Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1400: Hug left and right again

After seeing Yu Zhengyu, Zhou Hao left after a few confessions. Although his injuries were not serious, he shed a lot of blood. He wanted to go back to take a rest, and he first fought four ninjas, and then he fought with the top expert Kenjiro Yanagi. Comparing with each other, this evening can be considered exhausted.

After all, he is a body of flesh and blood, and he is a little weak after the battle, but Yu Zhengyu can't see this. In order not to worry about people, Zhou Hao even concealed the injury. As a result, Yu Zhengyu admired even more. For so many masters, Zhou Hao could retreat with his whole body, his strength should have surpassed the master.

Zhou Liren and his son are both super masters. While Yu Zhengyu admires him, he feels full of energy. He has such a big master and his son is so powerful. The First Army is definitely the trump card in the military. He didn’t tell Zhou Hao these thoughts, just Zhou Hao can also feel it from his words and deeds.

Zhou Hao didn’t go home after leaving the place where she fought with the ninja. His injuries were not obvious, so he could hide it from outsiders. His family would definitely not be able to hide it. Zhao Yuqin was full of love for herself. If she saw that she was injured, it would be very distressing. Anyway, I have something to come out today, and I have already greeted her.

The best place at this time is Hongye Hina and Li Shuihan. They are both martial arts practitioners. They have different views on injuries from ordinary people, and they have to learn about the Liusheng family. No one is better than Hongye Hina. I know about the Japanese ninja.

Zhou Hao felt that Li Shuihan and the others did not take long from the outskirts of the city. When he arrived, the wound was scabs again, and he felt a little bit that his physical fitness was not like that of human beings. When he was an ordinary person, he had suffered such injuries, at least he had bleed Many, as a result, his wounds broke open twice, and they failed to affect his actions.

"Why are you here at this time, and you are so murderous." When Zhou Hao knocked on the door, Li Shuihan came out to greet her. She looked so **** while wearing underwear that was not **** on her tall body, but she opened the door. He frowned, feeling something wrong with Zhou Hao.

Li Shuihan and Hongye have already rested. Usually she is responsible for the safety of Zhou Hao and the people around her, but she doesn't need to act personally. She usually lives at home. She knows that there is no one else here except Zhou Hao, but she is just wondering what Zhou Hao did At this time, married men are not free.

Zhou Hao did not speak. He did carry a murderous look on his body. After all, three people were killed tonight. Ordinary people could not feel this murderous look. People who practice martial arts can definitely feel it. He walked in and took off his coat. If it wasn't for being a little tired today, Li Shuihan's temptation would really make Zhou Hao's heart moved!

Hongye Hina heard the sound of the door and came out one step later than Li Shuihan. She was different from Li Shuihan. She was neatly dressed, as if ready to take action at any time. Zhou Hao thought this was a ninja habit, but usually two people get along, Hongye never After such a time.

"Did you start with the ninja today? The young lady informed me that the Japanese ninja has already begun to act." Hongye knew more than Li Shuihan and asked directly.

After Zhou Hao sat down, he said to the two women: "Sit down first. I have encountered a lot of things today. I will tell you slowly, Hongye, I just have something to ask you." Then he took off his pants.

It was not the first time that the two women had **** with him, but they didn’t expect Zhou Hao to walk in and took off their pants. They blushed, but they misunderstood Zhou Hao. When he exposed his wounds, the two women were shy. It immediately became distressed. Although the wound was crusted, the flesh and blood turned over was very scary.

"Zhou Hao, why did you suffer such a severe injury? Who did it? With your strength, no one can make you suffer such a severe injury." Li Shuihan and Hong Ye prepared a medicine box for Zhou Hao to bandage. Asked full of surprise, it's not easy for the top master to get hurt.

Zhou Hao nodded, let the two women busy dressing their wounds, enduring the pain, and said: "Today I did meet ninjas, and I met several ninjas. This is because I deliberately brought them out. As for the injuries, it was not because of them The strength is very strong, it is true that I am a little careless, but there is no problem, they are all solved by me."

Then Zhou Hao told the two of what happened today, especially when Kenjiro Yanagi was mentioned, he described the strength of Kenjiro Yanagyu in detail, and he even said that he won by cheating. Both Li Shuihan and Hongye It was his own woman, and Zhou Hao didn't have to hide it. His strength was indeed higher than that of Kenjiro Yanagi, but if he worked hard, he wouldn't win so easily.

"Kenjiro Yanagyu? He actually came to China, and his strength has broken through to the realm of super masters. I didn't expect that the Yanagi family will become the overlord of the Japanese ninja world. Koga and Iga are not super masters, the only one The Wind Demon clan was also destroyed by you." Hongye was busy bandaging Zhou Hao, and did not forget to express her surprise. Obviously, she still didn't know that Kenjiro Yanagi became a super master.

"This Yanagyu Kenjiro is not only a good martial artist, but also a cunning man. I can't get any advantage of talking to him. He even killed the job I left in advance. That person is said to be the deputy head of the Iga school. Kenjiro Yanagi is a very cruel person.” Zhou Hao recalled the impression that Kenjiro Yanagi had left on him, and the more he said it, the more difficult it was to deal with.

"The Yanagyu family has rarely participated in political affairs since ancient times. Compared to other ninja sects, it is indeed considered the closest. Kenjiro Yanagyu has not lied to you. If you have common interests, you can definitely help you. Don't worry." Hongye Hina is very smart. Zhou Hao said this specially and naturally understood what he meant.

Zhou Hao was even more relieved when he got Hongye’s affirmation. Kenjiro Yanagi is an old fox. If he lied to himself, he wouldn’t know it. Fortunately, when he talks about cooperation tomorrow, he can instruct the cooperation to succeed. The key lies in the distribution of benefits.

His wounds seemed to be churning with flesh and blood, but in fact it was not that serious. Otherwise, Zhou Hao would never be able to make it home. The two women bandaged his wounds as soon as they were busy. As for Zhou Hao's wounds, neither would the two women. Understand why, the average person should not have such a strong resilience, it can only be attributed to Zhou Hao's adventure or special physique.

"Kenjiro Yanagi came to cooperate with us and wanted to represent my cancer treatment drugs. I plan to cooperate with him like this. Anyway, the Tokugawa family's pharmaceutical industry is not the main business." Zhou Hao listened to Hongye's evaluation of the Yanagyu family and said to himself Hongye and Li Shuihan's decision were told.

Although Li Shuihan has some understanding of the ninja world, she is far inferior to Hongye. At this time, she didn't want to be jealous. After all, she was talking about business. Hongye pondered and said, "I can't be sure about this matter. He might be true at the time. It may be an excuse to cooperate with you. After all, when two great masters meet, he is not sure of winning. It is entirely possible to find some excuses to get out. Just wait for the young lady to call and ask tomorrow."

"My sister, I must ask about it. Kenjiro Yanagi told me that the Yanagi family is the family with the best drug sales channel in Japan, and the Tokugawa family is not as good as them. If they let them act as agents, it will definitely make the most profit." Zhou Hao nodded. , Took out the words of Kenjiro Yanagyu before and said again.

Hongye nodded after hearing this: "This Kenjiro Yanagi is not deceiving. Their main business part has medicines. This may be because of their close relationship with China. They can even sell Chinese medicine. Now your cancer medicine. It is indeed more suitable for them to sell as agents in Japan than other families."

Zhou Hao nodded slowly. He decided to call back to ask Nanami Kazuo. In terms of the specific situation, whether the Yanagi family has an advantage over the Tokugawa family, the wound on his leg has been bandaged now, even if he uses a little force. It won't collapse again, Zhou Hao felt that he should rest.

"I'm staying here tonight. One of you has a relatively empty room. Whom should I go to sleep in!" Zhou Hao thought about going to bed, and naturally glanced at the two women with dishonest eyes. Even if the two women have a good time together , Still couldn't help but spit, Li Shuihan groaned: "You sleep on the sofa today, no one's room is empty, everyone must meditate."

Hongye smirked and said, "Shui Han, Zhou Hao finally came here, so don't always think about cultivating. Besides, even if you meditate, you can completely meditate in his arms. It’s so interesting to practice the exercises together, don’t you think.”

Relatively speaking, Li Shuihan is not as good as Hongye. Hongye grew up in Japan. Women in this environment can at least be more relaxed even if they are not very lustful. Moreover, everyone is already so familiar. Hongye is not honest when he talks. Touched Li Shuihan's chest.

Li Shuihan has always been showing people in a cold and frosty form. Only in front of Zhou Hao is he **** and sultry, because everyone has already made love together, and she can't keep her state in front of Hongye, and she can't help but shoot Hongye's plump buttocks in great embarrassment. He slapped him and said grotesquely: "It's you who think about it. If you want to sit in his arms, just go, don't push me down, I am not as coquettish as you!"

Hong Ye didn’t get angry, and continued to laugh, touched Li Shuihan’s thigh again, and chuckled: “You said you don’t want to. You look **** and charming in your clothes. It’s just to seduce Zhou Hao on purpose. Men, you can't help but eat you, you are thin-skinned, or I will not look at it first, and you will call me when you are done." He turned and wanted to leave.

Zhou Hao was just a joke, but he didn't expect that the two women were already so familiar. While stunned, he felt burning in his heart. Seeing Hongye saying something to leave, he hugged her and gently patted her ass. After slapped twice, he pretended to say angrily: "Don't even want to leave today, and serve as husband together." He picked her up and went straight into the house, but before going in, I didn't forget to say hello to Li Shuihan, Li Shuihan was not affected by it. The one who was in control was also drawn in by Zhou Hao.

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