Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 939: conflict


Bai Gao’s throat squirmed and squirmed: “The man is called Jin Yue, and he has cultivated eight golden dragons. The six kings of Wu Wang are repaired. You...”

Lan Mingyue swallowed the monster meat in the mouth and took another soup, then said:

"If you have something to say, what does it look like?"

Bai Gao said very silently: "Teacher, people are saying that you have to eliminate you, you have no reaction, the teacher will not be afraid of it?"

Lan Mingyue raised his hand and laughed at Bai Gao’s head. “You are also a temper who is not afraid of chaos.”


Bai Gaogan laughed twice, to be honest, although he was shocked by the understanding of Lan Mingyue, but Lan Mingyue looked down on the understanding of the college warrior and made his heart very wrong. At this time, Jin Yue and Lu Feifei stood up. Also makes his heart very excited.

"Bei Gao, in addition to teaching you Jiugong swordsmanship, the teacher will teach you a must-have quality to become a strongman today."

Bai Gao’s eyes were bright. He sat up straight and said seriously: “Please ask the teacher.”

The people in the cafeteria erected their ears and listened. Only the nineteen people, such as Qinshuang, shook their heads slightly, and the faces showed a funny color, because they all knew that the blue-moon moon’s temperament simply said Nothing is good. Sure enough, the sound of the blue moon in the cafeteria:

"Bei Gao, I ask you, if there is a fly in front of you while you are eating, you will be reasonable with the fly, let it go to the latrine where it should go, or slap in the face ?"

"Of course, it’s a slap in the face!" Bai Gao didn’t want to say it, but when he said it, he knew that Lan Mingyue liked Jin Yue as a fly. His face is not bitter:

"Teacher, you hurt me!"

Lan Mingyue said faintly: "I am just explaining a fact."

"Kids!" Jin Yue's eyes showed murderousness, staring at the blue moon: "You don't forget, the quota contest can kill."

Lan Mianyue picked up the chopsticks and began to eat it. He did not go to Jinyue. Paco whispered:

"Teacher, Jin Shixiong is talking to you."

"Ah?" There was a hint of surprise on the face of Lan Mingyue: "I only heard the snoring. I can't understand the language of the flies. Can you understand the kid? Yes, you still have this ability. ?"

"I..." Bai Gao did not speak at all. If he went on, he would have to be brought to the ditch by Lan Mianyue, and he would completely offend Jin Yue.

"You..." If it is not forbidden in the college, Jin Yue will directly go to Lan Mingyue at this time.

"Hey!" Lan Mingyue threw the chopsticks on the table and stood up and said: "Don't eat, there is a fly that has been licking, it really affects appetite."

The piano double put down the chopsticks, wiped the mouth gracefully, stood up, and swayed slowly toward the door. Qin Lie and others also walked away from the door.

Out of the door of the canteen, everyone did not discuss the matter in the canteen. For the threat of Jin Yue, they did not take it as one thing at all. They have experienced the baptism of the Great Wild Animals, and their minds are not generally strong.

At the intersection, everyone went to their own residence. Qin Shuangyou walked in front of him, and Sha Guangde followed.



"The thousand people who played in your martial arts have been selected?"


"Do you know what strength they are?"

"The basic situation knows that this is no secret."

"Speak to me."

"There are three core disciples. They are all six layers of Wu Wang."

"Three core disciples? The repair of the sixth floor of Wu Wang?"

Qin Shuang's heart is a shock, the core disciples also means that these three people are condensed out of nine Jin Dan, Wu Wang six layers, which means that their basic strength is equivalent to the strength of the ninth layer of Wu Wang.

As for the many military disciples of the Imperial Armed Forces, there are three core disciples, but Qin Double is not surprising. In the fire, the jade cultivation is still the best practice of the heavenly level. It is reasonable to say that ten golden dragons should be condensed, or the patriarchs of the fire family. It can be said that the cultivation resources are more than those of the students in the martial arts. How many times, there are no ten golden dragons, and there is a militant in the martial art that can successfully gather nine golden dragons. It is already a miracle.

Qin Double is sure to have nine core disciples who have cultivated nine golden dragons in the Imperial Court. There are also nine golden martial artists who have been trained to reach the peak of the ninth layer of the King of Wu, but they are over forty years old.

"There are still thirty-seven students who have cultivated eight golden dragons. Eight of them are already the sixth floor of Wuwang, and the remaining twenty-nine are also the fifth layer of Wuwang." De continued.

"Eight Jindan, the sixth floor of Wuwang, its repair should be equivalent to the beginning of the ninth floor of Wuwang. And the fifth floor of Wuwang should be equivalent to the peak of the Eight Kings of Wuwang."

The piano doubled a bit, and felt that the talents, qualifications and savvy of the students of the Imperial Court, as well as the inheritance and cultivation environment and resources, were still worse than those of Qin Lie and Duan Hong. Duan Hong, these people are not now 30 years old. If they are allowed to reach the age of 30, Qin Shuang believes that their cultivation will far exceed those so-called core disciples.

"There are two hundred and sixty-eight people who have cultivated seven golden dragons. Their cultivation is between the fourth floor of Wuwang and the sixth floor of Wuwang. The rest are the warriors who condense six golden dragons. Their The repairs are between the fourth and fifth floors of the Wuwang."

"That is to say, the warrior who is here forty years old, the highest repair is the six layers of Wuwang?"

"Yeah!" Sha Guangde nodded.

Qin double has a basic understanding of the future thousand opponents. The reason why it is a basic understanding is that it has not counted the martial arts, experience, or comprehension of the people, the artistic conception, and the strength of the ontology. The real power of the military. Don't underestimate these factors, it is often these factors that play a decisive role in the battle.

Qin double also had to sigh in the heart, the Imperial Court is still very powerful. There are so many martial arts kings in their forty years old, and they are still the martial arts kings who have gathered more than six golden dan. In fact, if they don't touch the piano pair, Qin Lie, those who at least condense eight Jin Dan, they will be a group of powerful Wu Wang.

And even if they met Qin Shuang and Qin Lie, Qin Shuang and Qin Lie did not have the grasp of their victory. After all, their cultivation was too low compared with the disciples of the Imperial Court. The highest level of Duan Hong is just the second layer of Wu Wang, like Qin Double, but it is the late ninth layer of Cheng Dan.

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