Supreme Stock God

Chapter 1530: The legend of the rivers and lakes

The old man is a gambler. After listening to Ms. Zhang’s words, he couldn’t help but smile and said: “I really didn’t expect that someone remembers me. I thought that people now only know He Hongsen. Forget it!"

Zhou Hao really didn’t know about gambling demons. He had never heard of it in his past and present lives. He was different from Ms. Zhang, and he was considered to be a man of the rivers and lakes. Zhou Hao was at best a renunciation. The past was normal, but she turned her questioning gaze to Ms. Zhang.

Ms. Zhang smiled slightly and said: "The senior gambling master is a master in the gambling world. Anyone with a bit of status in the gambling world knows the deeds of his old man. He was once the number one master in the gambling world. Before the devil, he can only claim to be a junior, but he disappeared many years ago."

The demon gambling nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that little girl, you know a lot. The thing you said is indeed a demon gambling thing, but depending on how old I am now, may it be the senior you are talking about?"

This time Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao shut up together. The old man considered his age to be in his early sixties. However, according to Xiao Zhao’s previous statement, the gambler should be at least seventy or eighty years old. Otherwise, how could he let He Hongsen call him senior, Is this old man another gambler? This title should not be inherited casually.

The old man can naturally see the thoughts of Zhou Hao and Xiao Zhao, and did not continue this topic with them, but smiled: "This gambling contest, the last person who will be promoted, should be confirmed tonight, you both It should be a player, don't you give up?"

Xiao Zhao smiled and said: "I was not interested in casinos at first, but this time I just came to join in the fun. The few wins just now are more than I won in the gambling contest. It is a worthwhile trip. Gambling competitions are also normal."

Before Zhou Hao could speak, the old man smiled and said, "Don't ask, you must have been promoted. Don't say my old man has a bad vision. Tell the truth."

Zhou Hao was startled, and said in disbelief: "Old sir, you won't really see it, how do you know that I can be promoted? Are you related to the casino official?"

The old man smiled and said: "Young man, my eyes are like Monkey King's golden eyes. No one can hide in front of my eyes. Since you got on the boat, I have paid attention to you, and my juniors have also fought with you. You can't hide it from me!"

Zhou Hao was taken aback, and said with some suspicion: "I'm fighting against your junior, who is he?"

"You used to compare dice with others when you entered the casino. My junior was the dice player. Don't forget that he was defeated by you." The old man smiled slightly, explained to Xiao Yifeng, and let him start.

Not long after I boarded the boat yesterday, after winning some money on the slot machine, I went to play dice and was just challenged. It turned out that the master dice was actually the younger of the old man, so counting, he won the younger of the gambler. Zhou Hao couldn't help but feel complacent.

"Actually, I am now a handful of old bones. You see that I am only sixty years old. Actually, I am already eighty-four. This is probably my last time to participate in such an event." The gambler was very satisfied with the two. He smiled and said with emotion.

Zhou Hao and Ms. Zhang were shocked. They had estimated the age of the gambler before, because they felt that his age was too low, so they were suspicious. Now that the gambler tells his age, they can't believe it, such a red face. The ten-year-old is already eighty-four.

Regardless of their reaction, the old man picked up the wine provided by Zhou Hao, and smiled and said, "Afeng, this kid, everything is fine, but the arrogance is too heavy, otherwise I really want to train him. Now his In terms of strength in dice, there are already rare opponents, and being able to lose to you only shows that you are too strong."

Zhou Hao hurriedly said modestly: "Where, Ah Feng is also very good. I only won by speculation." Only now did Zhou Hao know the name of the dice master.

The gambler laughed and said: "What you said is correct, it's just some speculation, but as a thousand people, don't we rely on speculation?" After finishing talking, he continued: "Afeng told me that you shake the dice. And listening points are very powerful, I believe you are also familiar with other gambling methods.

Zhou Hao nodded, and said with a little humility: "Mr. Gambler is right. Although I am not a professional gambler, I also know how to play some other games, but I don’t have the talent for gambling seniors. It’s hard to get into the eyes of masters."

"Hehe, you really know your problem, that's good, but you tell me the truth, are you really going to enter the finals? How many chips do you have?" The old man is also very sincere. Asked Zhou Hao.

Zhou Hao hesitated. If he was too frank and inappropriate, if he didn't confess, and he appeared insincere, he was really embarrassed. After all, this bet is confidential, and neither the official nor himself will say it.

"Don't be so embarrassed. You can tell the truth or not tell me. It doesn't matter, but it doesn't prevent me from guessing. For example, if you have 20 million chips, or 18 million, it must be enough for you to advance anyway. "Seeing Zhou Hao's hesitation, the old man took the initiative.

Zhou Hao glanced at the old man unexpectedly. He was indeed a gambler. There was no need to investigate. He had already guessed his chip number. Fortunately, the gambler did not participate in the game. Otherwise, who could be his opponent, he can’t, Jingxi Mahjong. No, it's even worse for Bi Changsheng.

When he was looking at the old man, Xiao Zhao was also looking at Zhou Hao. She wanted to guess from Zhou Hao’s expression whether the old man guessed it correctly. As a result, she saw Zhou Hao’s moment of loss, even if he had nothing. Said, Xiao Zhao also guessed that the gambling demon must have been right, and Zhou Hao was indeed sufficient for drug gambling.

"The old man is really amazing. Well, let me be honest with you. After two days of hard work, my betting capital has been around 20 million. If there is no accident, I should be able to enter the next round." Zhou Hao felt that he had been killed. If you guessed it, just admit it straightforwardly.

Even though Xiao Zhao guessed it, he heard Zhou Hao's words in person, but couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wang, do you really have 20 million chips? Based on the chips in the hands of the contestants, there is hope for 15 million. In the finals, you made five million more in this one, which is really amazing."

Zhou Hao smiled slightly and said to the two of them: "The reason why my wager reached 20 million, I have to thank Mr. Cao and the others. All my money later was provided by them. Without them, I would not be promoted. I just hope that no accidents happen."

"Hehe, you are really unfounded worry, you can rest assured, according to the staff, even if you can't the player with the most chips, it will definitely not matter to enter the next round." The gambling demon suddenly expressed comfort Zhou Hao, as if the elders and The conversation between the younger generation made them a little confused.

"Let your old good words, if I really get promoted safely, I will definitely treat you to a good drink." Zhou Hao knew that he would basically be promoted, and he spoke easily.

The gambling devil continued to smile and drank the wine in his hand. "Am I just drinking your wine now? Besides, your wine is not for free. I think your gambling technique is very strange, or I will teach you it. You have two hands, the rest of the game is more difficult, and in the end you have to face the gambler!"

Zhou Hao froze for a moment, and then happily said under Xiao Zhao's reminder: "If the gambler is willing to teach me two hands, I naturally can't ask for it, then I will have more confidence in winning money below."

Zhou Hao still feels like he is dreaming when he smiles without speaking. Even if he is not thinking about gambling, but if he really learns the skill of gambling, he will definitely be profitable and harmless. He saw clearly that he couldn't find the other party cheating at all.

Xiao Zhao is even more happy with Zhou Hao. Since the gambling demon is the deity, it will certainly not be a counterfeit, and Zhou Hao is not sure how powerful the real gambling demon is, but Xiao Zhao understands something. Altar, the modern gambling master, He Hongsen, the gambling king, is certainly one of them, and the master Qianshou Guanyin who has lived in Changsheng is definitely one of them.

But if you count forward, you are a gambler. During the period when the gambler was rampant in the gambling world, even if there were no people of the same name, it can be seen how powerful he is, otherwise he would not be called a gambler.

Zhou Hao was fortunate to learn from the magic gambling player, and even if it took time to run rampant in the gambling world, even if Xiao Show and Zhou Hao are not in the gambling world, it does not prevent them from wanting to shine here.

"You and I are all friends. No matter how old you are, I won't ask you to call me a master. We are even the same generations. What do you think." Not only did the gambler not put on the elders' pretense, but said very kindly. It makes people feel comfortable.

Even though he said so, Zhou Hao didn't dare to be polite, but said with a serious face: "Senior, although juniors can't worship you as a teacher, you must insist on calling you senior. I am not the kind of impolite person."

The gambler shrugged and said with a smile: "Then you like it. I'll start to teach you some skills now. Maybe you can use it in the finals. That, little girl, do you avoid it."

Xiao Zhao pouted. This old man was really careful. He might have learned his skills, but he would be proud of Zhou Hao. I really don't know how this guy is better than himself.

Zhou Hao nodded, and said to Xiaozhao: "Ms. Zhang, if you have nothing to do, let's go back first. Let's have dinner together. See you later." After that, he said to the old man: "Senior, wait for Ms. Zhang to leave. , I also have something to ask you. Actually, there are many questions in my mind."

The gambler smiled slightly and nodded: "Okay, I know what you want to ask, and I will tell you too."

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