Supreme Stock God

Chapter 904: within Temptation

Chapter 904

Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan. It faces Tokyo Bay to the east and is also an international port. Although Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan and has the same prosperous as Tokyo, it is not as crowded as Tokyo. Being in it makes people feel open and comfortable.

At the same time, Yokohama is also one of the important bases of the Tokugawa family. Many industries under the Tokugawa family have their headquarters here, which corresponds to the Tokugawa family’s headquarters in Tokyo.

After leaving the remote island, Nanami Kaoru took Zhou Hao to Yokohama, which was also her base camp.

"Most of the Mitsui Consortium’s industries are controlled by the Tokugawa family. Although the Mitsui clan was the original owner of the Mitsui Consortium, it was because the Tokugawa Naojun took control that the Mitsui Consortium had regained its glory, but it was also usurped by Tokugawa Naojun With great power, although the Mitsui family fought back in the end, they could only keep a small part of the family business, and they were often suppressed by Tokugawa Naopolitik."

On the way to Nanami Kaoru’s residence in Yokohama, Nanami Kaoru explained to Zhou Hao: "The Tokugawa family mainly controls Mitsui Bank, and these two groups have large companies covering various industries, which are connected to the world. There is no shortage of strong companies."

Zhou Hao looked at the scenery outside through the car window, and said, “Where is the Mitsui family, are they so willing to be usurped by the Tokugawa family’s property and continuously suppressed?”

Nanami Kaoru shook his head and smiled: "Of course not, but fortunately, in addition to a few outstanding talents, the Mitsui family has turned the tide in the competition with the Tokugawa family, and it has kept the Mitsui family's industry from being eaten away by the Tokugawa family. Mitsui & Co. has been restored and developed. Over the years, it has counterattacked the Tokugawa family from time to time, which is quite interesting."

Shinji Kanzuki in the front passenger seat said: "Our wife is the executive director of Mitsui Bank, who is in charge of Toshiba Electric and Ishikawajima Heavy Industries under Mitsui Bank. Toshiba Electric is one of the top five in Japanese industry, as well as Ishikawa. Shima Heavy Industries also occupies a very important position in our Japanese heavy industries. These two companies are also one of the core industries of the Tokugawa family."

"It turns out that my sister is so capable." Zhou Hao smiled.

Kanzuki Shinji took it for granted: "Of course, our wife won back with her own efforts. It is also because Toshiba Electric and Ishikawa Island Heavy Industries are very important to the Tokugawa family, so the Tokugawa family has that Many people covet the power of our wife."

After the introduction of Shinji Kanyue, Zhou Hao knew that Toshiba Electric and Ishikawajima Heavy Industries were hugely influential behemoths even in global industries, let alone their "parents"-Mitsui Bank.

There are three executive directors in the Mitsui Bank. The first is Tokugawa Motobu, the eldest son of Naomasa Tokugawa, the second is Kaoru Nanami, and the last is Tokugawa Kodron, the third son of Naomasa Tokugawa. Gensheng Tokugawa also serves as the chairman of Mitsui Bank and has leadership over the board of directors.

However, although Naomasa Tokugawa, who is nearly a hundred years old, does not hold any public position in Mitsui Bank, but Mitsui Bank accounts for 59% of non-tradable shares, and more than 70% of the shares are directly or indirectly. Control is in the hands of Tokugawa Naomasa, so Tokugawa Naomasa is the veritable Emperor of Mitsui Bank.

Although the daily affairs of Mitsui Bank are managed by the three executive directors of Nanami Kaoru, when it comes to decisive policies affecting the overall development direction of Mitsui Bank, or when the three executive directors have major differences in decision-making, the final decision Naomasa Tokugawa made the final decision.

Many world-renowned large group companies are actually affected by the control or equity participation of Mitsui Bank. Just like Toshiba Electric and Ishikawajima Heavy Industries under the control of Kaoru Nanami, they are all independent group companies on the surface, but they are actually Tokugawa family. Industry in hand.

Nanami Kaoru is in charge of Toshiba Electric and Ishikawajima Heavy Industries, while Tokugawa Gensheng, the first heir to the Tokugawa family, controls Toyota Motor and Mitsui Shipbuilding, as well as Tokugawa Kodron, and Sony, Panasonic and Nippon Steel and other similarly wealthy companies.

The Tokugawa family manipulated these large internationally renowned companies through Mitsui Bank and integrated them through various family members to form a large combat group with Mitsui Bank’s "aircraft carrier" as its core.

As a foreigner, Kaoru made this spacious world at Tokugawa's home, which shows his unfathomable talents and scheming.

Soon after, the convoy of Kaoru Nanami drove into a vast private estate near Yokohama.

This manor is similar to that on the island, in a typical Japanese classical style, with flowers, trees, plants, and rockery and lotus ponds scattered around. Some of them are decorated with pavilions, terraces and pavilions.

As soon as he entered the gate, Zhou Hao saw a neat row of men and women standing on both sides of the road ahead. They seemed to be servants of this manor, so it seemed that there were about a hundred people.

When Nanami Kaoru's car passed by, these servants and servants immediately bowed respectfully to show respect.

After the car stopped, Kanzuki Shinji and Jingushiro immediately got out of the car and opened the door for Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao.

"Madam, welcome home."

There stood a woman wearing a black kimono, looking in her early thirties, her hair in a high updo, her face was slightly pink, her eyebrows, lips, and even her nails were meticulously decorated, both bright and dignified and noble.

Nanami Kaoru took Zhou Hao's arm and walked forward, and at the same time said to Zhou Hao: "This is Hongye Hina, my housekeeper."

This noble and mature red leaf young Nai immediately bowed to Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao, "Madam, son."

Before Nanami Kaoru came back, she had already told her about Zhou Hao. Hongye Hina was also Nanami Kaoru’s confidant, so even though she was as surprised as Kanzuki Shinji at Nankai Kaoru’s attention to Zhou Hao, she didn’t dare There were objections, and according to Nanami Kaoru's instructions, Zhou Hao was also regarded as the master.

At this time, Hongye Hina was leading the way, Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao followed behind, followed by Kanzuki Shinji and Jingushiro Jingu.

And Hongye Hina also said as he walked: "Madam, I have arranged for the room of Prince Huaixi, and Prince Huaixi can move in at any time."

"Well, good." Nanami Kaoru nodded.

Soon, the group came to the room arranged for Zhou Hao.

This is not so much a room, as it is a vast courtyard. It covers an area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters and is divided into front and back yards. The front yard is planted with flowers and trees. The back yard is actually a small artificially built hot spring.

Later, Zhou Hao learned that this room was originally inhabited by Kaoru Nanami. In order to be able to enjoy the hot spring at any time, Kaoru Nanami deliberately led the hot spring water from the distant mountains to this side through the excavated underground pipeline. The project cost was no less than opening one. Metro main line.

"Huaixi, do you like this place?" Nanami Kaoru walked around this room with Zhou Hao and asked him.

Although this room is in a simple and elegant style, all kinds of modern appliances are also readily available, not to mention there are so many servants waiting, living here, basically like the ancient emperor.

Just listen to Zhou Hao smiled and said: "As long as my sister is there, I like it."

"Just your mouth is sweet." Qi Haixun nodded Zhou Hao's nose and smiled. She said: "Most of the servants here are the sects of the'Shen Gong Yu Feng Liu'. They have good skills and loyalty, so you can hand it over to them if you have anything. Well, Hong Ye, she is the'Shen Gong Yu Feng Liu' 'The elder is also the younger sister of Jingushiro Jingu."

Hongye Hina hurriedly knelt to the ground, and said to Nanami Kaoru and Zhou Hao: "If you have something to do, please do not hesitate to order Hongye, Hongye will do everything possible to meet the needs of the son."

At this time, I saw Nanami Kaoru leaning into Zhou Hao’s ear and chuckling softly: "Huaixi, she is willing to do whatever you ask Hongye to do, including offering her body to you. She is still a virgin like her sister, so you Don’t worry about her being dirty, my sister won’t allow those dirty women to approach you."

Zhou Hao was immediately blushed by Nankai Kaoru's words, and quickly lowered his voice and said, "Sister, what are you talking about, me, why would I ask Miss Hongye like that."

He said so, but Zhou Hao subconsciously looked at Hongye Hina.

Hongye Hina is in her early thirties, when a woman is most mature and graceful. She is tall and tall, with snow-white skin, bright eyes and beautiful teeth, and her expression is dignified and respectful, but there is a faint charm between her eyebrows. Although it is not as ecstatic as Kaoru Nanami, she is also very soul-stirring. .

At the same time, even though Hongye Hina is wearing a tight kimono, his chest is still tall, obviously not small.

"Said no, why don't you still look at others like that." Nanami Kaoru's voice came from her ear again.

Zhou Hao quickly recovered, shook his head vigorously and said, "No, no."

Nanami Kaoru smiled at him: "Don't worry, what my sister just said is true, and my sister won't be jealous. Moreover, not only Momiji, even Shinji, my sister can give her to you, she too They are all virgins, and they are just beginning to be in love at the right age."

I don’t know if I heard the whispers of Kaoru Nanami and Zhou Hao, or deliberately wanted to help Zhou Hao out of the embarrassment. The Hongye Hina over there suddenly said, "Madam, Master Tokugawa Gensheng heard that the wife is back, and said that she would do it for her An evening party to catch the wind, just over there in Tokyo."

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