Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1468: Jingxi Mahjong Magic

There won’t be so many incidents in the world. The North player is not so cooperative this time. She doesn’t need 50,000 cards. So this time, the player who plays Hu’s card can only be Zhou Hao. This one is Zhou Hao. Since the beginning, Hu De's biggest hand is also the biggest hand in the game today.

"Sorry, this time I won a little bit bigger, twenty-four times." Zhou Hao saw that the North player shook his head helplessly and smiled, knowing that she definitely doesn't need fifty thousand, so he said with a smile.

The western player’s chips are no longer enough to pay for the money, but according to the regulations, he does not need to make up the money, as long as all the chips are handed in. The northern player has almost the same chips as his, from the beginning to the present. At any rate, the Western player has done it once, but the North player has never done it.

The Eastern player is actually worse than the two players. She is the one who fires the cannon. According to the rules, she has to pay more. Before this one, she still has her own principal. Now, if one goes down, she has no half of the capital. Now, since she sat down, she has lost a lot, at least two hundred thousand.

"Wang Xiaohu, you are really a master, I have never heard of you, but it is really an honor to play against you today. If you can reach the finals, I will feel happier, and I wish you good luck along the way." The player had run out of chips, got up and left, but still shook hands with Zhou Hao amicably.

For such a player, Zhou Hao would not fall into the trap and say cold words. He smiled and said: "You are actually quite good, but the luck is not as good as mine. If you have the same luck as mine, I should be the first person to get out. Hope I can meet you in the future."

Everyone knows that this is a polite remark. At first everyone thought Zhou Hao relied on luck. After the player in the East left, Zhou Hao revealed more than luck. Otherwise, the dice of the players in the West and North could not be controlled either. Can't explain it, none of them are beginners.

The player from the east did not comment on the departure of the two players from the northwest. Today's game has already made her feel very weird. Since she can play cards, she has not encountered such a thing. Zhou Hao seems to be lucky. The players of, how can they win, but they have been flat to the end, which is too exaggerated.

She didn’t know how the gambling on this table was before she came. At least since she came, she hadn’t seen Zhou Hao touch herself once. All of them were betting by others. Except for the best luck, it’s a big bet. Yes, it was all Pinghu before, this player made her unclear.

Both the West and North players have left the table. If it is another table, there will be two winners left. However, Zhou Hao has only changed one player at this table, so now the referee gives the West and The North arranged for two players to come over, who were also the winners of the other tables.

The two newcomers have gone through two rounds of screening, and the winners are left. They have more chips than when the female player from the east came. Zhou Hao won the three players at the same table before, and the two A new player is about the same, with nearly 400,000 chips in his hand.

When the four players sat down and started, the east player’s heart sank. If they develop according to the previous situation, she must be the first player to get out, but she still doesn’t know Zhou Hao’s details. The key is that she saw the player in the Western position. The player did not know her, but she had heard of this person.

This person has a small reputation in the gambling world. Although he is not a top expert, he is already very powerful in the eyes of ordinary gamblers. He is a native of Shaanxi. Since his debut, he has gained a little fame, and his fame is mainly concentrated in Mahjong and Pai Gow are called Jingxi Mahjong Magic.

If it is for other events, the Jingxi Mahjong Magic may not be so powerful, but if it is only better than Mahjong, he is enough to be called a well-known master in the country. It is said that he can remember all the card positions in front of him, and as long as he sees it By the way that someone else is tying cards, you can even know what cards the other person is tying.

To put it another way, Jingxi Mahjong Magic can almost guess the cards of three players besides himself in a hand, and bet against such opponents. Even with certain gambling skills, it is difficult to win cards. I know your cards, and I want to win the opponent's money.

Zhou Hao didn’t know all of this. In his eyes, apart from knowing He Hongsen in the gambling world, he only knew the eight-armed Tathagata for the life of Changsheng. It’s not that the gambling world is the only two of them worthy of his attention. He really has no acquaintances in this circle. However, he is good at observing. When the player in the west seated, he felt that the female player in the east stared at him.

He doesn't know who the player in the West is, but the player in the East pays such attention. He should not be an ordinary player. He also started to pay attention. The Jingxi Mahjong Demon is only in his thirties. His hands and ten fingers are spread out. Hao found that his hands were ten fingers long and powerful. They should be good at hand skills. His forehead was bald and his eyes were flexible. This person's brain should be very developed.

Zhou Hao knows that many master gambling players have a certain amount of martial arts in order to defend themselves. Players in the Western position, even if they are not masters, should have practiced palm kung fu. He can only see this. As for the opponent’s gambling skills, It is not within Zhou Hao's understanding and cannot be determined.

"Everyone, if there are no comments, the game will start now." After the four players sat down and observed each other for a few minutes, the person in charge had already proposed to start the game.

None of the four of them had any opinion, and the game was played immediately. Zhou Hao paid special attention to the Western players when he was tying the cards, and found that he arranged cards for himself differently from the others, which seemed to be very random yards, if not Small chats are not allowed during the game, and even chat with others depending on his appearance.

Because I changed two players in a row at once, the banker automatically started from the east position. The female player was also the banker who had been waiting for a long time. She saw that the players in the west position and the north position failed to roll the dice, and she was a little suspicious of Zhou Hao's actions, but no Evidence, this time it was her turn, she deliberately stared at Zhou Hao carefully.

Zhou Hao didn’t do anything this time. He wanted to look at the new opponents in the northwest, especially the western player. He didn’t seem to make a card for himself, but he was the winner at other tables. Zhou Hao didn’t believe he would He is the same type of person, with luck and a little skill to win now.

Sure enough, if he thought, Zhou Hao didn't do any tricks. According to the truth, the east player's dice must find himself and continue to throw the second dice, but when the dice fell on the table, Zhou Hao's sharp I felt that I could clearly perceive it, and the moment the dice fell on the table, the table shook slightly. The points that were supposed to be found by the dealer became a Western player.

This time, Zhou Hao believed that unless it was a first-class master or above, it would not be noticeable at all. It was slight and quick. It seemed that the Western player was indeed a master. He guessed that the Western player must have touched the table with his palm and used the vibration to change it. After losing the position of the dice, Zhou Hao can certainly do this kind of cheating, but he is even more powerful. He doesn't need to touch anything, he can change it with his fingers.

Since Zhou Hao did not make a move, this time the dice pointed at the Jingxi Mahjong Devil in the West position. The face of the Eastern player also changed. She knew that she was very unlucky when she met the Jingxi Mahjong Devil, and it really began to come true. , The entire game was controlled by Jingxi Mahjong.

In fact, she still pinned her hopes on Zhou Hao subconsciously. According to her previous performance, Zhou Hao should be a master, even if he is not a master, she is also a strong man of luck. Now it seems that the emergence of the Jingxi Mahjong Demon, Zhou Hao is also a little overwhelmed. Live, skill may not completely determine the outcome, but it can break a person's good luck.

Everything is as imagined, Zhou Hao can also see that the player in the west should be a master, not only martial arts, but also gambling skills. The player in the east is completely suppressed by him and can only grab the cards in front of him, and Zhou Hao I have paid attention to the Western players before, and I don't know which cards he arranged.

The card game is going on normally, and Zhou Hao’s cards are not too bad. As long as two more cards are used together, they can draw. Looking at the other three players, there is no change in their faces. Professional gamblers are average. Can't let people see the change in their expressions, the four players on this table are all the winners in the initial bet, and they are also capable people.

The east card was dealt, and she carefully threw a card west. She drew two hands from the cards in front of the west player. She was not sure how many cards Jingxi Mahjong could know in her entire hand. She didn't know. Suddenly, the Jingxi Mahjong Demon had already taken control of his mind, and he would be frightened every time he shot.

"If you touch one, luck is good. I have touched it when I came up." Jingxi Mahjong Magic did not disappoint the east player, and directly knocked away the opponent's card. This result also passed Zhou Hao directly, and then laughed. Throwing a birdie.

The north player does not take a card and reaches out to draw a card. At this time, his card is the part in front of him. There must be some cards arranged by him. Zhou Hao is not depressed. It is not a strange thing to be overtaken by someone, but here This is the first time in the second hand.

After the north player grabbed the card, he threw another sixty thousand. Before the east player could speak, Jingxi Mahjong magic smiled again: "I'm sorry, I need this one too." Two pieces of 60,000 were issued, so that he would pass the Eastern player and Zhou Hao again.

It was the North player's turn to draw the card again, and soon he threw another white board. The previous scene was repeated again. The Jingxi Mahjong Magic once again touched a pair. In this case, he had passed Zhou Hao three times in a row, and the East player had two. Second, and he still has four cards standing, even the stupid one can guess that he must draw now.

This time it was the North player's turn. She was obviously very cautious. After hesitating for a long time, she threw a three of them. Luckily, this time the West player didn't need it. The cards continued. When it was the East player, she was equally cautious. Without a shot, when it was Zhou Hao’s turn, this was his first draw. He was lucky enough to draw a useful card so that he could draw with only one card, and the card was again Beijing’s turn. West Mahjong Magic.

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