lifetime, only to comprehend the triple sword. However, in this world, with the help of this Jianyi Canyon, it took only one day to comprehend the five-sword meaning, and entered the sixth heavy sword area, then the seventh weight, the eighth weight, from the first The six-sword area began to move forward, and Qin Double never saw a person again. When Qin double fully realized the meaning of the Eight Swords, he looked at the ninth Epee area and sighed softly.

Thirty days have passed. She has no time to comprehend here. There is a trace of disappointment in her eyes, but the double is still the power of the soul that converges. The figure flies and rushes out of the Jianyi Canyon. Follow the trail to the front and fly away.

After about two quarters of an hour, Qin double stood in front of a giant city.

This huge city is built on the hill, with two huge gates, the huge gate on the left is closed, and the huge gate on the right is open. There are a lot of warriors on the wall of the city looking at the audience with interest, and the look is proud and with scrutiny. Everyone wears a uniform costume, a blue robe, and a "Qin" embroidered on the front chest.

"Who should be the warriors of the Imperial College?"

Qin double suddenly saw a glimpse of her heart. She learned from Qin Lie that she would fight for the ninety-eight places, but not only the warriors of the imperial governing states, but also the military of the Imperial College. The qualifications and understanding of the military personnel of the Imperial College are not bad, not only not bad, they should all be superior. Moreover, the emperor has endless resources to support these warriors, and their repairs must not be low. More importantly, they live here all the year round, and they can often go to the Jianyi Canyon to understand the sword.

"Which of those people should have comprehended the six swords, even stronger swordsmen? It seems that the strongest opponent is them."

When Qin Bin eyes lighted back from the city wall, he saw more than 2,000 people sitting on the square in front of the city gate at the moment. He couldn’t help but wonder when he walked to the side of a female warrior and whispered:

"This sister invited!"

The female warrior opened his eyes and saw the piano double, and there was a smile on his face:

"What is this sister?"

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