Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 926: The strength of the martial arts



Nearly 5,000 people came to the Qinshuang, and they introduced themselves to Qinqin. They had a smile on their faces, but they just managed to cope, but they condensed:

"Everyone, I am going to enter the city tomorrow. I don't know what will be assessed. Let's adjust our status to the best. We will have a lot of time to communicate later."

"Yes!" everyone shouted.

"However, Qin Shimei, you have already booked a quota for this, and we are under great pressure!"


"Ha ha ha..."

Qin double smiled: "You brothers and sisters, Qin double this time is to compete for the quota with the martial arts, will not use the sound."

“Really?” The look of the crowd could not help.

"Of course it is true!" Qin nodded and said seriously: "So you have to adjust your state to the best."

"it is good!"

After the silence of the people, they burst into a good voice, and then they dispersed, and each began to adjust their own state.

"Double children, thank you!" Duan Hong came to the front of the Qin double.

Qin double smiled and shook his head and said: "Without me, you can also take advantage of the battle and teach the person. But since she married me, I will steal your chance to shoot. Don't blame me."

Duan Hong heard that his face showed a sincere smile, and he no longer spoke. He sat down on the ground and began to practice. Aside from the blue moon, I muttered to the ground:

"The chance of getting out of the limelight will make you so ruined. If you let me go to the battlefield and then teach the guy, I must pull the wind more than you."

Qinqin smiled and shook his head, ignored him and closed his eyes. It’s just that her heart is far from being so easy on the surface. She used the temperament of the sound to make a full blow. She did not hurt the person. It is obvious that the people of the Imperial Military Academy are very strong. To know that although she is only the late ninth stage of the Cheng Dan period, even the peak is not. But it is a person who has gathered ten golden dragons. The strength of one body is already equivalent to the peak of the third layer of ordinary Wuwang, and there is also the addition of sound power. The strength has already reached the peak of the sixth layer of ordinary Wuwang. However, it is impossible to injure the warrior of the Imperial College. The military practice of the Emperor's Imperial Court is definitely not a prefecture-level exercise, but a heavenly practice.

"Qin Shixiong!" Qin Shuang opened his eyes and looked at Qin Lie, sitting next to him, whispering: "Is the Imperial College built by the Royal?"

"Well, what happened?"

"What level of practice do they cultivate?"

"Top grade heavenly exercises."

The look of Qin double is a condensation, Qin Lie lowers the voice: "The Imperial Military Academy is the place where the empire gathers geniuses. They are the most powerful forces of the empire. Usually they will not appear in front of everyone. They will only appear when there are huge threats to the empire.

Therefore, the empire is very strict in selecting students, and each student is a talented person with good qualifications and savvy. The empire also gave them a wealth of cultivation resources and top-level cultivation practices. But even so, not everyone can condense nine golden dragons. However, they will also condense three golden dragons. The strength of the empire is the vast majority of warriors.

In the Imperial Court, it is divided into disciples of the outer court, disciples of the inner court and core disciples.

Before the Cheng Dan period, all disciples were disciples in the outer court. Once the golden dragon was condensed, there were two results. Anyone who condenses nine golden dragons will become a core disciple. There is no condensed nine golden dans. Even if they condense eight golden dans, they can only become disciples of the inner court. Once you become an emperor, anyone who has gathered a few golden dans will become a teacher of the college. ”

"After becoming Emperor Wu, I am not going to join Wu Zongdian. Can I not serve in the Empire again?"

"This is not an empire position, just a teacher."


The piano nodded and no longer spoken. In my heart, he did not expect that the Daqin Empire had such a strong place. She knows that Qin Lie and those big family disciples are practicing the best heavenly exercises, but the Daqin Empire can present the disciples of the superior military to the Imperial Military Academy. This is definitely a big deal.

"So, the disciples of the Imperial Military Academy are really strong. If the Wuwang, who is condensed out of the nine Golden Dans, participates in the competition for quotas, he does not have any advantage. Although he has gathered ten golden dragons, his own cultivation is only Late in the Chengdan period.

I don't have to ask if the empire can come up with the top-grade martial arts, and it will definitely bring out the martial arts of the heavenly level. As a result, he does not have an advantage in martial arts.

Is this still so contending? ”

"Qin brother!" Qin double whispered: "The students of the Imperial Army are also practicing martial arts?"

“Not all!” Qin Lie’s face showed a bitter smile: “The heavenly martial arts are too few, and the royal family is very cherished. In fact, the most powerful martial arts of the empire today is the top-grade martial arts. In the hands of the royal family and several large families, this martial art is regarded as the inheritance martial arts of the royal family and the big family, and will not be easily passed on to others. The big family will only be passed on to the future heirs, and the royal family will only pass it to the royal family. Prince, therefore, although the students of the Imperial Military Academy are learning celestial martial arts, they are not top grades. Even if it is the middle-class martial arts, it is not something that everyone can learn. The middle-class martial arts requires students from the Imperial Military Academy. Use a lot of points to change, even the core disciples are no exception.

However, the core students can practice the next-day martial arts without compensation. The inner-door disciples are only able to practice the martial arts at the prefecture level for free. They want to learn the martial arts from the local level to the lower-grade martial arts. They also need a lot of points to exchange. ”

"The people who participated in the competition should be core disciples?"

"Should be it!" Qin Lie’s face also showed a dignified color.

“How many core disciples are there in the Imperial Army?”

"This... I don't know!" Qin Lie smiled bitterly: "I am just a Prince. Before I became an emperor, I was not allowed to be in the emperor's martial arts. So I also know the general situation of the Imperial Capital. I am not only not I know how many core disciples there are, and what those core disciples are doing now, and I don’t know."

"This way!" Qin double could not help but wrinkled his brow: "If the emperor's martial arts came out of the core disciples of the ninety-two kings of Wu Wang, did we not have hope?"

Qinshuang’s face can’t help but show a bitter smile. If it’s really like Qin’s double, the piano pair is really not sure. She is a condensed ten golden dan, which is more than a core disciple of the Imperial Military Academy. But it is only stronger than the warriors in the same realm, and there is no advantage for the core disciples who have cultivated themselves. Not only does it have no advantage, but it also has disadvantages in terms of cultivation.

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