Supreme Stock God

Chapter 909: Mystery

There are a lot of things today, so there is only one chapter, I hope you can understand...

Chapter 909

I saw that the man's face was like dead wood, with very deep wrinkles on his face, his figure was also very thin, and his hands were abnormally cramped and looked like dead branches. He closed his eyes and expressionless, sitting there like a statue.

This man is surprisingly the highest decision maker of the Tokugawa family-Tokugawa Naomasa!

After entering this room, the man who led Nanami Kaoru knelt in front of Tokugawa Naomasa, and said respectfully: "Master, here comes the madam."

Tokugawa Naomasa opened his eyes when he heard the words, and he saw that his eyes were piercing and piercing. With this opening, he felt as if he had come alive, and he also showed an awe-inspiring aura, that tremendous pressure. People dare not look at it.

However, the look on Naomasa Tokugawa's face showed a bit of joy and excitement, and he smiled in Japanese with a strong Kanto accent: "Oh, Kaoru is here."

His gaze floated straight towards Nankai Kaoru, and when he saw Nankai Kaoru, the joy in his gaze became even stronger.

Nanami Kaoru, who was shrouded by his gaze, couldn’t help but shiver. Even though she married Tokugawa Naomasa and became the wife of the Tokugawa family for nearly ten years, she still couldn’t stand Tokugawa Naomasa’s gaze, as if There are many slugs crawling on him, and there is a feeling of cold from the bones.

She knew clearly that this was a terrifying desire, and it was Tokugawa's desire to possess himself.

Tokugawa is nearly a hundred years old, and his functions in that area have long been lost, but this is only limited by physiological conditions. His desire for women, and his desire for **** are proportional to his age, even more vigorous. The young people are even stronger.

He is extremely obsessed with Nanami Kaoru, but also afraid of seeing Nankai Kaoru, for fear of being burnt to ashes by his own desire. Because of this almost abnormal psychology, Tokugawa Naomasa has a neurotic possessive desire for Nanami Kaoru. Anyone who wants to get involved with Nanami Kaoru will be violently retaliated by Tokugawa Naomasa.

Therefore, the people of Tokugawa Gensuo only dared to secretly think about Nanami Kaoru, but they did not dare to show their coveting Nankai Kaoru, fearing to be cruelly punished by Tokugawa Naomi.

Enduring the chilling gaze of Naomasa Tokugawa, Kaoru Nanami stepped forward, with a charming smile on his face, and said in a soft voice: "Husband, why are you in Tokyo? I plan to visit Nagoya tomorrow. your."

Hearing the soft voice of Kaoru Nanami, Naomasa Tokugawa's spirit was lifted. He only felt that he was more comfortable than eating any ginseng Ganoderma lucidum. Hehe smiled and said, "After you go on vacation on Hidden Dragon Island, I have more than half I haven't seen you for a month. I heard Yuansheng say that you are back, so I came to see you. By the way, I didn't tell me to stay in Nagoya all the time."

Nanami Kaoru sat next to Tokugawa Naomasa, Tokugawa Naomasa laughed happily, and wanted to reach out to Nanami Kaoru, Nanami Kaoru was tight, but he couldn't avoid it. However, Naomasa Tokugawa stopped halfway through his hand, and took it back inadvertently. Nanami Kaoru breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, knowing that Naomasa Tokugawa was afraid that after meeting him, the desire in his heart would be hard to suppress.

He saw Nanami Kaoru moving, kneeling and sitting behind Tokugawa Naomasa, gently massaging his shoulders.

And Naomasa Tokugawa was also enjoying his face happily. At the same time, he said: "Kaoru, Toshiba and Ishikawa Island have been in your hands in the past few years, and the development situation is much better than before. The other people in the bank say that you are an extreme A rare talent. But it’s really hard for you to be busy with these mundane things."

"Kaoru has been married to the Tokugawa family for so many years, but he has never been able to give birth to a boy and a half daughter for your husband. Kaoru is very guilty and can only compensate the Tokugawa family in this way." Nanami Kaoru said softly.

But when Tokugawa Naomasa laughed, the voice sounded like a crow Ye Ming, making people chilly: "Kaoru, don't worry, soon, you will be able to fulfill this wish soon, and we will soon Create your own crystallization."

Kaoru Nanami paused, and a very ominous omen surged in his heart.

"What's the matter, Kaoru, are you unhappy?" Tokugawa Naomasa asked Nanami Kaoru that was strange.

"No, no, I'm just too happy." Nanami Kaoru said.

Tokugawa Naomasa grabbed Nanami Kaoru's tenderness on his shoulders with his cramped hand, touched it carefully, and smiled: "After you are pregnant with my child, no one will dare to say about you. With gossip, your position as Mrs. Tokugawa will be strengthened and it is hard to shake."

"Husband, you..."

Tokugawa Naomasa waved his hand: "Kaoru, I'm not talking about dreams in the day. Hehehehe...I finally found the news of that thing. As long as I get the thing, I can rejuvenate and regain my old energy. !"

When he said this, Naomasa Tokugawa's eyes, hidden under his sagging eyelids, burst out with burning desire.

Nanami Kaoru trembled in her heart and said, "Husband, is there news about that thing?"

"Yeah." Naomasa Tokugawa nodded: "After so many years of searching, I finally have news about it. Not long ago, the person I sent found news about that thing."

"The tomb thief back then?" Nanami Kaoru asked in surprise.

Naomasa Tokugawa nodded: "It was during the reign of China in the late Qing Dynasty. A group of tomb robbers found the tomb of the late Emperor Li Congke of the late Tang Dynasty and found the thing in it. But they are not sure whether it is true or false, so It was brought out from Li Congke's tomb first, but no news was leaked."

After a pause, he continued: "It coincided with the chaos in China, and the rule of the late Qing Dynasty was in jeopardy. The group originally wanted to sell things to win a wealth of money, but later they had internal strife and killed each other. , That thing is missing here."

Nanami Kaoru couldn't help asking, "Well, what happened later?"

"It turns out that the person responsible for keeping things from that group of tomb thieves hid the thing in an ancient tomb beforehand and sealed the ancient tomb." Naomasa Tokugawa said: "Later, we in Japan for liberation China fought with China, and the situation became more chaotic. The guy who hid the thing finally died in the war, but he told his descendants the whereabouts of the thing."

Speaking of this, Tokugawa Naomasa suddenly waved his hand to the attendant next to him. Pressed the attendant and hurriedly poured a cup of hot tea. Tokugawa Naomasa took a leisurely drink for half a cup before continuing, "After that, we Japan and China The war ended, but soon the Chinese fell into their own civil war. And that thing was taken out of the tomb by the descendants of the tomb thief before, originally intended to be dedicated to Chiang Kai-shek in exchange for Gao Those who were highly qualified were discovered by both the Communist Party and the National Army.

After a fight between the two sides, the people on both sides were wiped out, and the thing was missing again. "

He took another sip of hot tea before he continued: "Not long ago, I had tossed around and finally found the descendants of the national army who discovered the thing. According to him, the thing was finally snatched by the national army. However, At that time, the national army had already shown a clear defeat in the struggle with the Communist Party, so they were ordered by Chiang Kai-shek to take that thing away from mainland China."

Kaoru Nanami said: "So, that thing is in the National Palace Museum in Taiwan?"

Tokugawa Naomasa shook his head: "No, because the importance of that thing is too great. The antique treasures brought by the army from mainland China, even if they all add up, are not as good as it. So Chiang Kai-shek didn't want to bring this thing too. Taiwan increased the risk with a small amount. According to the descendants of the national army, the thing was secretly taken to a small island in the South China Sea.

At that time, after those people secretly transported things to the location, they were killed by their superiors. And one of the soldiers escaped by pretending to be dead. It was I who found the man's grandfather. However, he was on a ship at that time, and there was no latitude and longitude mark at that place, so he didn't know the specific range of that place, only that it was in the South China Sea. "

Nanami Kaoru pretended to be pleased and said: "Although the scope is still a bit large, it is better than finding a needle in a haystack."

Naomasa Tokugawa nodded and smiled: "Yes, so I plan to let Ishikawajima Heavy Industries cooperate with the Chinese government to develop resources in that sea area on the one hand, and secretly search for that thing on the other."

As we all know, China and Japan have always had disputes over the development of offshore oil and natural gas resources. Japan itself lacks resources, so it attempts to supplement its needs by occupying oil resources in China's territorial waters. Although there are oil companies stationed in the East China Sea with the support of the Japanese government to exploit the resources there without authorization, the Chinese government has never compromised. If it is not for the US Navy behind Japan, it will immediately send a fleet to bomb the oil production platform in the East China Sea. Up.

However, if Japanese companies cooperate with China to develop marine resources through technology export, the Chinese government will still agree, but the Japanese government itself controls the export of this technology very strictly, especially for China.

Nanami Kaoru said, "Husband, the government controls technology very strictly. Will it hinder us?"

Tokugawa Naomasa said: "The people in the government dare not point fingers at our Tokugawa family. Even if they really dare to say something bad, I don't need to pay attention to them. Compared to that, their politicians are nothing."

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