Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1445: Chinese martial arts mighty

When Zhou Hao and Yu Zhengyu entered the office area, the only thing that the Hurricane Mercenary Group could still stand was Nowitzki Timtz. He was the best of all, otherwise he would not be the deputy commander. Now he has no fighting capacity, and his body is scarred.

At first, Yu Zhengyu had some doubts about the power of Zhou Hao’s organs, but now there is no doubt about it. The Hurricane Mercenary Corps probably has done a lot of various actions since its inception. I probably have not encountered such heavy losses. The most important thing is Zhou Hao didn't have any loss on his side.

Zhou Hao was quite satisfied with his organ trap. He didn't kill Nowitzki as well. This is all reasonable. After all, his skill is close to super-class. The organ can cause certain damage to such a master. It would be too difficult for them to get trapped, if it were the organs of the underground palace.

"Mr. Nowitzki Timtz, hello, welcome to my pharmaceutical company, why don't you say hello in advance, how am I embarrassed to make it like this now!" After Zhou Hao entered the office area, Slowly walked towards Nowitzki and the others, smiling.

Although Nowitzki Timtz was injured not lightly, he still remained calm at this time, staring at Zhou Hao coldly, and said solemnly: "You are Zhou Hao, you arranged all of this, before we come in , You already know?" When he said this, the gun in his hand was already aimed at Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao shook his fingers and said with a smile: "Mr. Nowitzki Timuz, I advise you to stop struggling, since I have already come out, your gun will not be effective for me, you should be honest. In accordance with our requirements, it is better to tell us a few questions later, otherwise your fate may not be optimistic."

While he was speaking, Yu Zhengyu followed. He remembered what Zhou Hao said to him before. The mechanism here is mysterious and unpredictable. Even if Yu Zhengyu's strength reaches the decision, he may not be able to be killed by the mechanism, but it will be disgraced. There is no need, he follows Zhou Hao every step.

Nowitzki Timtz certainly wouldn't believe Zhou Hao's words. He picked up the gun in his hand and aimed at Zhou Hao and said, "Mr. Zhou Hao, you don't need to bluff, let me see how you can not be afraid of my gun." Just fired a shot at Zhou Hao, and the distance between the two was no more than 20 meters. This distance was almost the same as facing each other.

Zhou Hao’s footsteps kept on, but when the bullet was approaching, he just twisted his body slightly, and the bullet was gone. He seemed to be walking in the woods, and he didn’t feel any tension at all, except that the heavy rockets could attack Zhou. Hao caused damage, and this bullet could no longer hurt Zhou Hao. Even if he did not evade, with the power of this pistol, even Zhou Hao's muscles could not be penetrated.

Nowitzki Timtz’s pupils shrunk a bit. He is a master, and he naturally knows what other masters look like. With his current strength, if someone shoots at him from a long distance, he will react faster and not be afraid of pistols. But Zhou Hao's way of strolling in the courtyard is really appalling.

He felt that what he was holding was not a pistol, but a child’s toy gun. In front of Zhou Hao, he was like a weak child with no resistance at all. Only then did he believe what Mr. Hua said that Zhou Hao was really powerful. Before coming, he had always thought that Zhou Hao was great as an excuse for Mr. Hua's failure in the last mission, so he took the opportunity to raise the price.

Now when he really faced Zhou Hao, he felt that Mr. Hua might not yet understand Zhou Hao’s true strength. He is an international mercenary, not a martial arts master. Different, but he knew that Zhou Hao must be much stronger than himself, and this person's physical abilities had surpassed the limits of ordinary people.

Zhou Hao’s strength has reached its peak. The ultimate master means that he has broken through the limits of mankind. He looked at Nowitzki Timtz’s incredible gaze, smiled and said, "Mr. Nowitzki Timtz. , I have already told you that I am not afraid of your gun at all. Why don't you believe it? There should be no objections now."

Although his steps were slow, the distance between the two of them was also shortening a little bit. According to Nowitzki’s guess, Zhou Hao’s desire to come to his side was probably only a step or two. The reason why he did this was entirely for him. Put pressure on himself. Fortunately, his psychological quality is very strong, otherwise he really can't bear the pressure.

Zhou Hao’s strength has exceeded his imagination. He did not consider Yu Zhengyu’s strength at all. Moreover, Yu Zhengyu has been following Zhou Hao. He is obviously not familiar with the institutions here. Nowitzki Timtz instinctively thinks that Yu Zhengyu is just Zhou Hao's attendant or assistant.

"Mr. Zhou Hao, we are also taking people, money, and people to eliminate disasters. Since you know who I am, you must also know our Hurricane Mercenary Corps. If you think we are wrong today, we can apologize and even compensate you for the loss. , Don't have to kill everything like this." Nowitzki rolled his eyes and talked with his not fluent Chinese.

Zhou Hao smiled more happily this time, and said directly: "Mr. Nowitzki Timtz, what you mean is that you are completely obedient to the person who did this. In fact, you have no responsibility. Do you mean that if someone hires me to If your family is killed, I am not the target of your revenge? Or, as long as I compensate you for the loss, you will not remember the harm I caused you."

"If you say yes, I will let you go. If not, you still don't resist. I don't want to do anything with you. You'd better cooperate a little bit." Zhou Hao had already reached the place where the blacks were ambush before. The place where he is standing is the floor where the black man stepped on before.

Black people were lying in this place before, but Zhou Hao stepped on it, it was very safe. Zhou Hao’s mechanism is so wonderful. Even if people who understand step on the same floor, they will not be affected. , You will encounter traps at any time, and it will hurt others.

Yu Zhengyu followed Zhou Hao, and there was no danger. It seemed that since Zhou Hao entered the office area, those terrible organ traps had failed. If it weren't for the people with the hurricane mercenary group lying down on the ground, everyone would even think it was fundamental. There is no danger, and it is no different from an ordinary office area.

"Well, if you don't agree to catch it with your hands, I won't play with you anymore. I will take you away now." Zhou Hao suddenly stopped with his feet, and his whole body was empty. The distance of 20 meters was dazzling. He The design of the mechanism is not as exquisite as those in the underground palace. If there is a light master, as long as the reaction is quicker, the mechanism will not be touched.

Nowitzki Timtz has practiced various fighting skills, but the wonder of Chinese Kungfu is not comparable to those fighting skills. Suddenly seeing Zhou Hao flying like a bird, Nowitzki still showed an extraordinary reaction. Ability, he can dodge bullets on the ground, people have nowhere to focus in the air, can't dodge anymore.

He thought very well. He hadn’t expected Zhou Hao to make a sudden shot before. Now that he is setting himself a target in the air, the gun in his hand shoots out politely. As the deputy commander of the Hurricane Mercenary Corps, in addition to his fighting skills and finesse For all kinds of conspiracy and tricks, he also has good attainments in firearms.

With a pistol in his hand, he can also say where to hit, and the bullet is flawless, but the person he met this time is Zhou Hao, even if he can shoot five shots in a second, even if he can The guns were all aimed at Zhou Hao's vitals, but even if Zhou Hao was in the air, not everyone could use him as a target.

Zhou Hao’s castration remained unchanged, it seemed that there were no bullets in front of him, but after waving his hand in the air, Nowitzki Timz felt that a phantom flashed in front of him, and his bullets were gone. The star hit Zhou Hao, but instead he heard the screams of his companions.

He didn’t react until he saw Zhou Hao close at hand. What happened at this moment. His companion was originally injured, but after being beaten by Zhou Hao, all of them were silent. Zhou Hao actually took him The bullet was caught as a hidden weapon and fired out.

Zhou Hao promised that Yu Zhengyu would leave a life for Nowitzki Timuz. He knew far more than other members of the mercenary group. He could get a lot of useful things from a living mouth, and other people were dead or alive. It is no longer in Yu Zhengyu's consideration, not to mention that Zhou Hao has been murderous.

For Nowitzki Timtz, even if someone can surpass the human body's potential and avoid bullets, this is not impossible. At least in his mercenary career, he has seen a few people who are capable of reaching a certain level. Degree, quick response, avoiding before the bullet arrives.

But he never thought that someone could catch bullets with both hands. Although the pistol he used was not as powerful as the Desert Eagle, at least it had enough penetrating power. Even ordinary steel plates could penetrate through, but he just I saw Zhou Hao catch the bullet with his hand.

If he was a little bit rebellious before and wanted to use conspiracy and trickery, now he has given up this tempting idea, Zhou Hao’s strength is no longer he can estimate, although he is still an individual, but in Nowitzki In Timtz's eyes, Zhou Hao was already equivalent to a god. He was not only powerful as Mr. Hua said, but he couldn't beat it.

At the beginning, Bruce Lee used Chinese Kung Fu to hit the United States. Many Americans would have to give their thumbs up when mentioning Chinese Kung Fu, but in the following decades, there has not been such a master. Many Europeans and Americans think that Chinese Kung Fu is no longer good. Those in Japan, South Korea and Thailand. People even claim that Chinese martial arts is a flower fist embroidering leg.

Nowitzki feels that those talents are frogs at the bottom of the well. Zhou Hao has such an ability at such an age. Not to mention the taekwondo karate in Japan and South Korea. Even all the martial arts are not as good as Chinese martial arts. This guy is close to Superman, Nowitzki He didn't even notice how Yu Zhengyu, who had come by Zhou Hao, came to his side, he had given up resistance.

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