Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 951: it has started


The piano doubles on the side, and the eyes are also shining with the kind of stunned eyes that are particularly ambiguous. This kind of gaze is not a bit more difficult for the piano pair, because she used to be a big sister.

Until she felt the power of the four souls shrouded in her body disappeared, she spit out a sigh of relief, and the sly color that was deliberately placed on her face disappeared, and a glimmer of anxiety flashed.

"I don't know if this can turn the doubts of Qin Zheng in their hearts!"

In the room.

The four people of Qin Zheng almost recovered the power of the soul at the same time. The four people exchanged their gaze, and all eyes were a kind of crying and laughing. At this time, Qin Zhengcai remembered that Qinshuang is also a princess. Although it is only a princess of a kingdom, this princess is not simple. It is a jealousy that is even more embarrassing than the imperial princess.

When Qinshuang emerged in the imperial capital and became friends with his son, as Qin Lie’s father and the emperor’s emperor wanted to understand the piano pair, it was too simple. He knew that the Qin double was in the string moon kingdom. General 纨绔. However, Qin Zheng knows the past of Qin double, others don't know! That Ouyang Jihai has a few black airways on his face:

"How can she do this?"

Qin Zheng simply said the past of Qin double, but Ouyang Jihai still angered:

"How can you be so arrogant?"

Qin Zheng shook his head and sighed a sigh: "You don't forget, she is a half-step master, but only 18 years old."


Ouyang Jihai did not speak a few people, and his face was not so ugly.

Yes! It’s just an 18-year-old child, oh... it seems... not too much...

"That... that thing?" Ouyang Jihai looked at Qin Zheng.

"Her suspicion is still very big." Qin Zheng's face is also serious: "First, Sun Jiliang left the Imperial Military Academy before the humanoid tree matured, and returned to the martial arts before the humanoid tree matured and before we came out. The most important thing is that his back is still injured, so the most suspect is Sun Jiliang.

However, Sun Jiliang has disappeared now, and he can’t see anyone, and he can’t die. Before he left the military court, he went to track the doubles. Although I don't know why he originally went to track the piano doubles, but suddenly left the martial arts, but the person he finally contacted is undoubtedly the piano double, so the suspicion of Qin double is very large. ”

"Is it a piano that kills Sun Jiliang?"

"It doesn't look like it, but we can't give up this possibility. Let's go, let's go to the place where the piano live."

Sha Guangde’s residence.

Qin Zheng four people stood in the yard, the four of them have repeatedly searched inside and outside, inside and outside, even scanned with the power of the soul, even the underground has not let go, but did not find the slightest The clues.

"Do we really doubt the wrong person?" Ouyang Jihai looked at Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng bit his teeth, the loss of the humanoid tree made him too heartbroken, and his heart was bleeding.

"The focus is still Sun Jiliang, as long as you find Sun Jiliang, everything will be solved." Qin Zhengning said: "Ouyang, you arrange to secretly monitor everything in the martial arts, anyone who leaves the martial arts, secretly track me, and secret investigation Sun Jiliang’s bizarre disappearance. I don’t believe that such a big living person is gone!”


After all, they were allowed to leave the square, and the rewards for those who tried the test were also sent down. However, because of the unexpected events, the time was lost, so it was originally a battle for the name of tomorrow. get on.

When Qin double returned to his place of residence, he threw the spiritual painting to Sha Guangde, and then wrote the pen to write the Jiugong sword technique and gave it to Sha Guangde. He then drove him out.

She has learned from Sha Guangde that Sun Jixian is an eight-golden martial artist and has cultivated to the sixth floor of Wuwang. This puts some pressure on Qin Shuang's heart. After all, she is only in the late stage of Cheng Dan.

"My own cultivation is still a little weak!"

Qin doubled his teeth and finally made a decision. Originally, she did not want to use the Lingshi cloth to practice in the martial arts. The spread would lead to others, but when she thought that even if she did not admit that she had received 100,000 Lingshi, others would not believe it. There are always some Greedy and adventurous.

Guess no guess, Qin double knows that there must be a lot of people waiting to kill themselves in the ring, and then get their own storage ring.

Then simply don't install it, just use Lingshi to practice it. But can not be unassuming, or low-key.

Qinqin stood up, pushed open the door and went out, shouting at the opposite door:

"Sha Guangde, without my consent, is not allowed to enter my room."

"Know, teacher!" The voice of Sha Guangde's respect came from the opposite room. The piano double smiled and returned to his room and closed the door. In the practice room, Sha Guangde said:

"That is my bedroom, okay..."

Qinqin quickly set up a gathering of spirits with Lingshi, and then sat in the gathering of the spirits, taking Wen Wangdan and began to cultivate.

Until the early morning of the next day, Qin double heard a knock on the door, followed by the voice of Sha Guangde:

"Teacher, the battle for quotas is about to begin."

The piano opened his eyes and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Her cultivation is improved, but it still does not reach the peak of the late Dandan period, but the Lingshi consumes a lot.


The piano doubled out, walked out of the bedroom, simply washed it, then walked toward the square, and Sha Guangde followed the fart:

"Teacher, can you get a place?"

"Well, it should be." Qin nodded.

Sha Guangde walked two steps, and walked side by side with Qinqin.

"Teacher, you see... I have got the first place. Are you embarrassed to be the first? If you don't have the first, don't you say that you are not even a student like me?"

"This bear child!" Qin gave him a sigh of relief: "You got the first, I gave you a heavenly practice and a spiritual painting. If I got the first, what do you give me? ?"

"I...hey..." Sha Guangde squatted with his hands.

"Can't you give me anything?" asked the piano with a squinting eye.

"Can't give it!" Sha Guangde's face is even more embarrassing.

"That's how far it will take me to go."


"Double children, come!" Godsend smiled.

"Well, it’s all here." Qin nodded.

The crowd gathered for less than a quarter of an hour and heard a bell ringing, and the square was silent. A figure fell on a platform in one of the 100 towers, but it was Ouyang Jihai. Ouyang Jihai’s eyes swept over the crowd, and when everyone’s eyes were gathered on their own bodies, they condensed and said:

"The purpose of everyone here is to compete for a place to enter the space of Taikoo, so the old man is no nonsense. The number of places is only ninety-two. If you can win a place, you can see your skills."

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