Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 971: Deprivation and new


The fire family long condensed the channel: "Zhongyu, in the Taikoo space, the family wants you to complete a mission."


"You swear first, and promise not to talk about anything today and anyone."

"Yes!" Jade in the fire raised his hand and said: "I, the jade in the fire swears by the soul, will not tell anyone who is seen and heard today, such as breaking the oath, the soul flies."

When the jade words in the fire fall, I feel that the soul has a slight fluctuation. He looked at his father with a dignified look. He knew that since the father let himself swear by his soul, it was not a trivial matter.

"Very good!" The fire family nodded for a long time: "Zhongyu, I want you to kill the piano in the space of Taikoo."

"Kill the piano? Why?" Then, the jade in the fire changed the look: "Does the two children get 100,000 Lingshi, is the father spread?"

"Not bad!" The fire family nodded.

"Why?" The jade face in the fire was red and the eyes were unbelievable.

"For the future of the family!"

"The future of the family? The two children gave the "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" to our fire home. We only have the merits of the future of our fire home. No, how can she threaten the future of our fire home? ”

"Zhongyu, you are still too young." The fire family sighed a sigh: "Qin Shuang gave the "Fire Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" to our fire home, but have you ever thought about her? Once the "Fengfeng Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang" are given to others, others will find the flaws of our "Fire and Phoenix Collection" and "Danfeng Chaoyang". These two exercises are the foundation of our fire home. The root of inheritance, once the fire home has lost this fundamental, and has been given these two exercises for other families of our family, and researched the methods of practice, we will inherit the fire home of 10,000 years, and it will disappear in an instant. Therefore, in order to do this for the future, for the future of the family, for the inheritance of the family, Qin double must die."

"The two children will not give the exercises to others."

"How can you be sure that she will not give it to others? Since she can sell it to us, she can sell it to other families."

"No, the children are not like that."

"Zhongyu! Maybe Qin double is not such a person, but if someone takes 500,000 Lingshi, or even a million Lingshi in front of the piano double? Can you guarantee that the piano is not tempted?"

In the fire, the face of the jade appeared struggling, and finally shook his head: "I can't guarantee it."

"So, Qin double must die. I have bought a lot of people who have warriors from all kingdoms into the space of the Taikoo, warriors from the imperial government, and even the warriors of the Imperial War. By then, you only have to It’s okay to lead them around the piano."

The jade in the fire was silent, and the heart struggled constantly, eventually closing his eyes in pain. Half-sounding, opened his eyes, and the light was firm and shook his head:

"No, I can't do it."

"What do you say?" Everyone in the house is discolored, and the elders are scolding: "Zhongyu, don't forget, you are the future patriarch of the fire family, and everything must be for the family."

"The two children saved my life more than once, and helped me practice. If I kill him, it is a beast. The father, I can't do it, I can't do it."

The hall is quiet and the atmosphere is depressed. The air seems to have turned into water, filled with it, and the oppression makes people feel suffocated.

Half a ring, the sound of the fire family became cold: "Zhongyu, have you decided?"


"Do you know what your decision means to you?"

"I know!"

The fire family’s eyes showed disappointment and said again: “Give you another chance.”

"No, I can't do it."

"Good! In this case, from today on, deprive the leader of the jade in the fire. You leave!"

In the fire, the jade body trembled and his face became pale. After a deep ceremony, he turned and left the hall. Looking at the original gun, the back of the jade in the fire is now awkward, and the heart of the fire family is a pain, closing his eyes. However, it was only a moment. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had become a wave of old wells, pointing to a man with a heavy date:

"Eight elders, you are going to call Zhonglian back."


The eight elders stood up and left the hall.

"Big Brother, Zhongyu He... Will you tell Qin Double?"

"No, as long as he spits out half a word, he will fly away and have no chance to say it."

Still this hall.

It is still the family of the fire and the eight elders, but the people standing in the hall at this time are not the jade in the fire, but the fire in the refining.

"See the patriarch and elders."

"Zhonglian!" The fire family leader looked deeply at the fire standing opposite him. "You swear first, don't reveal the things of today."

"Yes!" Although there was doubt in the heart of the fire, he still swears by the soul and then looks at the fire family.

"I want you to kill the piano in the space of Taikoo."

The smelt in the fire is a shock: "Why?"

"You also know that the hands of Qin Shuang have the "Feng Feng Bao Dian" and "Dan Feng Chaoyang" of our fire home. This is the foundation of our fire home and the root of inheritance. Can you understand the importance?"

"I... understand!" The fire refining just thought a little, and understood the reason. And I also thought that the thing that had the piano double possessed 100,000 Lingshi must have been spread by the fire family. His look became dignified, and the eyes of the patriarch and the eight elders gathered on him, so that the pressure in his heart doubled.

"But... double children... I won't say it."

"We can use the 100,000 Lingshi to buy the two exercises from Qinshuang. Others can get 500,000 Lingshi, and one million Lingshi is bought from her. There is no absolute thing in this world, just the price is enough. Not enough."

"But...but... In the early cracks, Qin double saved my life, and helped me in the process of the Imperial Military Academy. I am a warrior... I can't..."

"Alive is a warrior. If the family is gone, you can't live. It's just a dead person. You are a part of the fire family. Everything is given to you by the fire home. You must know how to sacrifice for the fire."

"I..." The face of the fire was full of struggles: "Zhong Yu Ge he..."

"He disagreed, so I have already deprived him of the name of the patriarch of the fire family. I have bought a lot of warriors who entered the space of the Taikoo, and even the warriors in the Imperial Court, you only have to lead them to kill the piano, waiting for you. After coming out of the space of Taikoo, I set you up as a patriarch and will take charge of the family in the future. I swear by my soul."

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