Supreme Stock God

Chapter 893: Search and rescue

Chapter 893

At the border of the South China Sea and the Sea of ​​Japan, two medium-sized ships without any nationality markings but with obvious armed forces are sailing on the calm sea. On the deck are people wearing navy camouflage uniforms but without military ranks of any nationality. At this time they were carefully observing the surrounding sea with high-power telescopes, as if they were looking for something.

At this time, a man and a woman, two men also wearing navy camouflage uniforms, stepped onto the deck.

"Big Master, Fourth Master." The man holding the infrared telescope in front of the railing greeted him.

This man and woman are impressively Zhong Juren, the head of the "first army", and Li Shuihan, the fourth head.

Just listen to the master asking that person: "Did you find anything?"

The man shook his head: "Not yet, Master. We have been looking for the East China Sea and the South China Sea for two days, but there is still no news from Mr. Zhou. Now we are about to enter Japan’s territorial waters. I am worried that it will not be long. , The Japanese army will send destroyers over."

That day, after the big master and Li Shuihan landed on the surface of the sea, they used the locator on the parachute to let the people sent by the central government find themselves. They also looked for other people in the nearby waters, but they could not find Zhou Hao. Talk to Ulysses.

Therefore, Li Shuihan and the master, who were most nervous about Zhou Hao, immediately searched for Zhou Hao frantically at sea. Based on the location of the previous airplane explosion, plus the current and climate at the time, they probably delineated a possible range. Then carefully searched and rescued Zhou Hao in this area.

The central authorities also attached great importance to the news of Zhou Hao’s disappearance, especially Mr. Zhao, who gave death orders to the military and various intelligence agencies under the military, and must do everything possible to find Zhou Hao. The central authorities also The Ministry of National Security was dispatched to assist.

In the past few days, the Chinese navy has sent a total of 20 ships, three submarines, and more than a dozen fighter jets in the South China Sea to find Zhou Hao's traces, but they have never found anything.

After being rescued, Da Dang Jia and Li Shuihan did not rest at all. They had been accompanying these ships or submarines, and even driving fighter jets to look for Zhou Hao.

"We also secretly looked for the residents and fishermen on the nearby islands, but they have never rescued the shipwrecked people today." It was the commander of this ship who spoke with a solemn expression: "Two, according to As you said before, the plane at the time was at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters, and it was equipped with a powerful liquid cloud explosive bomb. Without parachuting equipment, it is necessary to escape from the sky at this altitude. Nothing is possible."

He sighed: "Even if a martial arts master with a physique far superior to ordinary people, falling from such a high place, even if the landing place is deep enough in the sea, I am afraid there is no chance of survival."

"Stop talking." Li Shuihan whispered.

"Huh? Four masters, what are you talking about?"

Li Shuihan raised his head and glared at him, his jade face roared coldly, "I told you to stop talking!"

The commander was taken aback, because Li Shuihan was not only furious, but also a terrible murderous intent. This commander is just an ordinary person. How can he be compared with a first-rate master with profound internal skills like Li Shuihan, he is now suppressed by Li Shuihan's murderous intent.

The other people on the deck were also attracted by the movement here, and they were shocked to see that the fourth master, who was very cold but not easy to get angry, was so angry at the commander.

The master said to the commander: "Captain Feng, I'm sorry, she hasn't been very good lately, so her temper is a bit bad. Don't be surprised."

The commander came back to his senses and quickly said: "It's okay, it's okay. I blamed me for a momentary failure. Four masters, don't take it to heart."

Although he is the person in charge of this ship, the rank of colonel can be regarded as a senior leader in the army, but Li Shuihan has the rank of major general, and the authority of the "first army" is not trivial, so even generals higher than Li Shuihan dare not easily offend him. She, therefore, the commander who was suddenly angered by Li Shuihan can only be dissatisfied with it.

And he vaguely sensed that although the master was much colder and quieter than Li Shui, and he had just acted as a peacemaker, the commander felt that the master was also dissatisfied with him. It wasn't a joke to anger the two leaders of the "first army" at once, so the commander immediately lowered his posture.

Li Shuihan ignored the commander anymore. He walked to the railing and looked at the vast expanse of the sea in front of him. He muttered to himself: "Hao will not die, he will definitely not die. His martial arts are so powerful, beside him With Ulysses protection, he will be fine!"

Zhou Hao secretly attacked and sealed the acupoints of Li Shuihan and the master and gave them a chance to escape, but he chose to stay. Even though Zhou Hao pretended to say that he would be fine at the time, both the master and Li Shuihan knew that it was almost impossible to escape from such a place, especially when Zhou Hao and Ulysses were both injured. .

It was because the master knew this near-desperate danger that he chose to sacrifice himself to let others escape.

And Zhou Hao's doing this was almost equivalent to using his own life in exchange for Li Shuihan and the master's chance to survive.

At that time, at the moment when Li Shuihan was taken by his subordinates to jump out of the plane, when she saw Zhou Hao sending her away with a smile, she really had a despair that life is better than death, and she only thought that if Zhou Hao died, then she too Go to Huangquan to accompany him.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. He is a very human. God won't be so easy to kill him." The master came to Li Shuihan and looked far away as if he was comforting Li Shuihan and he was also Comfort yourself.

"Master, there are three destroyers ahead of us. They are the Japanese navy!" the commander suddenly shouted.

The master and Li Shuihan were shocked, and at the same time they looked at the sea over there, and they saw that the three small black dots were slowly getting bigger. They were the destroyers of the Japanese Navy!

The commander asked the master: "The master, the Japanese navy is here, and we are now in their territorial sea again. Or, let's retreat first."

The headmaster condensed his brows, hesitated for a moment, and then said solemnly: "No, let's go straight up and prepare all the personnel on the ship to prepare for combat. Also, let them stay hidden and not let the Japanese army know us. It’s China’s ship!"

"But, the master, this, this one bad thing is the military conflict between the two countries!" The commander was shocked by the words of the master, and he didn't care about other things, so he immediately persuaded the master. Because this is different from the fishermen's conflict in the disputed waters of the two countries' territorial seas, but a direct military conflict, which can lead to catastrophe if you are not careful.

However, he saw the master's face resolute and looked at the commander coldly: "Follow my instructions. If anything happens, I will be responsible!"

The commander’s tone was choppy, because although he was the commander of the two warships, before this search and rescue operation, the above had given orders. If there is an emergency, the master will treat the two warships. With emergency command power, all personnel need to obey the orders of the master.

With this order, the commander didn't dare to say anything, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and reluctantly went to give the command of the master.

Li Shuihan next to him did not speak, but silently and firmly supported the decision of the master.

However, she also noticed that the master's nervousness towards Zhou Hao was unusual. If it were for someone else, the always sensible and calm master would never have such a head-on conflict with the Japanese navy unless he had to.

It didn’t take long before the three Japanese warships approached here, and they also issued a warning to the master: “This is Japan’s territorial waters. You are now entering the territorial waters of Japan illegally. If you don’t leave, we Strict measures will be taken immediately!"

This warning was repeated several times by the Japanese navy in four languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. Then, the first Japanese warship that was closest to them was ready to launch tentative water on the ship. Cannon.

But before they started firing water cannons, the warship where the master was located had already aimed at them a fort on the side deck, and fired the cannon suddenly without any warning!

It was a 130mm-class single-barreled anti-ship gun. Because the Japanese warship did not expect the opponent to fire suddenly, and the distance between the two warships was relatively close, the gun immediately hit the left ship of the Japanese ship The body immediately blasted a big hole.

The other two Japanese ships reacted immediately and wanted to open fire on the master, and the master who was already in the command room at this time ordered: "Use anti-ship missiles to destroy the attack power of the rightmost ship first! "

Immediately, an anti-ship missile was launched from the ship, directly hitting the Japanese ship on the far right. Not only that, the two Chinese warships continued to attack without stopping, and they opened fire continuously under the command of the master, and they beat the three Japanese ships to nowhere!

It's just that the master did not rush to exterminate them, and stopped the attack after destroying the firepower of the three Japanese ships. But these three Japanese ships were also very embarrassed. Besides being able to barely sail on the sea, they were almost destroyed.

Moreover, they have not yet figured out which country the two warships that attacked them belonged to. If they retreat in this way, they would also lose all the initiative.

However, when they saw that the turrets of the two ships of the Great Master began to aim at them again, they didn't care about that much, and immediately turned around and fled.

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