Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 965: Core disciples


Fan Xiushan, Tang Tianhe and the black youth also entered the core disciple area, while the monthly Qingzhao entered the inner disciple area.

Qin Shuang and others followed Ouyang Jihai to the core disciple area, at this time standing at the foot of a peak. Looking up, rows of houses were built on the mountain. Ouyang Jihai condenses the channel:

“You live here. These houses are from the foot of the mountain to the mountain. The higher the place, the stronger the aura. That is to say, the higher the living, the better the cultivation environment. You can choose the house to live in, as long as you can play it. People who live in it now."

Duan Hong’s eyes are a bright light: “The dean, do not know what the above people are doing?”

"The people who live on this mountain are all armed with nine golden dragons. They are cultivated from the first layer of the Chengdan period to the peak of the ninth layer of the formation phase."

"That is to say, the person who lives in the foothills is already the ninth peak of Wuwang?" Duan Hong's eyes shine.

“Not bad!” Ouyang Jihai nodded: “From the height of the mountain to the upper third, the residence is basically a Chengdan martial artist, and one third of the ups are the martial arts of the phase. You can Picking up a house from a third to the top. Of course, there are also a lot of free houses. If you don't want to challenge, just pick one. Ok, let's pick it."

Ouyang Jihai’s eyes swept over Qin and so on, and he also wanted to see what heights of housing these elites would occupy. Wu Jinsong, Situ Lu and Li Linyi also stood on one side and looked at Qin and others with great interest. They have long lived here, and naturally they will not challenge again.


Qin Lie, Duan Hong, Zhao Zirou, Lan Mingyue, Huozhong Yu, Qin Xian, Qin Jiaoyue flew over the mountain. Fan Xiushan, Tang Tianhe and the black youth are also close behind, just in an instant, at the foot of the mountain, there is only one person left. Ouyang Jihai, Wu Jinsong, Situ Lu and Li Linyi all looked at Qinshuang, with doubts in his eyes.

"Qin double, don't you choose a house?" Ouyang Jihai asked in a curious way.

Qin double shook his head, what joke?

Even if the aura above the peak is strong, is it useful for the piano?

In the current situation of Qinshuang, the practice is the orthodox ancient practice, and ten golden dragons, but the excessive is that the yin **** is condensed in advance, and the cultivation environment on the mainland of the martial art is extremely helpful to the piano. Micro-pointing to the aura of cultivation between heaven and earth, I am afraid that until the piano double life is exhausted, it may not be able to break through to Emperor Wu.

She still relies on the medicinal herbs and Lingshi. Since she does not rely on the aura between heaven and earth, why does she spend that hard?

"I just want to find a place to live at the foot of the mountain!"

Then he gave a speech to Ouyang Jihai, and found a yard to push the door and went inside. Ouyang Jihai and others looked at each other, and then they were upset.

This piano pair is thinking about practicing with Lingshi!

As soon as I thought of Qin Shi’s body with 100,000 Lingshi, even Ouyang Jihai was paralyzed, not to mention Wu Jinsong. Ouyang Jihai shook his head and turned away.

When Ouyang Jihai went away, Wu Jinsong, Situ Lu and Li Linyi looked at each other and then walked toward the courtyard of Qinshuang.


As soon as the piano entered the yard, he applauded.

The yard is too big, the house is large, and the environment is very beautiful. Just taking the scale of the building and the environment, it is ten times better than the houses on the mountain, but the aura is relatively weak.

However, Qin Double does not need to consider the issue of Aura. When she sees this living environment, her heart is very excited. When she is happy, she hears the door behind her body being pushed away by the sound of "砰" and turns and looks. I saw Wu Jinsong, Li Linwei and Situ Lu came in from outside the courtyard. The piano double wrinkled a brow:

"Is the Imperial Military Academy not taught you politeness?"

Wu Jinsong faintly looked at the piano and said: "Take out the 100,000 spirits on your body. We can guarantee your safety in the military court during this time and protect you in the Taikoo space."

"Roll!" The piano sounds cold.

Wu Jinsong’s face was a cold, Wu Jinsong said with a deep voice:

"Qin double, I want to challenge you."

On the way to the piano, Ouyang Jihai has introduced the rules of the martial arts to them. Qinshuang knows that the martial arts is encouraging the battle. The warriors can challenge each other and even fight for life. However, both parties must agree. Usually, once a party challenges, no one will evade, because once evaded, it will be regarded as cowardly, and it will be difficult to come out in the military court in the future.

However, Qinshuang is not a martial arts person, and will not stay here for a long time. In less than three months, where is the time to fight with them?

I can't say that the piano can't beat these three people. There are a lot of disciples here. Qin double believes that even if she defeats the three people in front of her, there will be more and stronger people to challenge her, who will let her There are 100,000 Lingshi on the body?

In this way, she didn't have to do anything else in the past three months, and she used it to fight. If it is someone else, such as Duan Hong, I am afraid I am very happy and excited. Because through continuous fighting, you can accumulate experience and improve martial arts.

However, Qinshuang's past life is a peak of the late Wushen, and has experienced countless life and death experiences. She does not need to accumulate experience and improve martial arts.


What effect will the duel of Wu Wang’s realm have on Qinqin?

So, Qinqin impatiently waved his hand: "No interest, please leave!"


Three people’s faces showed a humiliating blush, and Stuart shyly said:

"What? Are you afraid?"

Qin double has now reached the door of the courtyard, pushed the courtyard door open, and then pointed to the outside:

"Go out!"

"Good! You are very good!"

Wu Jinsong stared at the piano doubles with anger, like a poisonous snake staring at his prey, then turned and walked toward the courtyard. Situ and Li Linyi also stared at the piano and glanced out.

"Is it so?" Stuart asked unwillingly.

“Is it so?” Wu Jinsong said with a cold smile: “Promoting the piano with 100,000 Lingshi, I think there will be countless people to challenge her.”

"That hundred thousand Lingshi is not without us?"

"Hehe" Wu Jinsong sneered: "Do you think Qinqin will fight?"

"No!" Situ and Li Linyi shook their heads at the same time. If Qin double dared to fight, I just agreed to fight with them.

"So, the 100,000 Lingshi will still be on the body of Qin. But every day someone challenges her, she has no time to practice. When she enters the space of Taikoo, we again"

Wu Jinsong waved a gesture of a dagger, and Situ and Li Lin’s eyes were bright and they nodded.

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