Supreme soldier king

Chapter 47 You should call the police now

After Yang Hao dealt with the four thugs, he drove to Harman's club without haste.

Yang Hao originally wanted to call Xue Na and ask her to deal with the four thugs, but after thinking about his next plan, he changed his mind and directly broke the tendons in the right hands of the four men. Then tell them to go away and have their right hands disabled. Even if they go to the hospital to be cured, the right hand will not need much strength in the future, and it is impossible to kill people again...

For this kind of people, Yang Hao would never have any mercy. If he was not afraid of trouble, Yang Hao might kill these four people directly.

The Harman Water Club is not very far from the parking lot where the accident happened just now. It took Yang Hao only 20 minutes to arrive at the Harman Water Club.

Yang Hao clasped his hands, led by a beautiful lady wearing a cheongsam to private room 402 without haste, knocked lightly on the door, and a familiar voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Yang Hao pushed open the door and walked into the private room slowly.

In the private room, a man was lying on the bed.

The man watched the door open and turned his head. When he saw the person standing at the door clearly, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Yang Hao, why are you here!"

"It's a good enjoyment." Yang Hao rubbed his hands with a smile, walked to the sofa beside the bed and sat down, looked at the man on the bed, and smiled softly: "Li Hongwei, is it very pleasant to see me appearing here?" be surprised?"

The man on the bed was Li Hongwei, the former head of the sixth sales department of Jasmine Inc.!

Li Hongwei turned over and sat up, looking at Yang Hao nervously. He had personally experienced the violence of the man in front of him. Now there are only two of them here. If he attacks him, he can't stop him. The furious Yang Hao He has seen it before.

What made Li Hongwei even more uneasy was that Mingming Wednesday said that Yang Hao had already been abolished. Why did Yang Hao appear here with his hands and feet intact?

Could it be that Yang Hao gave benefits to Wednesday, and Wednesday betrayed himself?

In just a short moment, Li Hongwei had countless thoughts in his mind. Looking at Yang Hao's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Li Hongwei's heart was beating like thunder, and he tried his best to keep calm. The muscles on his face pulled a forced smile: " I'm a little surprised, how do you know I'm here, did you see me just now?"

"Private Room 402 of Harman Water Club, didn't you say that when you called just now? I was listening beside you." Yang Hao sat lazily on the sofa, answering Li Hongwei's words very casually, and at the same time He took out a cigarette and lit it.

Li Hongwei's mind buzzed for a moment, it's over, he really knew that he was going to deal with him, when he thought that Yang Hao had already touched him, and then thought about Yang Hao's methods, the sweat on Li Hongwei's vest suddenly came out, and his face changed His body became pale, and his breathing became short of breath, like a dying fish.

"Wednesday, you actually lied to me..."

Yang Hao took a puff of cigarette slowly, exhaled a few smoke rings, and then said slowly: "He didn't lie to you, for your 30,000 yuan, each of the four of them broke a hand or a Feet, and everyone else's right hand tendons were broken, so they were considered useless, and your 30,000 yuan was well worth it..."

Li Hongwei's face suddenly changed, and cold sweat flowed down suddenly.

Everyone had their hands and feet broken, and their right hand tendon was picked off...

Li Hongwei stared at Yang Hao, his eyes full of fear: "You did it?"

Yang Hao nodded with a smile: "Yes."

Li Hongwei looked at the smiling Yang Hao in front of him, feeling cold all over his body. He finally understood that it wasn't because he took the money on Wednesday and didn't do anything, but because Yang Hao in front of him was too cruel and merciless. They had no way not to betray themselves...

Thinking of Yang Hao's cruelty, and thinking about his current situation, Li Hongwei's body trembled uncontrollably, and his voice became a little distorted and hoarse due to extreme fear: "You... you come here... want to What are you going to do?"

Yang Hao stared at Li Hongwei, and said with a smile: "It's very simple, break your hands and feet, and then cripple your one foot, don't you want to deal with me like this, return the body in the same way as others, Isn't that too much?"

After a slight pause, Yang Hao seemed a little embarrassed, and stared at Li Hongwei seriously: "However, do you think I should charge some interest?"

Huge fear seized Li Hongwei's heart, Yang Hao's composure shattered his last hope, and he knelt down on the bed at once: "Yang Hao, I was wrong, I shouldn't deal with you, you let me go Well, as long as you let me go, I'll give you money, is one hundred thousand enough...two hundred thousand..."

Yang Hao stood up, put out the cigarette butt in his hand in the ashtray next to him, and said lightly: "People should be responsible for what they do, if they do something wrong, they will have to pay the price!"

Hearing Yang Hao's words, Li Hongwei's heart fell into an ice cave. He suddenly jumped up from the bed, rushed out of the bed, and rushed towards the door. Only his feet started, and Yang Hao's hand was already stretched out. Grabbing his arm and throwing it violently, Li Hongwei's body flew out immediately, hit the wall heavily, then bounced back and fell to the ground.

With a cold face, Yang Hao walked over and kicked it out.


Amid the crisp sound of bone cracking, Yang Hao kicked Li Hongwei's calf bone off his left leg abruptly. Li Hongwei let out a scream, and his nose and tears came down all at once.

"Let me go, otherwise, my uncle won't let you go..."

Yang Hao smiled coldly, unmoved at all, kicked up again and broke Li Hongwei's other leg.

Li Hongwei howled miserably, curled up on the ground, arched his back like a shrimp, his body trembled from the severe pain, broken bones poked his muscles, even a slight movement, the pain could make his whole body nearly spasms.

Yang Hao squatted down, looked at Li Hongwei who was full of snot and tears, took the mobile phone on the coffee table next to the bed, and handed it to Li Hongwei: "I heard that your uncle loves you very much, you can call him."

Li Hongwei looked up at Yang Hao in surprise, Yang Hao said lightly: "I only broke your feet now, if your uncle cares about you, maybe your hands can be kept, I don't need to break your feet, if he don't care about you..."

Before Yang Hao finished speaking, Li Hongwei had already understood, gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and quickly called his uncle Wan Linda.

"Uncle, come and save me, I'm about to be beaten to death..."

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Hongwei was already howling like ghosts and wolves. Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of this room is very good, otherwise the movement like just now would have attracted many people.

"Xiaowei, what happened, where are you?"

Li Hongwei howled: "I was in the Haman Club, and my feet were broken by Yang Hao. He said that if you don't come, he will break my hands and my hamstrings. I am a useless person, uncle, save me..."

Wan Linda was obviously taken aback: "He's next to you...don't be afraid, I'll call the police right away."

Although Li Hongwei didn't turn on the hands-free, Wan Linda's voice still came into Yang Hao's ears clearly. Yang Hao smiled lightly, reached out to take the mobile phone from Li Hongwei's hand, and said lightly into the phone: "Mr. , I think it’s better not to call the police before you understand the matter.”

When Wan Linda heard Yang Hao's voice, he immediately said angrily: "Yang Hao, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes, and you actually broke Xiaowei's legs!"

After Yang Hao finished speaking, he cut off the phone directly.

Yang Hao raised his mobile phone and said with a smile: "It seems that your uncle doesn't care about you very much..."

Li Hongwei looked at Yang Hao in horror, and quickly shouted: "Wait, let me tell him again..."

Before the words finished, the mobile phone in Yang Hao's hand rang again. Yang Hao glanced at the phone number, then turned to look at the nervous Li Hongwei with a smile: "Your uncle's."

The phone was ringing, but Yang Hao was not in a hurry to answer it. On the contrary, Li Hongwei looked nervous, wishing to rush forward to grab the phone to answer it, but he couldn't move, and he didn't dare.

After a while, Yang Hao pressed the answer button, and asked in a relaxed tone: "Minister Wan, is there anything else?"

Wan Linda's voice no longer had the anger and arrogance just now, but it was a little more cautious and calm. Yang Hao's attitude made him realize that he was not talking to an ordinary company employee, and the other party must have absolute support: "Yang Hao Hao, what do you want?"

Yang Hao said with a smile: "I just want to talk to you suddenly, maybe it will be good for your future."

Wan Linda hesitated for two seconds before making a decision: "Okay, I'll come right away, don't hurt Li Hongwei again."

Yang Hao smiled lightly: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

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