Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 932: Ha ha


People over the age of 50 are too old. Only when this age is cultivated into this realm can only prove that their understanding is too low and they are not qualified to be their partner. I am afraid that they all understand the swords of the Nine Palaces, and those who are over 50 years old. The warrior has not yet realized that he has no help at all.

As for the warriors under the age of 25, in their view, they are not relying on the cultivation of savvy to improve their cultivation. They should be repaired with medicinal resources and cultivation resources. Even if they are not piled up with medicinal herbs and cultivation resources, these people must be born in a large family or royal family. They have powerful military martial arts, and even the Emperor Wu and Wu Shen specially teach them martial arts, so they are naturally strong.

However, this does not mean that they have high savvy, they only have powerful military personnel to teach them martial arts every day. I left those powerful warriors and let them comprehend themselves. I am afraid that their understanding will be pitiful.

Qinqin sat there, watching the warriors between the ages of 25 and 50 being selected and leaving with the Imperial College students. Soon, she was left with a godsend. Qin Lie, although their age is less than 30 years old, but they are also over twenty-five years old. Tianci is two years older than Qin, and now only 20 years old. The piano was swept away, and there were six people who were not more than twenty-five years old like her. At this time, none of the six people chose to sit there ugly. The godsend and the piano looked at each other and could not help but show a smile.

There are quite a few people over the age of 50, and there are about 800 people. The remaining students of the Imperial College are hesitating. They are hesitant to pick those old people, or pick the piano pair. .

In the end, they still feel that the mouth is not comfortable, the old guys are low-minded, and at least the experience is there, maybe they can help them a little, so those people quickly pick one person away. In this way, on the vast square, there are eight people left in the piano.

Godsend smiled and said to Qin Shuang: "The students of the Imperial Military Academy are really proud!"

"Of course, a group of bear children who have not experienced the storm!" Qin said in a serious way.


Godsend couldn't help but laugh. At this time, there were more than twenty people left in the big square. In addition to the eight students of Qin Double and the Emperor's Imperial Academy, they were the dean and several teachers of the Imperial College. So the whole time was very quiet. Although the sound of the piano is not big, it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears. The dean of the Imperial College was crying and laughing, and looked at the piano with a double eye.

"You don't seem to have the age of our college students? Do they call them bear children?"

And the six warriors who were together with Qinqin, when they heard the doubles, they also showed a smile on their faces. To be honest, they were chosen here like portrait goods, and they were not comfortable in the heart. You must know that you can cultivate in this realm at this age, and they are all extremely proud people.

not to mention……

In the end, no one has chosen them. How can this make them still face?

Therefore, after hearing the doubles, they all felt that Qin double gave them a sigh of relief.

However, the students of the eight imperial courts were not happy. The eight people all smashed the eyes of the piano, and seven of them went to the seven people, such as Tianci, leaving only one young man standing there with a bitter face.

Watching Tianshou and other seven people also followed the people of the Imperial Army, and the young man stood still with a bitter face. Qinqin sighed in his heart and stood up from the ground and walked slowly to his front. :

"Since I don't want to choose me, why didn't I pick someone else first?"

The young man turned a white eye: "I just want to grab the pick, but I have to have that strength."

Having said that, he turned and walked toward a teacher, and the piano double did not care to follow. When he came to the teacher, the teacher handed the piano a book. Qin double knew that the book was recorded in the Jiugong swordsmanship, and he took it in his hand, and the student walked out of the square. As soon as he walked out of the square, the student extended his hand to the piano:

"give me!"

"Give you? What?" asked the piano.

"Nine Palace swordsmanship!" The student said faintly: "I don't know how fast you comprehend. If you understand it, then teach me something, and everything will be cold, or give me a comprehension."

"Hey..." Qin double was mad at him, and when he thought about it, he put the Jiugong swordsman into the storage ring, and then said:

"First tell the teacher your name!"

The young man was also stunned by the piano, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes: "You...when is my master? Do you think you are worthy?"

On the face of Qin double, there is a look of serious thoughts, and then nodded in a big model:

"Also, I am only teaching you a sword technique. Strictly speaking, it is not your teacher's respect. However, letting you call a teacher is not too much?"

"Not too much? Are you sure you can pass on my Jiugong swordsmanship?"


"You..." The young man’s face showed a bit of irritability: "You still give me the Jiugong swordsmanship, don't delay my time."

The piano double did not speak, carrying his hands and walking around. The face of the young man was a bitter, and the fists could not be gripped. Qin double looked at him faintly and said slowly:

"What? Want to hit me? You can't beat me."

The youthful momentum is a vent, he only has the first layer of Wuwang, although it condenses seven golden dragons, which is equivalent to the fifth layer of ordinary Wuwang. But he also knows that Qin double can win in the battle of the platform, which means that the real strength of Qin double is not weaker than him, he may not be able to play the double. Mouth in your mouth:

"I want to call you a teacher, or wait until you can understand the Jiugong swordsmanship before me."

"Also!" Qin doubled and said: "The psychological pride of bear children is not a bad thing."

"You are a bear child, I am bigger than you!" the young man said with anger.

The piano smashed his mouth and said in his heart: "My soul is more than you."

"Tell me your name first."

Seeing that Qin double no longer lives as a teacher, the young man breathed a sigh of relief and resumed his pride:

"Sha Guangde!"

"Well, let me talk about why you are not rushing to pick someone else, stupidly standing there waiting for someone else to choose?"

"You are stupid!"

The piano is not a word, but it is just a leisurely walk. Sha Guangde sighed in his heart and was completely unprepared for the difficulties of Qin Double. He had no choice but to say:

"We did a ranking battle before you came to determine who picked it first!"

"Oh, huh..." Qin double huh, two voices.

"What are you laughing at?" Sha Guangde's face was black.

"So, your strength is at the end?"

Sha Guangde bit his teeth and couldn't make a sound.

"Oh, huh..." Qin double sighed twice.

"You don't know, is it hurting?" Sha Guangde said with anger.

"Ha ha……"

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