Supreme Stock God

Chapter 902: Yaoyao

Chapter 902

The person that Shinji Kanzuki said was obviously Ulysses, and Kaoru Nanami was shocked when he heard Ulysses escape, and he was really angry, and asked sternly: "What's the matter? How could he let him escape? Didn't Kyoshiro say that his acupoints had been sealed?"

While speaking, Kaoru Nanami opened the quilt and began to dress.

And Kanezue Shinji said: "Because, because that person's martial arts is very weird, neither I nor Jingu-Mr. Jingu had expected it beforehand, so I had the opportunity to be taken advantage of by that person."

"Then where is he now? Is he still on this island?" Nanami Kaoru asked anxiously.

She didn’t worry about other things, she was afraid that Ulysses would find here. If Zhou Hao were to meet him, even if Zhou Hao’s original memory could not be aroused, Ulysses would definitely tell Zhou Hao. At that time, Zhou Hao would know that Kaoru Nanami was deceiving him. This was something that Kaoru Nankai would never allow.

"It's not clear. He disappeared after he escaped from the basement, but please don't worry, Madam, the people on the island have already diverged to find him, and we have sent someone over here to protect you, Madam." said Kanzuki Shinji.

Zhou Hao also asked Nanami Kaoru at this time: "Sister, what happened? Who escaped?"

"It was the assassin sent by Gensheng Tokugawa to assassinate me. He was very powerful, and he was finally caught by us, but now he escaped." Nanami Kaoru said, "You stay here, I'll go and see. what's going on."

Zhou Hao said, "No, I will go with you. Since that assassin is a capable person, then I will protect you by my sister."

Nanami Kaoru smiled, and at the same time, he thought, if he leaves Zhou Hao here alone, what should Ulysses do if he finds him here? It is safer to take Zhou Hao with him. So she said to Zhou Hao: "Well, you follow along."

The two quickly put on their clothes and left the room, and Shinji Kanzuki was kneeling outside the door waiting for them.

"Lead the way, take me to the basement," Nanami Kaoru said.

"Yes, ma'am." Shinji Kanzuki dared not delay, and immediately got up to lead the way.

There were also more than 20 guards who were accompanied by guns and live ammunition, and their equipment was better than the regular army.

On the way, Nanami Kaoru did not forget to remind Zhou Hao: "Nostalgia, that assassin's martial arts is strong and cunning, if you meet him, don't believe what he says, you know?"

"Well, sister, I know." Zhou Hao nodded.

The group came to the place where Ulysses was originally imprisoned, Jingushiro Jingu was also there. After seeing Kaoru Nanami and Hao Zhou, they hurriedly said hello: "Madam, son."

Zhou Hao knew that Jingushiro Jingushi was Nanami Kaoru's bodyguard, so he nodded to him.

"Kyoshiro, what's the matter? How did that guy escape?" Nanami Kaoru didn't have such a good face. After seeing that the chair that had locked Ulysses was now empty, she was right. Jingushiro shook his head and asked, "Didn't you say that his pubic area has been sealed by you, so you can't show his true anger? Then how did he escape?"

"Madam, the situation at that time, the monitor has already recorded it, you can take a look." Jingushiro asked to call out the video at that time and put it on the screen.

I saw from the screen that Jingushiro was giving Ulysses who was locked in a steel chair an injection. The syringe should be some kind of hallucinogen that makes people tell the truth, so after Ulysses was given the shot, the look on his face became dazed.

"What's your name?" Jingushiro asked after seeing Ulysses in a trance.

"Ulysses." Ulysses replied with a dazed expression.

When Jingushiro was about to ask the second question, Ulysses' left hand suddenly pulled out of the steel hoop on the arm of the chair, and then slapped Jingushiro who was caught off guard.

Although Ulysses' skill has not yet recovered, the palm strength is also very important, and he beat Jingushiro Jingu back again and again. Then, Ulysses' other hand was also pulled out of the steel hoop, as did his feet.

Then he overturned the two guards around him, and then took the key to the room from them. At this time, Jingushiro Jingushi attacked again, and his shot was full.

At that time, although Jingushiro was strong, he was still a little bit behind Ulysses. The two fought more than ten strokes in the room. In the end, Kyoshiro Jingushi was hit by Ulysses in his left rib and fell to the ground, while Kyoshiro Jingushi's left hand was also broken.

After defeating Jingushiro Jingu, Ulysses endured the sharp pain in his left hand and left the room. After that, he could hear the scolding and chasing sounds of the guards coming from outside the room.

The surveillance video ends here, Jingushiro also said: "Although Ulysses is still unhealed, his skill is still great, and his skill is so powerful that he can still use his dantian when he is sealed off. Internal force."

It was seen from the video that Kyoshiro Jingushi was also injured. Although Nanami Kaoru was angry at his lack of guard, his expression finally eased, and said: "How did his hands and feet get out of trouble, did you see clearly at that time?"

Jingushiro hadn't spoken yet, but Zhou Hao next to him said, "It's the'shrinking bone skill'."

"Bone reduction skill? Nostalgia, do you know this martial arts?" Nanami Kaoru looked at Zhou Hao in shock, for fear that Ulysses' "Bone reduction skill" would evoke Zhou Hao's memory.

Sure enough, Zhou Hao wondered how he knew this kind of weird and magical martial arts. He said, "I, I don’t know, but I just know that martial arts is called ‘shrink bone kung’, which allows people who practice it to stretch or stretch at will. Shrink the bones."

After a pause, he said to Nanami Kaoru: "Sister, this assassin knows how to use the'shrink bone technique'. It is too dangerous. Or I will find him out. Otherwise, if he is right again. You will be in trouble if you start the assassination."

"No!" Nanami Kaoru refused without thinking.

Ulysses just used the "shrinking bone technique" to bring back some memories of Zhou Hao. If the two meet each other, God knows if Zhou Hao will restore his memory, and no one can guarantee that he will not. Will continue to stay by my side.

So Kaoru Nanami rejected Zhou Hao’s proposal without hesitation. Seeing Zhou Hao’s puzzled look, Kaoru Nanami said: "It is because that killer is dangerous that my sister can’t let you go. Also, when you go to him , If he finds his sister in turn, who can protect her then?"

"Oh, that's right." Zhou Hao thought about it and felt that Kaoru Nanami made sense, so he stopped insisting.

Nanami Kaoru ordered Jingshiro Jingu: "Hurry up and let people find Ulysses. If you encounter resistance, kill him!"

Now Nanami doesn’t care about knowing from Ulysses who needs Zhou Hao. In order to eliminate the possibility of Zhou Hao’s recovery, she can’t let Zhou Hao meet Ulysses, so Ulysses Si couldn't stay either.

But at this moment, the voice of the guard on the dock side came from the communicator: "Report! Report! Someone stole one of our speedboats! Repeat, someone stole one of our speedboats!"

Nanami Kaoru glanced at Zhou Hao, then shouted in unison: "It's him!"

Nanami Kaoru hurriedly said to the opponent's human being: "Then you can go after it! If you can't catch up, you can sink him!"

The person at the dock said, "Madam, we can't do it. That guy pierced all the oil drums of our other ships, and we can't move."

Jingushiro and Kanzuki Shinji looked at each other, unexpectedly Ulysses thought very thoughtfully, and while escaping, they did not forget to eliminate the possibility of the enemy chasing them.

The ship at the dock was destroyed, and there was no way to chase Ulysses. I saw Nanami Kaoru's face stern, and after thinking for a while, he said: "That guy Tokugawa Gensheng is too disgusting. It seems that during my vacation here, he has a lot of courage. Humph! In this case, I Just go back to him for a while!"

Then she turned her head and said to Zhou Hao, "Huaixi, will you go home with your sister tomorrow?"

"Well, of course it's good. Those guys from the Tokugawa family are so nasty, they dare to send a killer to assassinate you, I must be by my sister, and protect you!"

Jingushiro and Shinji Kanzuki knew that Kaoru Nanami actually wanted to excuse Genzo Tokugawa and took Zhou Hao to leave the island, lest Ulysses would bring someone back to find Zhou Hao, and Kaoru Nanami's secret would not be kept. Up.

Sure enough, Kaoru Nanami said to Kanzuki Shinji: "Shinji, you immediately inform the Tokugawa family and let them send a plane to pick us up. Also, immediately pack up and leave here early tomorrow morning."

"Yes, madam." Shinji Kanzuki hurried to execute Nanami Kaoru's order.

At this time, Jingushiro Jingushi said to Nanami Kaoru again: "Madam, besides Ulysses, we also found another situation."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"When our people searched for Ulysses on the island just now, they discovered that the several doctors of Claudeno, who had performed the operation on the son, seemed to be doing something secretly. It seemed to be some kind of scientific research."

"Scientific research?" Nanami Kaoru also felt strange.

Zhou Hao said: "Sister, are those doctors also undercover from the Tokugawa family?"

Jingushiro Jingushi shook his head and said, "It should not be because they are all internationally renowned doctors that we temporarily retrieved. Tokugawa Gensheng shouldn't have guessed in advance that we would go to those doctors."

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