Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 955: Ancient thousand eliminated


"Can't go on like this!"

The sword in the hands of the piano suddenly changed, no longer a slanting sun, the sword stabbed, the blade trembled sharply, and there were nine swords screaming toward the other side.

"Nine Palace swords!"

Sha Guangde's gaze under the ring was a bright light. The man above the ring was a long knife, and he turned in his hand, forming a knife shield in an instant.


Nine swords smashed the knife in his hand, and the man’s mouth sneered a little. The power of the sword would not break the knife on his sword.


The piano double step forward, it seems straight and straight, like oblique and non-oblique, but it is the Jiugong step. Not waiting for the other party to respond, but also a sword stabbed, but it is the second house of Jiugong swordsmanship.


The nine swords that were a little bigger than the first palace followed in the first house when the nine swords had not completely dissipated.


When the nine swords were bombarded above the knife shield, the man clearly felt that the force of the knife shield was increased by at least one layer, and the knife on the knife shield trembled more intensely.

"Hey!" Qin double stepped forward.


The more sturdy nine swords spurted out with the tremor of the long sword in the hands of the piano. The power of the bombardment in the knife shield has increased by another layer.

This is not a deadly threat to the warrior, because the swords released by the piano double can not break the knife on the knife shield.

However, the look of the warrior has become extremely dignified. Because he found that he had completely fallen on the defensive at this time, the sword of the double piano was too fast, completely robbed of the initiative, so that he did not have a chance to counterattack. At the same time, he also felt the sword of the double piano, one style is stronger than the one.

He has seen Sha Guangde's comparison, and naturally he knows that this is the Jiugong sword. But I have never seen a sword skill that is so fast. One palace and one palace, as if the Tianhe River is upside down, there is no gap. And each palace has a greater power than the previous one. He didn't know if his sword shield could still block the sword of the other side when the piano was brought to the ninth house.

Under the ring, Sha Guangde was so fascinated!


A huge roar, awakening the intoxicated Sha Guangde, saw nine large swords like nine rainbows running through the sky and bombing on a knife-rotor like a windmill.

This huge roar has attracted at least one-third of the attention, and even Qin Zheng, Ouyang Jihai and Qing old eyes have been attracted to the past.


The knife on the knife shield is broken!


The intensive shards of the knives slammed into the sky, smashed the sky, and sharply rubbed against the air, pulling out a white line, like a thousand trees and pear blossoms.

The knife was completely broken, but the man's heart was a loose one. He knew that the Jiugong swordsmanship was only nine styles, but now he has blocked the last most mighty style, and the piano pair has been poor. When the spirit is alive, it will be countered.


The platform was suddenly muffled by the piano, and the shape of the piano pair suddenly became nine. It attacked her from nine directions. The nine sharp swords from the nine directions are like Changhong, and its power is More spectacular than before.

It is the last form of the Jiugong swordsmanship upgraded to the heavenly swordsmanship:

The nine palaces are one.

There was a flustered color in the man’s eyes. At this time, it was not true that the sword was true. The sword was fake, and his heart also believed that the nine swords were true. The level sword skill can be possessed, which further deepens the panic in his heart, so the big knife dances, protects the whole body, the wind is not penetrated, the water does not enter, completely abandon the idea of ​​attack, complete defense.


A sword was bombarded on the knife. In the original heart, it was a panic, and it was a hasty defense. The knife on the knife was just broken, and it was like being taken off the clothes. The flaws in the whole body were presented in front of the piano. The knife in the hand could hardly keep the air tight, and it was finally hit by a sword and a gap. Then there was a sword slamming on him. His hurriedly released spiritual shield shattered, the whole The body was blasted out, and a beautiful parabola was drawn across the air, accompanied by the blood ejected from the mouth, falling heavily under the ring and fainting.

Immediately, the teacher of the college came to the side, checked it again, stuffed a medicinal medicine into his mouth, and told the person to lift it away.


The piano double spit out a long breath, and at this time her back was sweaty. This embarrassment was really hard, forcing her to use the heavenly level of the nine palaces and swords.

After flying down the platform, she immediately swallowed Wen Wangdan and returned to Lingdan to start the interest rate adjustment. She knew that it would take a long time to conduct the second round of the test.

When she opened her eyes, she found that Qin Lie had returned to their side and smiled:

"how about it?"

Qin Lie screamed: "Guqian was eliminated."

Qin double turned his head and looked at Gu Qian, and saw Gu Qianyi sitting there with frustration. Ah, Xuanyuan Ling and Yue Qingqing are also a dignified face. The three of them and the ancient thousand are eight golden dragons, and they have not broken through to the realm of Wuwang. Guqian can be eliminated, and they have not much confidence. The reason why this round can stay is because their opponents are not strong. For example, the opponents that Qinqin met were only one person who cultivated six golden dragons and five kings of Wuwang.

"Double children, do you really do not need sound and Confucianism?" Godsend asked with some concern.

The piano eyes are condensed, releasing the fine light: "No."

"Dual children!" Lan Mingyue took the shoulder of the piano and said: "I have seen it. The empire of the Imperial Court is really not weak, and after the first round of screening, among the remaining 500 people, Even if it is a foreign warrior, there is no weak one. You don’t have any advantage in sound and Confucianism."

"........." There was a hint of hesitation in the eyes of Qin.

"If you use the skills of sound and Confucianism and Taoism, you will be able to defeat your opponent. Even if you cultivate to the peak of your world in the future, flying up the fairy world is also the bottom of the existence. Like the warriors of your world, went. Immortality, not being arrested as a slave, is death. There is no third way."

The sound of the Qinqin sounded the sound of the blood in the sea, and the piano was not surprised.


"I have carefully observed your two games. If this imperial capital is already a gathering place for geniuses in your world, then you can only say that the warriors in your world are too weak."

In the heart of the piano is a glimpse, but she knows the **** piano is extraordinary, not only limited to the mainland.

“How weak is it?”

"The difference is a big realm."

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