Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 934: Jiugong Sword


“How many people are there in the Imperial College?”

"More than 100,000!"

Qin Shuang’s heart was a surprise, and it was really a horrible force. However, more than 100,000 students, only a few Lingwen studios, naturally have more wolves and more meat, need higher points and queue time. No wonder that on the platform before, I have observed the students of the imperial military martial arts, and none of them have made the mood, even the trend has not been made.

There are two possibilities!

One possibility is that they have not realized the trend, and the other may be that the Imperial College is not allowed to let them out.

Qin double still tends to the second possibility, because after the Qin double speculation, the students of the Imperial Military Academy can comprehend the situation and the number of people already there. It is impossible for nearly 5,000 people on the platform to comprehend the situation. If someone makes a move, some people do not make a move. It is unfair to those who are close to them.

I want to understand everything, and I have a certain understanding of the Imperial Capital, and Qin has more confidence in myself. Looking up at Sha Guangde Road:

"I will first look at the Jiugong swordsmanship. You should go play it yourself."

"" Sha Guangde got angry from the chair and said: "Qin double, you quickly give me the Jiugong swordsmanship, don't delay my time."

Qin double looked at him faintly: "According to your dean, give a total of ten days, and start calculating time from tomorrow morning, and start the test in the early morning after ten days?"

"What about it?" Sha Guangde did not understand why Qin double wanted these.

"Then what do you do now, do this, this nine-story sword technique, I have enough time for one night, and I will give you tomorrow morning."

“One night? Tomorrow?” Sha Guangde was shocked first, and then his face showed a strong disdain: “Do you think the swordsmanship in the local level is very simple?”

Qin doubled his head and thought about it. He was a man, and his past life was more expensive for the **** of Wushen. His experience and experience in life made it difficult for her to comprehend a prefecture-level sword. In this world, the power of the soul has reached the fifth level of Wusheng. The power of such a powerful soul is not imaginable at the first level of the martial arts king like Sha Guangde. This is why the piano double can understand so fast in the Jianyi Canyon. Moreover, Qinshuang has now realized the eight-pointed swordsmanship. With this foundation, it is no longer difficult to comprehend the swordsmanship at the prefecture level. What's more, her time for taking the December fruit has only passed one month, and she has eleven times the comprehension.

With so many advantages added, to comprehend a prefecture-level sword skill, one night is too long for the piano. So seriously nodded:

"Yes! This way, you don't leave this yard. When I have finished comprehending, I will give you the Jiugong sword skills immediately, don't delay the time."

Sha Guangde, even if he sneered, and realized a set of swords in the middle of the night, what jokes do you make?

However, since Qinqin promised to give him the secrets of the Nine Palaces tomorrow morning, he would no longer be entangled. He immediately left the room and went to his practice room and practiced it with enthusiasm.

Qin double looked at the back of Sha Guangde, who disappeared at the door, and condensed the smile on his face. He turned the Jiugong swordsmanship and looked at it from beginning to end. Then he frowned slightly.

This Jiugong sword technique is not simple, and it can already be regarded as the top martial arts in the sword-level skills of the prefecture. This Jiugong sword is only nine styles, each of which is pierced from one of the nine palaces, and one sword is stronger than a sword.

"This..." Qin double raised his hand and slammed his eyebrows: "If you just follow the hand shown in this cheat, you can only learn the rules of the Jiugong sword, you can only learn the rules of the Jiugong sword. Learn the spirit of the Jiugong swordsmanship. To truly learn the essence of the Jiugong swordsmanship, you must understand the Jiugong formation."

"Array method!"

Qin double began to look for the basic knowledge about the formation of the blood in her memory. Soon she found the Jiugong map and roughly read it. The blood piano gave her only the foundation of the Jiugong map. Part, but only this basic part also contains a lot of knowledge, fortunately, her spiritual realm is very high, and has reached the half-step master. Moreover, there is also knowledge of the Nine Palaces in Ling Ling. The Fu Dao and the Dao Dao have most of the ideas, so don't look at her. She just hurriedly read the Jiugongji map, but there is no such a nine-square map. A little bit of understanding.

Because this is only the most basic Jiugong map, and in the Lingzhi technique, Qin double has already studied the Jiu Gong to a very deep state.


It’s just that the piano doesn’t know how to use it!

She needs Sha Guangde to understand!

"Sha Guangde!" Qin shouted in both directions.

"What is it?" Sha Guangde did not come over at all, but shouted back in the practice room.

"Do you understand the formation?"

"Tuen Munjoo, don't understand!" The sound of Sha Guangde's disdain came from the cultivation room.

Qin double sighed, but still did not give up asking: "Do you know Jiugong?"

There was silence over there, and I was sure to be related to the Jiugong swordsmanship from the words "Nine Palaces". About three times of breathing time passed, and Sha Guangde’s voice passed over, without disdain, but instead he said:

"will not!"


Qin double sighed, no longer speaks, began to sink his heart, want to simplify the most basic Jiugong array, simplify to the simplest point. You know, even the most basic nine-square map, there are nine changes in each palace. When combined with each other, the change is even more. It’s not ten days, it’s one hundred days, and Sha Guangde may not be able to comprehend.


The door of the cultivation room was opened, and a footstep sounded in, and then the door of the piano double was opened. Sha Guangde stood at the door, his face was hung, looking at the piano double, weakly asked:

"That... Jiugong sword skills need to comprehend Jiugong?"

"When you play, don't bother me!" Qin did not open his eyes: "The bear child who knows nothing."

Sha Guangde’s chest was violently ups and downs. In the end, there was nothing. He just fell heavily on the door and returned to his own practice room. He sat down on the floor and muttered his face:

"What's so great, it seems like you know it!"

After a quarter of an hour, Qin opened his eyes. With her current realm, she wanted to simplify the changes of each palace to only one kind, and the nine palaces should be connected smoothly. This is definitely not a short-term solution. It’s not ten days, it’s not enough for one month. In desperation, she had to ask for help from the blood.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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