Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 948: Suspected Qin Double


on the square.

Qin double and others still did not receive an order to leave, everyone is still standing in the square. It’s just that everyone has complaints in their hearts and whispers. Listening to those people's arguments, Qin Lie's face is very ugly. However, seeing these friends such as Qin double are still calm, knowing that these people give him face, the heart is better.

At this time, in the heart of the piano, she felt that the power of the three souls swept across the square like a gust of wind, sweeping back and forth, and the time of half a quarter of an hour disappeared.

In the room.

Qin Zheng’s four people are like water, Qin Zheng condensed: "He has not gone out yet?"

"No!" The teacher shook his head. "The trainee at the door said that Sun Jiliang was coming back soon, and His Majesty and the Dean came back."

The room was silent again, about three minutes, Ouyang Jihai:

"Does he have relatives or friends in the military court?"

"I have already checked, he has a brother, called Sun Jixian, I have brought him, outside the door."

"Let him come in!" Ouyang Jihai said.


The teacher went out and soon came in with Sun Jihai. Sun Jihai hurriedly bent over and said:

“The students meet with their majesty, meet the dean, and meet the young.”

"You are called Sun Jixian?" Ouyang Jihai asked.


"Do you have a younger brother named Sun Jiliang?"


Sun Jixian’s forehead has already seen Khan, and Ouyang Jihai’s huge momentum has shrouded him, so that he does not dare to pause, and even dare not have a lying mind.

"Do you know that your brother left the Imperial Court today?"

Sun Jixian looked like a glimpse, then immediately shook his head: "I don't know. My brother left the martial arts school?"

Ouyang Jihai slightly frowned and said: "When was the last time you saw your brother?"

"It was when I saw the trainees in the square. At that time, my brother stood next to the students."

"Oh?" Ouyang Jihai's eyes lit up: "What later?"

"Later... later..."

"Say!" Ouyang Jihai sighed and drank, and Sun Jixian felt that his chest was stuffy, and the corners of his mouth ooze a trace of blood, no longer dare to conceal.

"My brother went to track the piano double."

"Tracking the piano double? Why?" Ouyang Jihai asked with a brow.

"Qin Shuang used my voice to hurt my brother outside the city. My brother always wanted revenge. So, he kept staring at the piano double. When he saw the piano double leaving the square, he followed the past."

"What?" Ouyang Jihai slammed his eyes: "Does the piano leave the square?"

"Yes!" Sun Jixian nodded.

When Qin Zheng felt a move, he remembered that when he had just come out from the bottom of the earth, the power of the soul had once appeared in the piano. At that time, he seemed to be heading towards the square, not from the direction of the gate of the military court. Instead, he The other party at the accommodation came out.

"Do you know where the piano has left the square?" Ouyang Jihai asked.

"I don't know!" Sun Jihai thought for a moment: "But look at the direction, it should be the place to stay."

"and after?"

"Later... my brother never came back."

Ouyang Jihai and Qin Zheng looked at each other and there are many doubts here. Since Sun Jiliang went to track the piano pair, why did he suddenly leave the military court? According to the students who kept the gate, Sun Jiliang once said that he went to the Jianyi Canyon to understand the sword, but he returned very quickly.

This and Sun Jixian said that he was not able to track the Qin double, but they did not doubt Sun Jixian's words. Their soul power shrouded Sun Jixian, and he could feel that Sun Jixian did not lie from the fluctuations.

Then... Is there a problem with Sun Jiliang, or is there a problem with Qin?

"When you checked the piano, the piano double was really not injured?" Ouyang Jihai looked at his wife.


"Then inside her storage ring?"

“No!” Ouyang Jihai’s wife shook her head and then headed to Ouyang Jihai, Qin Zheng and Qing Lao’s voice into the secret road:

"But I have a lot of fallen stones in her storage ring."

"That is the fire home." Qin Zheng passed into the secret road.

Ouyang Jihai and Qin Zhengsheng exchanged a secret exchange, and then said to the teacher:

"Go and ask the piano to come over."


The teacher heard the word "Please" in Ouyang Jihaikou. Naturally, it would not be like Sun Jixian. Soon he came to Qinqin and said gently:

"Qin double, your majesty and the dean will see you."

"What do the fathers see when they are doing?" Without waiting for the piano to speak, Qin Lie said: "I am going with my children."

"I will go too!" Tianci said faintly.


The teacher’s face was a little overwhelmed. If he was someone else, he had already passed the big ear, but he spoke to His Royal Highness, and he could not go private with Qin Lie.

At this time, the heart of the piano is also very tense, and the heart is about to jump out of the chest.

"Please me? Why please me? Is there any clues I have made?"

Her mind quickly passed the previous things. The only flaw is that they have been scanned by Qin Zheng’s soul. This should not be a fatal flaw.


Now Qin Zheng and Ouyang Jihai should they be angry to the extreme, even crazy? Will it be because of this flaw, tortured to force yourself?

It is impossible to escape! At this time, she can clearly feel Qin Zheng and Ouyang Jihai, and the power of the old and the soul is shrouded in herself. As long as there is a tendency to escape, the three people will immediately catch up with themselves.

At this time, Qin Zheng’s face in the room was also very difficult to see. He did not expect his son Qin Lie to make such a request. Seeing Qin Zheng’s face ugly, Ouyang Jihai squeezed a smile:

"His Royal Highness treats people with sincerity, but he has made a group of confidants."

Qin Zheng heard the words, his face was slightly slow, his son was able to make some confidants, and he was proud of his father's heart.

At this time, the Qin double is somewhat tangled. When Qin Lie is treated like this, he thinks that he has captured the humanoid tree of Qin Lie’s father.

However, in that case, the humanoid tree went straight to her, she could not, but not?

Moreover, even if she now wants to return the humanoid tree to Qin Zheng, it is impossible because he used the symbol, once he took out the humanoid tree, he exposed himself as a monk.

"This person can only be returned later!"

Since he couldn’t escape, the piano doubles calmed down and waved his hand to Qin Lie and Tianci:

"Qin brother, brother, the two are waiting here, I will come when I go."

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