Supreme Stock God

Chapter 913: Bad comer

Chapter 913

Kaoru Nanami told Zhou Hao about the previous dialogue with Naomito Tokugawa, and also told about the fact that Naomasa Tokugawa found the "Jade Seal of the Country" in the South China Sea.

Just listen to her: "Although Naoadministration Tokugawa made Ishikawajima Heavy Industries responsible for cooperating with the Chinese government to develop oil resources in the South China Sea, it was tantamount to handing over the search for the "Jade Seal of the Kingdom" to me. Zhizheng may not really have absolute trust in me, so he will definitely send another team to look for it in secret."

Zhou Hao touched his chin and said, "Then let his people find out first."

"You can rest assured about this, I will never let his people find the'Jade Seal of the Country' before us." Nanami Kaoru touched Zhou Hao's face: "Relax, don't worry, my sister belongs to you only. Naojun Tokugawa will never have that chance. In case he really finds the'Chuan Guo Yu Xi', I will give up everything here and fly away with you."

Zhou Hao was overjoyed when he heard that, he couldn't help but hug Nanami Kaoru tightly and asked: "Sister, what are you saying is true?"

"Well, really. Anyway, if I have you, I will have the whole world." Nanami Kaoru smiled.

"Sister, you are so kind," Zhou Hao said, and then bowed his head and kissed Nankai Kaoru's lips.

Zhou Hao’s red lips and cloves were never enough. During this kiss, the two kissed so dimly. When Qihai Kaoru was breathless, Zhou Hao let her go, just the ambiguous expression on her face. The smile made Nanami Kaoru very annoyed, and he was unwilling to be really angry with this guy.

This evening, the two were still sharing the same bed, but even though Zhou Hao had "figured out" Qi Haixun's body and everything, the two of them never broke through the last layer. But it was Kaoru Nanami who knew a man's mentality of "not getting the best", so he didn't want Zhou Hao to get his body so easily.

However, the sweet words of you and me between the two sharing the same bed also made Qikai Xun fascinated, which made her have the urge to dedicate her whole body to Zhou Hao.

In the middle of the night, the manor was very quiet, and only the soft sounds of insects, fish, birds and beasts remained under the moonlight. The guards who were in charge of the night patrol also kept their steps as light as possible and did not disturb the deep silence.

A dark cloud suddenly blew in the sky, covering the bright moon, and the manor was also plunged into darkness.

Under the cover of this dark and deep night, a few dark shadows rushed into the manor like ghosts, and the night guards couldn't even detect them.

In one of the other courtyards of the manor, Jingushiro was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room. There was a big "dao" on the wall in front of him, and there was an incense burner emitting a delicate fragrance on the small table below.

I saw Jingushiro's eyes closed and his expression calm, in a state of concentration.

Those few black shadows passed over the other courtyard, causing a slight wind.

Jingushiro Jingushiro, who has a deep inner strength, six senses and psychics, can't even notice the movements of these uninvited guests.

The black shadows, who had been bad at coming, were very familiar with the topography of the manor. Without any detours, they flew straight to Nankai Kaoru's courtyard, which is Zhou Hao's current residence.

In that elegant and quaint room, Zhou Hao was holding the soft Nankai Kaoru, sleeping peacefully in Qikai Kaoru's faint fragrance. And Nanami Kaoru slept very peacefully in Zhou Hao's warm and broad embrace, with a happy smile on his face.


The sound of bamboo blowing in the wind came from the yard, and it became more quiet.

And those few black shadows also appeared in the courtyard where Zhou Hao lived. There were four in total, all dressed in black with their faces covered, in a typical ninja costume. They all looked at the room with sharp eyes, trying to determine the location of the people inside.

At this moment, Zhou Hao, who was sleeping in the room, opened his eyes suddenly, and then immediately got out of the quilt, standing proudly there and staring at the four uninvited guys in the courtyard outside.

The four ninja-dressed guys saw Zhou Hao suddenly stood up, and could not help but be shocked when they noticed their movements, because even Jingushiro couldn't detect Jingushiro after the four of them hid their breath.

And they were surprised for another reason, that is, they saw such a tall and handsome man Zhou Hao in Nanami Kaoru's room. When Zhou Hao just stood out from the quilt, they still wondered if they had gone to the wrong room.

"Reminiscence, what's the matter." Suddenly Nanami Kaoru who was empty beside him woke up, but when he saw Zhou Hao standing in front of the yard, he asked aloud, his voice still looked very lazy.

The four ninjas outside looked at each other, and they all saw the joking and excitement in each other's eyes. On the one hand, they were sure that they had not found the wrong room. On the other hand, he accidentally discovered that Nankai Kaoru was sleeping with the strange man. !

Even though Nanami Kaoru had a martial arts experience, she was far from a master, so she saw the four figures in the courtyard at this time. She was taken aback at the moment, and asked Zhou Hao: "Huaixi, who are those people?"

Zhou Hao said: "I don't know, it's certain that these guys are not good at coming."

Nanami knew that these people must be his own hostiles, and if he let these people know that he and Zhou Hao were in the same bed, there would be endless troubles. So she immediately said: "Nostalgia, kill all these people, and don't let them spread our story!"

"Yeah." Zhou Hao nodded gently.

The four ninjas outside were disdainful when they heard Nanami Kaoru's words, because they were confident that if the four of them joined forces, even Jingushiro was not their opponent, so they didn't put Zhou Hao in their eyes.

They saw that they slowly pulled out a long, cold knife from their waist, and the tip of the knife shook towards Zhou Hao.


Zhou Hao's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and the four ninjas were immediately shocked when they saw this, because only the light-gong cultivation level reached the extreme level could cause this "disappearance in place" situation.

But in the next moment, Zhou Hao already appeared in front of the ninja on the far left.

"Ha!" The ninja yelled, and stabbed Zhou Hao with the knife in his hand.

Zhou Hao stretched out his hand and heard the "ding" sound. The long knife in the ninja's hand was immediately interrupted by Zhou Hao.

Before the ninja could react, Zhou Hao's palm was already printed on his chest.

I saw that the ninja was immediately beaten out and hit the stone wall in the yard, and smashed the stone wall through. He fell into a lotus pond behind the stone wall, but was gone. Any interest.

Even Zhou Hao was shocked by his strength. He faintly knew that he was possessed of martial arts, but he didn't know the specific power. Therefore, the attack on the ninja just now unknowingly used his full strength, and he even took one palm. Killed it.

The other three ninjas were also shocked, because several of them were the top ninjas in the door, otherwise they would not be sent to the manor Nankai Kaoru to perform tasks. They originally thought that Zhou Hao was just an ordinary person, even if he was more vigilant, and knew some fist and kicks, there was no threat, but they never expected that the other party would kill one of their companions with a palm.


Immediately two ninjas attacked Zhou Hao, who was surprised by his own strength, but the other ninja turned around and fled without hesitation. This is their tacit understanding. If the enemy's strength is too strong, two people must be left to delay the strong enemy, while one person retreats back to the nest.

In particular, they discovered that Nanami Kaoru was sleeping with Zhou Hao. Of course, this extremely important news had to be reported back immediately, so that ninja would not hesitate to turn around and retreat, allowing his two companions to stay and hold Zhou Hao.

However, although the ninja's movements were fast, Zhou Hao's speed was faster than him.

Seeing Zhou Hao's figure moved, the two ninjas responsible for delaying him hadn't touched him, Zhou Hao had already passed over their heads, and then caught up with the escaped ninja first and blocked his way.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked by Zhou Hao, the ninja immediately made a starting pose, the figure became blurred, and then disappeared with a burst of smoke.

"Want to escape?" Zhou Hao sneered, several jumps came to more than ten meters away, and then plunged into the ground as soon as he stretched out his hand.

With a little effort, he pulled the ninja out.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Hao found him immediately. Seeing that he had nowhere to escape, the ninja drew a knife and stabbed Zhou Hao decisively.

Zhou Hao's fist was faster than his knife, and it hit his stomach before his knife touched it.


The ninja opened his mouth and vomited a big mouthful of blood, with broken internal organs in the blood, and then he fell straight back, there was no hope of inventory.

Seeing this situation, the two ninjas didn't dare to attack Zhou Hao anymore, each turned around and fled in different directions.

"Hey ha!" But when he heard a loud shout in the air, it was Jingushiro Jingu.

He didn't notice the four uninvited guests, but was also startled by the sound here, and quickly took the knife to slow down.

Suddenly Jingushiro appeared in the air, and he drew his sword with a move "Kamikaze Kawasaki" to smash the ninja in front of him. Fortunately, the ninja resisted in time and drew a shuriken to block Jingushiro's blow, but his shuriken was broken and the man was forced back to the ground.

At the same time, the ninja running in the other direction also met the person who was in the way, but it was Hongye Hinano.

Hongye Hina is the younger sister of Jingushiro Jingu, and is also the master of "Jingushiyu Fengliu" second only to Jingushiro, and his strength is naturally not weak.

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