Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1251: Antidote? poison!

"Auntie, this is what I introduced to you, you can call her Jiming!" In the living room, Zhou Hao pointed to Jiming and introduced.

In this way, under Zhou Hao's needlework, they quickly got to know each other.

"Jiming, right? I just washed a few fruits. I don't know what type of fruit you like, so you will just taste it!" Xu Yongwei smiled and said.

"Don't be so polite, I just ate on the plane, so I don't have much appetite!" Jiming gently shook his head, and after refusing, he said: "By the way, I'll go see the patient first!"

"Well, too, come upstairs with me!" Xu Yongwei put down the fruit plate in her hand and spoke calmly.

Now she is no longer uneasy. Although she is not a doctor, she knows that the most important thing for a doctor is age and qualifications. This person named Jiming is obviously only in her twenties. People of this age are basically It is impossible to have sufficient qualifications, so it can be said that the worries in his heart are completely redundant!

After a sneer flashed in the eyes of Zhou Hao, who was walking at the end, he calmly followed up...

"My name is Jiming, and I am Zhou Hao's...friend!" I originally wanted to say that Zhou Hao was his uncle, but after thinking about it, I changed my mind. After all, this is more acceptable...

"Well, I am Zhou Lichang, Zhou Hao's uncle!" Zhou Lichang reluctantly squeezed out a smile. When he saw Jiming at such a young age, he was not too disappointed, because he knew that even if he was standing here is a senior A profound old Chinese doctor, the result must be impossible to change, after all, he is suffering from an incurable disease!

"Have you used Chinese medicine before?" Jiming asked, smelling the smell of this medicine floating in the air.

"Well, it's still the same up to now!" Zhou Li nodded as expected.

"Where is the prescription? Let me take a look!" After Jiming and Zhou Hao exchanged glances, they spoke again.

"The cancer cells have spread all over the body?" Jiming asked when he held the yellowed paper in his hand.


After Jiming nodded and looked at the prescription in his hand, Jiming, who was expressionless at first, frowned quickly. A minute later, he put the prescription in his hand aside and asked: "This prescription, you are from Where did you get it?"

"It's the prescription my wife got from an old Chinese doctor. Is there any problem?" Zhou Lichang asked when he was puzzled.

"This recipe has a serious problem. This is simply an antidote, but a poison!"

At this time, as Jiming's voice fell, the expressions of the three people present changed. The first thing that changed was Zhou Hao. Hearing what Jiming said at this time, he confirmed the previous guess in his mind.

Unlike Zhou Hao, the other two of them looked very ugly, especially Xu Yongwei's face was extremely gloomy!

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Zhou Lichang said in a deep voice after looking at Jiming with some confusion.

"Mrs. Zhou, which Chinese medicine doctor did you get this prescription from?" Jiming turned his head and looked at Xu Yongwei, who was not very pretty, and asked.

"It's an old Chinese doctor, but he told me not to reveal his name!" Her face recovered a little, and she said with a dry smile.

"You are fooled. This is simply a kind of poison. Anyone who knows a little bit of medical science knows that these drugs will not do any good when combined together! After drinking this medicine, it will directly destroy the body’s immune system. For people suffering from cancer, the consequences can be imagined!" Ji Ming's face was gloomy. Although he did not clearly explain the stakes, anyone who is not a fool can understand the harm caused by this medicine!

"How is this possible?" At this time, Zhou Lichang and Xu Yongwei were both stunned, not knowing what to say for a while...

"Are you talking nonsense, how old are you! What do you know? This is the secret recipe from the ancestors of the old Chinese doctor. This kind of profound pharmacology is not something you can understand now!" Xu Yongwei was a little bit astonished, and said coldly. Tao.

"Yes, are you wrong? I took this Chinese medicine and my body obviously felt a lot easier!" Zhou Lichang hesitated a little, and said so.

"The main function of this medicine is to defeat the immune system in the human body. In this process, it will generate excess calories, so the user will naturally feel the body relaxed, but such relaxation is not a good thing!" When he got here, he continued: "Do you know why your body deteriorates faster than the average person?"

"Is it because of this medicine?" Zhou Lichang asked with a twitch of his eyes.

"Yes, it is because it disrupts your body's immune system and doubles the toxins spread by cancer cells!" Jiming nodded and said solemnly!

Hearing this, Zhou Lichang fell silent, and Xu Yongwei, who was sitting on the side, felt that it was time for her to say something, and the corner of her mouth jumped. She said, "I don't know. The old Chinese doctor said that the prescription was very effective. Ok!"

"It's okay, I didn't blame you, you are for my good after all!" Zhou Lichang said with a smile, shaking his head gently.

"I really didn't know how things would be like this!" He lowered his head slightly, and no one noticed the sneer in her eyes...

"I'll answer the call!" At this time, the phone rang, Zhou Hao glanced at the number, and after inadvertently glanced at Xu Yongwei, he answered the call.

"Boss, I have found out all the things you asked me to investigate!" The moment the phone was connected, the rat's respectful voice came from the other end of the phone!

"Well, you are very efficient in doing things. Don't talk about it now. After I turn on the hands-free, you can tell everything one by one!" Zhou Hao was a little surprised. The speed is indeed very fast.

"Everyone, I believe you will be interested in this news!" As Zhou Hao was talking, he gently pressed the hands-free button of the phone. After doing this, he said: "Okay, let's get started!"

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